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Link: Tyche


Kilikia, Aigeai
Æ 22, 130-77 BC
Obv.: Turreted, veiled, and draped bust of Tyche right
Rev.: ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥTONOMΟΥ, Forepart of horse left; monogram to right
Æ, 6.16g, 21-22mm
Ref.:SNG BN 2297, SNG Levante 1658

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Link: head of horse 
SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Entella.
AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gms), ca. 320/15-300 B.C.

HGC-2, 287; Jenkins-207 (O63/R181).
Obverse: Head of Arethousa left, wearing grain wreath; four dolphins around;
Reverse: Head of horse left; palm tree to right; "MM" (in Punic) below.
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16 mm, 3,34 g.
Sicily, Syracuse. Second Democracy. Æ hemilitron. 415-405 BC.
Head of Arethusa to left, hair bound with ampyx and tied in sphendone; behind head, two leaves / Dolphin swimming to right; below, scallop-shell; between Σ Y P A.

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Obverse: Arethusa facing right, wearing pearl taenia and necklace
Reverse: Wheel with four spokes

Lightly toned. Archaic portrait of Arethusa.

Syracuse (Sicily), Hiero I (478 BC - 466 BC) - 0.68 g, 8.5mm - AR Litra
SNG ANS 5# 116-118, HGC 2# 1371, Boehringer# 362-370, SNG Lloyd# 1301-1302

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21 hours ago, Lelouch said:

Reverse: Wheel with four spokes


Julia Domna. Augusta, AD 193-217. AR Antoninianus (24mm, 4.71 gm, 7h). Rome mint. Struck under Caracalla, AD 215-217.
Obv: Draped bust right, wearing stephane, set on crescent
Rev: LVNA LVCIFERA, Luna, with fold of drapery floating around and above head, driving biga of horses left.
RIC IV 379a (Caracalla); RSC 106.

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Sorry that I show it too often, I’m probably a bit too excited about it
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Link: Star in field.

Trebonianus Gallus, AD 251-253.
Roman AR antoninianus, 3.95 g, 21.3 mm, 12 h.
Rome, 3rd emission, AD 252.
Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: LIBERTAS AVGG, Libertas standing left, holding pileus and scepter; star in right field.
Refs: RIC 38; RSC 63a; RCV 9634; Hunter 8.

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21 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Rev: LIBERTAS AVGG, Libertas standing left, holding pileus; star in right field.

Elagabalus, 218-222. Denarius (Silver, 20 mm, 2.76 g, 12 h), Rome, 220-222.
Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus to right, seen from behind.
Rev: LIBERTAS AVG Libertas standing front, head to left, holding pileus in her right hand and vindicta in her left; in field to right, star. BMC 220. Cohen 92. RIC 107. 
Ex Naumann E-Auction 16, 4 May 2014 and Leu Auction 24, 3 December 2022.

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Link: Star in field

Galeria Valeria, AE follis of Thessalonica. AD 308-310. GAL VALE-RIA AVG, diademed and draped bust right, shoulders facing, wearing necklace / VENERI V-ICTRICI, Venus standing left, holding apple and raising drapery. Star in left field, Γ in right field. Mintmark dot SM dot TS dot. RIC VI Thessalonica 36; Sear 14592.
25 mm, 6,08 g


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Star(s) in field...

Taras, Calabria

333-331/30 BC (Period IV - Archidamos and the Third Lucanian War)
AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.54g)
Signed by the Kal... engraver. 
O: Nude horseman right, wearing shield on left arm and holding two spears in left hand, preparing to thrust third spear held in right hand; |- behind, Δ before, ΚΑΛ and Δ below.
R: Phalanthos astride dolphin right, holding crested helmet; stars flanking, ΤΑΡΑΣ to left, ΚΑΛ below.
D'Andrea XXXII, 657; Vlasto 545; Cote 215; McGill II, 41; Evans IV, H3; HGC I, 794; HN Italy 896; SNG ANS 971; Sear 345
ex Monarch Beach

Archidamos III reigned as King of Sparta from 360 BC until his death in 338. Summoned by the Tarentines to assist them in the first Lucanian war, he lead a mercenary army to Manduria in Calabria, where he fell in battle against the combined forces of the Messapians and Lucanians.
The historian Diodorus suggests that the death of Archidamos and the massacre of his army was divine vengeance for his plundering of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.


