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Secret Saturnalia 2022


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One week away from the 17th! :classic_biggrin:

I'll be sure and post when mine arrives.

Good thing I ordered the one for my giftee right after the pairing, for there was a boo-boo with the first coin.  Europe has, in my opinion, the best deals for quality,common coins but there was no time to wait another 2-3 weeks, and it's tough for me to get to the post office.  I deduce that the second dealer saved the day.

One also wonders what my dad picked up for me for Christmas.  He mentioned that it had a tag from a London dealer and that it wasn't slabbed (yes!).

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Just for the pleasure of bumping this thread to page #1, here's a Saturnalia gift I made from me to myself so I hadn't to wait until dec, 17th. It's a rare silver jeton from Dombes that I got from MDC Monaco at last week's auction :



1623 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, ArgentAtelier de Trévoux
* GASTON. DE. FRANCE - FRERE. VNICQ. D. ROY. Écu d’Anjou (de France à une bordure) couronné et entouré des colliers des ordres du roi.
.SERVAT. VT. SERVIAT. VNI. Pentagramme dans un cercle fleurdelisé (Il les maintient pour servir à un seul.). A l'exergue 1623.
Argent - 5,37 gr, 27 mm, 6h
Ref : Feuardant # 8082


It's an upgrade to the previous brass one minted the same year, that was certainly the ugliest piece of metal I had in my trays :





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1 hour ago, Qcumbor said:

Just for the pleasure of bumping this thread to page #1, here's a Saturnalia gift I made from me to myself so I hadn't to wait until dec, 17th. It's a rare silver jeton from Dombes that I got from MDC Monaco at last week's auction :

Interesting coin. May I ask you what occasion they were minted for? The reverse with its motto ("He protects in order to serve the one") and the image reminds me of contemporary emblem books.

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1 minute ago, Ursus said:

Interesting coin. May I ask you what occasion they were minted for? The reverse with its motto ("He protects in order to serve the one") and the image reminds me of contemporary emblem books.


Not a coin so to speak, rather a jeton. They were made for propaganda purpose. I've not investigated this one so far...

Gaston d'Orleans was quite a master at them : He was Louis XIII's young brother and Louis XIV's nephew, and for he whole life wanted to be King, thus plotted against the reigning King. Some of the mottos on his jetons have a double sense.

See here and here 

And the collection here


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Just checking in…happy to report that I received the package with my gift yesterday.  I’ll do my best to wait until Saturnalia to open it, but it’s never easy.

Looks like the gift I sent out has not arrived yet, but should (hopefully) be delivered soon.  I definitely had fun doing my “shopping” this year.  Looking forward to seeing everyone’s gifts…just a few days left!

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I have received my Saturnalia gift and will share it when I open it.

I also received another gift from a different Secret Saturnalia Person that had gifted me a super nice coin last year (from the same Country and area) they were so kind and generous last year and gifted me a coin that was so awesome I just could not believe that anyone would do that for me, it was by far my best gift I have had in years. It truly made me feel like when I was a young kid when I would get so excited about Christmas, never ever would I have imagined to receive such a wonderful gift and to top it off they did not even participate in the exchanging of gifts and only wanted to give and now again this year ! I am speechless.

Here is a picture of the one gifted me last year.


Constantine II, 321-324 AD 
AE Siscia. 
laureate head right.
around VOT (dot) V within wreath. 

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Nor in mine.  I'm hoping that all will receive theirs and all will be merry.

The second coin I sent reached its destination successfully.

Work Secret Santa had a good idea; there was a list with, "Things I like ___", 'I really love___', 'I don't like ___', etc.

Worst case scenario, on the 17th I still have the coin which the first dealer sent to me instead of sending it to the right place, lol.



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From experience in organizing Secret Saturnalia over the years I can tell you that the postal services of the world get backed up this time of year and things take longer. Not to worry even if your gift hasn’t arrived by the 17th because Saturnalia runs till the 23rd!

I will, as in past years, guarantee that anyone who gives a gift will get a gift.  If your present hasn’t arrived by Christmas send me a message and I will take care of it.

Io Saturnalia to all!



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4 hours ago, bcuda said:

It truly made me feel like when I was a young kid when I would get so excited about Christmas, never ever would I have imagined to receive such a wonderful gift and to top it off they did not even participate in the exchanging of gifts and only wanted to give and now again this year ! I am speechless.

It was just two Saturnalias ago that YOU gave me that awe inspiring feeling!

