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On 8/10/2024 at 12:29 PM, DonnaML said:

Link: Persephone/Proserpina, as depicted on my only aureus.

Antoninus Pius AV aureus, ca. AD 151, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ANTONINVS AVG – PIUS P P TR P XIIII / Rev. On left, Ceres [probably representing Faustina II] standing three-quarters facing, head right, holding two grain ears in right hand; on right, Proserpina standing facing, head left, next to her mother, holding pomegranate in extended left hand, the two gazing at and embracing each other [probably celebrating birth of Faustina III in AD 150/151; hence the reverse inscription naming Laetitia, the personification of joy], LAETITIA – COS IIII.  19 mm., 6.89 g., 6 h. RIC III 199c [“Scarce”] (see http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.3.ant.199C ); Cohen 476; Sear RCV II 4008; BMCRE IV Antoninus Pius 725 & Pl. 15 No. 14; Strack 224 [Strack, Paul L., Untersuchungen zur römischen Reichsprägung des zweiten Jahrhunderts, Teil III: Die Reichsprägung zur Zeit Antoninus Pius (Stuttgart, 1937)]; Calicó 1556 [Calicó, E. Xavier, The Roman Avrei, Vol. I: From the Republic to Pertinax, 196 BC - 193 AD (Barcelona, 2003)]; Dinsdale 037180 [Dinsdale, Paul H, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius Caesar AD 138-161: Antonine Coinage (2nd Rev. ed., Leeds 2021) Ch. 18 at p. 421; photo at same page, indicating a probable obverse die match to my specimen] [see http://romanpaulus.x10host.com/Antoninus/old/18 - Antoninus Pius - TR POT XIIII Period - 150-151 (med_res).pdf.]* Purchased from Arete Coins [George Matev], Seattle, WA, Feb. 2022; ex Classical Numismatic Group [CNG] E-Auction 360, Sep. 30, 2015, Lot 458 (from “Group SGF” Collection); ex Jesús Vico, S.A., Auction 141, Mar. 5, 2015, Lot 121.** [Footnotes omitted.]


Regretfully, I have put this aureus up for sale on the Facebook Ancient & Medieval Coins Sales group. Anyone who's a member of that group can see my sales post with my write-up (revised, updated, and abbreviated, with citations to various discussions of the type's meaning at Forvm, Coin Talk, and this forum, specifically citing @Roman Collector's expert analyses!), together with various photos as well as information regarding sales of the type since 2017, at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ancientsales/posts/1258948465464573/ .

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Syracuse, Fourth Democracy

289-288 BC
AE Litra (21mm, 9.57g, 7h)
O: Head of Artemis Soteira right, quiver over shoulder; ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ before.
R: Winged thunderbolt; ΣΥΡΑΚ−ΟΣΙΩΝ above and below.
HGC 2, 1461; Calciati 138; SNG ANS 749; Sear 1207v
ex Roma Numismatics

Somewhat scarcer than the earlier ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΣ−ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ types, this coin was struck during the Agathokles-mandated but short lived Fourth Democracy.


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Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
Æ21 (21mm, 8.04g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus right.
R: Nike standing right, holding thunderbolt; [TA]PANTIN[ΩN] to right.
D'Andrea 1300; Vlasto 1799; Cote 220; Laffaille 35; Sear 607
ex Praefectus Coins

Apart from Athena on its prolific series of diobols Taras was not particularly known for portrait coins. Here we find Zeus, or more appropriately Zeus Kataibates, ‘The Descender‘ or ‘He Who Comes Down’. This epithet refers to His ability to send thunder and lightning down from the sky, apparent here in the thunderbolt Nike holds in Her hands.
While not generally represented on their coins, the cult of Zeus must have been strong at Taras. A 66 foot bronze colossus of the Father of the Gods, attributed to the sculptor Lysippus, stood in the city, and most residents of Taras had a small column-shrine to Zeus Kataibates in front of their homes as a protection against lightning strikes.


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Link: another Head of Zeus

Please note that the name Zeus is mentioned on the coin


Pergamon, Mysia
AE 17, AD 98-117
Obv: AVT TPAIANOC CЄB, Laureate head of Trajan right.
Rev: ΣЄVC ΦIΛIOC, Bare head of Zeus Philios right.
AE, 3.03g, 17mm
Ref.: RPC III 1719, SNG France 2067-9.

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Link: More Zeus

PC Volume: I №: 3062
Reign: Claudius Persons: Claudius (Augustus) Magistrate: Artemas, son of Demetrios (stephanephoros)
City: Cadi  Region: Phrygia Province: Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Denomination: Brass AE 20
Obverse: ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Claudius, right
Reverse: ΕΠΙ ΑΡΤΕΜΑ ΔΗΜRΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΔΟΗΝΩΝ, ϹΤΕΦΑΝ; Zeus standing, left, with eagle and sceptre. ΡTΛΩ monogram in left field.
Specimens: 33
RPC I 3062; SNG Copenhagen 246-7; SNG von Aulock 3685; BMC 18-19.