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Link: Shield on left arm, launching spear with right

DOMITIAN (92 AD). Denarius. Rome.
Laureate head right.
Minerva advancing right on rostral column, with chlamys blowing backwards, brandishing spear and holding shield; to right, owl standing left, head facing.
RIC² 730,  RSC 274. Weight: 3.23 g. Diameter: 19 mm.


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Link:  Greek equivalent of Minerva, holding a shield and brandishing a weapon


KINGS OF MACEDON, Antigonos II Gonatas
277/6-239 BCE, struck after 270 BCE, Amphipolis mint
AR tetradrachm, 31mm, 17.06 g
Obv: head of Pan in center of Macedonian shield, lagobolon over shoulder; shield decorated with stars within crescents
Rev: BASILEWS ANTIGONOU, Athena Alkidemos walking left, brandishing thunderbolt and shield; helmet left, EMP monogram right
Ref: SNGCop 1200v, EMP (maybe); R. Martin, "A Third-Century B.C. Hoard from Thessaly at the ANS," ANSMN 26, 536 (same obv. die).
ex Demetrios Armounta Collection 

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Sausage Link: Silver MSC


Philip V (221-179 BC). Tetradrachm. Uncertain Macedonian mint.

Obv: Head of Perseus left, wearing winged helmet surmounted by griffin's head; harpa in background; all in the centre of Macedonian shield.


Club right between legend in two lines; all within wreath right.

SNG München 1125; HGC 3.1, 1056.

Condition: Fine.

Weight: 16.91 g.

Diameter: 30 mm. Purchased from Numismatik Naumann November 2021

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Link: club as a major design element on the reverse.

Trajan, 98-117 CE.
Roman Æ quadrans, 2.78 g, 14.5 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 98-102 CE.
Obv: IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate bust of Hercules, right, wearing lion skin around neck.
Rev: S C, club upright.
Refs: RIC 699 var.; BMCRE 1071-72; Cohen 344 var.; RCV 3249; Hill UCR 104; Woytek 603b.

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1 hour ago, Roman Collector said:

Link: club as a major design element on the reverse.

Imperator Caesar Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus Augustus Pius Felix, Rome mint, 192 AD.
Denarius, 18mm, 3.11g.
Obv: L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, Head of Commodus, wearing lion-skin, right
Rev: HERCVL ROMAN AVGV, Club of Hercules with legend to either side in 3 lines within wreath
Provenance: Noonans Numismatics London, Great Britain (Auction 21, Lot 504)
Pedigree: From the Graham Collection of Roman Imperial Coins (Bt 1993)
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Link: Hercules and his club.

Roman Republic, Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio with M. Eppivs, Leg. F. C., 47/46 BCE, N. Africa, mobile military mint traveling with Scipio’s camp [see CRI, infra at p. 33]. Obv. Head of Africa right [smaller-head type] wearing elephant skin, grain-ear in front and plough below, Q • METEL[L] downwards at right, [SC]IPIO • IM[P] upwards at left; “J”-shaped banker’s mark in right field in front of Africa’s chin and neck / Rev. Hercules, naked, standing facing, right hand on hip, left arm resting on club draped with lion’s skin and set on rock; EPPIVS downwards at right, [LE]G • F • C upwards at left.  Crawford 461/1; CRI 44 p. 33 (ill p. 33) [David Sear, The History and Coinage of the Roman Imperators 49-27 BC (1998)]; RSC I Caecilia [Babelon] 50a [smaller head] & Eppia 1; Sear RCV I 1380/2 [smaller head] (ill. p. 262); RBW Collection 1605 (ill. p. 337); BMCRR Africa 12 [smaller head]; Claire Rowan, From Caesar to Augustus (c. 49 BC - AD 14), Using Coins as Sources (Cambridge 2019) at pp. 46-47 (ill. Fig. 2.25 p. 46). 15x18 mm., 3.82 g.  Purchased from Noonans (Noonans Mayfair Ltd., London, UK), Auction 285, 5 Dec. 2023, Lot 231 (no pedigree, but described as having “old cabinet tone”).image.jpeg.dcaedebc576c4b6567ec101bae573827.jpeg