I doubt any dog has been more lucky,  shocked and awed as I was that Saturnalia, since, maybe, when the Romans would pick the Saturnalicius Princeps"

"In many Roman households, a mock king was chosen: the Saturnalicius princeps, or “leader of Saturnalia,” sometimes also called the “Lord of Misrule.” Usually a lowlier member of the household, this figure was responsible for making mischief during the celebrations—insulting guests, wearing crazy clothing, chasing women ..."

I'm still humbled these years later.














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I am most gratified that my gift has arrived at its destination. As @Curtisimo has noted the Post offices are backed up this time of year. I ought  to know I delivered mail door to door for 30 years. This time of year is always busy and given that it gets dark very early and the sidewalks can be treacherous very stressful. So be patient and if you are giving a gift get it out early.  

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Wow, amazing! Jay's Saturnalia giving of Saturnalia past was also pretty mind-blowing. Wow!

I'm sure the senders of the coins which haven't reached their destination are trying their best. It's probably just an overseas sender thing.  I myself sent a coin immediately upon pairing (to a US person) and felt frustration when it took longer than normal (I tried from a European dealer at first) and the sending was goofed.  The second try arrived amazingly quickly.

For me, the giving part was actually more fun than the receiving (even if mine had come early). The real fun of the event is providing my giftee with some joy.

Since it's out of the running and is really now just a personal buy, not a Saturnalia present, here's the original:

C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Rome 90 BC. AR Denarius (20mm, 3.92g, 6h). Laureate head of Apollo r.; symbol below chin. R/ Minerva driving galloping quadriga r. Crawford 342/5b; cf. RBW 1287; RSC Vibia 2. Good VF



I'm not expecting anything of the same caliber.  I gave a good coin (the replacement is also decent - is it the same genre?  That part can be the surprise.) because I wanted to and it really gave me a good feeling to do so.  As long as my person tries, I'm happy.  Mine needn't be expensive.

Anyway, when the 17th comes perhaps the givers could dm their respective person and we can figure out what's going on.  It's not so much the item which I'm concerned about, being in the dark is rather demoralizing. If it's an overseas thing, cool, it will give me something to look forward to. All I ask is to have some inkling of the situation, assuming nothing's changed by the 17th.

By the way, has there been a hoard of Pansa denarii?  This one seems to be older collection or perhaps has more of a find patina?, but there were gobs of them in decent shape although this was the best example of the bunch.  Most had some kind of issue; either the head was flatly struck or the horse side wasn't great.  I'll have to make a separate thread about it.  I'd like to learn more about the issue.  The Macer issue of 84 also seems to be one of the most common coins of the republic.

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It's here!!! Saturnalia starts today!! I received this lovely antoninianus of Gordian III from my Secret Saturn!

Gordian III FIDES MILITVM antoninianus.jpg
Gordian III, 238-244 CE.
Roman AR antoninianus, 4.85 g, 23.2 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 1st officina, 1st emission, June-December, 238.
Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding signum and scepter.
Refs: RIC 1; Cohen 86; RCV 8609; Hunter 6.


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What a day! Finished my top 10, preparing for my wife's birthday tomorrrow, but also ...


It's gift unpacking time! 


I'm humbled by what my not-so-secret saturn has gifted me, I really don't know what to say... Thank you so much for this interesting lot, and adding a new - and to me unknown - chapter to my collecting life. I will study these more closely, and I know already I will enjoy researching them. Again, my gratitude. (And i don't know if my Secret Saturn wants to be known to the world, if so, I'll gladly do so to give proper credit!)

Happy holidays everyone! 


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28 minutes ago, Limes said:

What a day! Finished my top 10, preparing for my wife's birthday tomorrrow, but also ...


It's gift unpacking time! 


I'm humbled by what my not-so-secret saturn has gifted me, I really don't know what to say... Thank you so much for this interesting lot, and adding a new - and to me unknown - chapter to my collecting life. I will study these more closely, and I know already I will enjoy researching them. Again, my gratitude. (And i don't know if my Secret Saturn wants to be known to the world, if so, I'll gladly do so to give proper credit!)

Happy holidays everyone! 


Fun and eclectic lot! My favorite is the Faustina Jr. denarius! 😉

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52 minutes ago, Limes said:

What a day! Finished my top 10, preparing for my wife's birthday tomorrrow, but also ...


It's gift unpacking time! 


I'm humbled by what my not-so-secret saturn has gifted me, I really don't know what to say... Thank you so much for this interesting lot, and adding a new - and to me unknown - chapter to my collecting life. I will study these more closely, and I know already I will enjoy researching them. Again, my gratitude. (And i don't know if my Secret Saturn wants to be known to the world, if so, I'll gladly do so to give proper credit!)

Happy holidays everyone! 


Glad you like them! I've only given brief attributions and let you have the pleasure of venturing into this new territory! 

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