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On 10/2/2024 at 2:16 PM, DonnaML said:

Regretfully, I have put this aureus up for sale on the Facebook Ancient & Medieval Coins Sales group. Anyone who's a member of that group can see my sales post with my write-up (revised, updated, and abbreviated, with citations to various discussions of the type's meaning at Forvm, Coin Talk, and this forum, specifically citing @Roman Collector's expert analyses!), together with various photos as well as information regarding sales of the type since 2017, at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ancientsales/posts/1258948465464573/ .

For anyone who doesn't belong to the Facebook Ancient & Medieval Coin Sales group who might be interested in reading my post there offering my Antoninus Pius aureus for sale, or might even be interested in considering purchasing it, I've re-posted it, together with photos & videos, etc., in the Cabinet forum here: see



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Link to @expat's coin: Claudius I.

Claudius I AE Diobol, Year 2 (AD 41/42), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ΤΙ ΚΛΑV ΚΑΙ - CЄΒ[ΑϹ ΓЄΡΜA], star in right field / Rev. Hippopotamus standing to right, ΑVΤΟΚΡΑ above, LB (Year 2) in exergue. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. I  5124 (1992); RPC I Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/1/5124; Emmett 82.2 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; Milne 71-72 at p. 3 [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)]; BMC 16 Alexandria 96 at p. 12 [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London 1892)], K&G 12.10 (ill. p. 50) [Kampmann, Ursula & Ganschow, Thomas, Die Münzen der römischen Münzstätte Alexandria  (2008)]; Dattari (Savio) 162 [Savio, A. ed., Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari Numi Augg. Alexandrini (Trieste, 2007)]; SNG France 4, Alexandrie I 150-153 (ill. Pl. 11) [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France Vol. 4, Alexandrie I, Auguste-Trajan (Zurich 1998)]. 25 mm., 7.65 g. 12 h. Purchased from Roma Numismatics, Ltd., E-Sale 102, 3 Nov. 2022, Lot 681.



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Link: Vespasian 



Denomination: Denarius
Material: Silver
Issuing authority: Emperor Vespasian
Mint: Rome
Diameter: 19.6mm
Weight: 3.17g
Axis: 7h
Year: 79 AD

Obverse: Bust of Vespasian laureate right - IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG (Imperator Caesar Vespasianus Augustus)

Reverse: Capricorn to the left above globe - TR POT X COS VIIII (Tribunicia Potestas 10, Consul 9)

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Link: Capricorn and globe.

Cornelia Supera, wife of Aemelian, Augusta, 253 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 20.5mm, 3.78 g, 7 h.
Mysia, Parium, AD 253.
Obv: G CORN SUPERA, diademed and draped bust right.
Rev: C. G. I. H. P., Capricorn right, cornucopiae on back; globe between legs.
Refs: RPC IX, 382; Sear GI 4408; SNG Von Aulock 7448.
Notes: Sear describes as a star, but his exemplar in the British Museum depicts a globe with an equinoctial cross, giving it the appearance of a star.

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Links: another AE Roman Provincial from Mysia, Parium, with an empress on the obverse and a Capricorn playing water polo on the reverse:

Julia Paula (first wife of Elagabalus), AE 21, 219-220 AD, Mysia, Parium [Parion in Greek]. Obv. Draped and diademed bust right, IVLIA P-AVLA AVG / Rev. Capricorn right, holding globe between hooves, cornucopia above back, CGIHP [Colonia Gemella Ivlia Hadriana Pariana -- colony founded by Julius Caesar] below. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. VI, 3858 (temporary); RPC Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/6/3858; Lindgren & Kovacs 289 [Lindgren, H.C. & Kovacs, F.L., Ancient Bronze Coins of Asia Minor and the Levant (San Mateo, CA 1985). 21 mm., 5.67 g., 10 h. (Purchased from VAuctions, Pars Coins, Sale 354, Lot 195, Nov. 16, 2020.)


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Link: Venus Genetrix.


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 22.96 gm, 30.4 mm.
Rome, December 147 – early 148 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, draped bust, right, and wearing stephane (Beckmann Type 1 hairstyle).
Rev: VENERI GENETRICI SC, Venus Genetrix standing left, holding apple and child in swaddling clothes.
Refs: RIC 1386b; BMCRE 2145; Cohen 237; Strack 1306; RCV 4718.

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Link: Venus

Julia Soaemias. Augusta AD 218-222. Rome
Denarius AR 17 mm, 2,53 g
Julia Soaemias Denarius. 220-222 AD. IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG, draped bust right / VENVS CAELESTIS, Venus standing half-left, holding apple and sceptre, star in right or left field. RIC 241; Sear 7719; RSC 8a.


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Link Soaemias 


Julia Soaemias
AR Denar
Obv.: IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG, draped bust right;
Rev.: VENVS CAELESTIS, Venus seated left, holding apple and scepter, at her feet a child
Ag, 3.56g, 19.2mm
Ref.: RIC IVb, p.48, 243

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Link: Venus seated left with apple and scepter

Julia Domna AR Denarius. Rome, 215-7 AD. 19.8mm, 3.12gr.
IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, holding sceptre and apple, Cupid standing right, legs crossed, resting his right hand on her right knee. RIC IV-1 389b.  Rome mint. RSC 205; Sear 7099


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