*Issued by Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio (ca. 95-46 BCE), a great-great-great-grandson of Scipio Africanus [see Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quintus_Caecilius_Metellus_Pius_Scipio], and also a member of the Caecilii Metelli family by testamentary adoption [id.]. He issued this coin as the commander-in-chief of the remaining Pompeian forces in North Africa after Pompey’s defeat at Pharsalus and subsequent assassination, leading up to their defeat by Caesar at the Battle of Thapsus (in present-day Tunisia) on 6 Feb. 46 BCE. In CRI at p. 33, Sear states as follows about this coin:


[Remainder of footnote omitted.]

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Link: Heracles




Philippus I and Otacila Severa
Moesia Inferior, Tomis
AE 26
Obv.: AVT M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC AVΓ M / WTAK CEBH/PA CEB, draped and cuirassed bust of Philipp I and draped bust of Otacilia Severa wearing stephane
Rev.: MHTPOΠ ΠON-TOV TOMEΩC, Hercules standing facing with head left, right hand leaning on club, and lions skin hanging from the left arm.
AE, 12.95g, 25.8x26.8mm
Ref.: Varbanov-, AMNG-

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1 hour ago, expat said:

Otacilia Severa AR Antoninianus.
diademed, draped bust right on crescent 
23 mm


Otacilia Severa. Augusta, AD 244-249. AR Antoninianus (23mm, 4.04 g, 7h). Rome mint, 4th officina. 11th emission of Philip I, AD 249. Draped bust right, wearing stephane, set on crescent / Pietas standing left, extending hand and holding acerra (incense box). RIC IV 130 (Philip I); RSC 43. 

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Link: Pietas

Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus. AE Sestertius, Rome, AD 251-252

IMP CAES C VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PIETAS AVGG, S-C, Pietas standing facing before lit altar, raising both hands.
RIC 117a; Cohen 86; Sear 9676.
23.15g. 28x31mm



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Trebonianus Gallus


26 mm, 12,38 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch. Trebonianus Gallus 251-253. Billon tetradrachm.
ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Γ ΟΥΙΒ ΤΡƐΒ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ϹƐΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trebonianus Gallus, r., seen from rear; below bust: VI / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ƐΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ, S C; eagle standing on line, facing, head l., spreading wings, holding wreath in beak; between legs: Ϛ. Group 1 officina 6.
RPC vol IX 1805; Prieur 666 (4); McAlee 1172f.

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Link:  T- bone Gallus


PHOENICIA, Tyre. Trebonianus Gallus
CE 251-253
Æ dichalkon, 25 mm, 13.39 gm, 6h
Obv: IMP C C VIBIVS TREBO GALLVS AVG; laureate and draped bust right
Rev: COL TYRO METR[O?]; serpent-entwined baetyl; murex shell to left, palm tree to right
Ref: RPC IX online 1981; Rouvier 2476; Babelon 2296; AUB –; BMC –.

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Link: Another provincial T-bone


Time of Trebonianus Gallus
AE Octassarion (29.45mm, 15.83g, 11h)
Struck AD 251-3
Obverse: ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Γ ΟΥΙΒ ΤΡΕΒ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ϹΕΒ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Trebonianus Gallus right, seen from rear
Reverse: ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΟΛΩΝ, portable shrine with four columns enclosing statue of Tyche seated facing, with river god Orontes facing, at her feet; above, ram running right; carry-bars at the base of the shrine; Δ Ε above the temple, S C in exergue
References: RPC IX 1851
An interesting type depicting a portable shrine with Corinthian style columns.

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24 mm, 12,21 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria. Trajan 98-117. Ӕ.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙ(Ϲ) ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ (ΔΑΚ), laureate head of Trajan, r. / ϹΕΛΕΥΚΕωΝ ΠΕΙΕΡΙΑϹ (or ΠΙΕΡΙΑϹ), sacred stone of Zeus Kasios with fillet attached within shrine consisting of four pillars supporting a pyramidal roof surmounted by an eagle; beneath, ΖΕΥС ΚΑСΙΟС; In field, r., Ϛ.
RPC III, 3775; BMC 41; CRS 420/57a.

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