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The Time Period Game - year 2000 to year 2050


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The Time Period Game


Edited Version: 


The aim is to post coins from all over the world that were minted in a particular period. 

We go chronologically through the history of coins from the year -600 to the present day. Each period is 50 years long.

For each period you can submit coins for two days.

Many coins cannot be precisely dated, but you can also post coins that were minted over a longer period of time, or for which the minting period is only approximately known.

For example, a coin dated 105-175 can be submitted in two 50-year periods. (100-150 or 150-200). Just make sure that it fits into the range, i.e. all coins that were at least probably/possibly struck in that period are OK.

In the best case, the game can run until today.

I hope this is interesting. Have fun with it.

Edited by shanxi
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It starts with the first decade:  year 1 to year 10

(the edited version of this game starts with the year -600 (see below))


As a starter I want to post a coin dated to the year 1

Year 1 


Mysia, Pergamon
grammateus Kephalion
Æ 19, struck 1 AD
Obv.: ΓAION KEΦAΛIΩN, Bare head of Gaius
Rev.: ΛЄYKION, Bare head of Lucius
Æ, 19mm, 2.84g
Ref.: RPC 2363

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Not dated exactly, but falls within the time frame.

Augustus, 27 BC - AD 14.
Roman provincial AE 23.
Macedon, Amphipolis, 10.25 g, 23.3 mm, 1 h.
Obv: ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΘΕΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ, bare-head, right.
Rev: ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΕΙΤΩΝ, Artemis Tauropolos with inflated veil, riding on bull wearing Isiac basileion between its horns and galloping right.
Refs: RPC I, 1626; BMC 5.52,73; SNG Cop 89-91; SNG ANS 164-65; Lindgren 963; Sear Greek Imperial 29.
Notes: The basileion of Isis is a crown composed of a solar disc with uraeus between two horns, flanked by feathers. On the iconography of the Isiac basileion, see R. Veymiers, "Le basileion, les reines et Actium", in L. Bricault & M.J. Versluys (eds.), Power, Politics and the Cults of Isis, Leiden 2014, p. 195-236 (esp. p. 195-6).

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Fun and challenging! I have been wanting to add specific dates to my collection and this will help.



Augustus Æ18 Semis. Uncertain mint of Germanus Indutilli in Gaul, circa 10 BC.

Obv: Diademed head of magistrate Germanus Indutilli Libertus to right.
Rev: GERMANVS / INDVTILLI L Bull butting to left.
RPC 506.

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4 hours ago, Theodosius said:

Is there a reason for skipping the first five centuries of coinage?

I thought about it, but I think that the game would then stall too quickly. For example, how many coins are there here for the first 20 decades from the year -550 to the year -350 and for how many decades would there be no coins at all?

But if this is wanted we can restart the game including the early coins ????



Edited by shanxi
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You could make the opening part inclusive, -550 to +10. This can be a wonderful thread, unfortunately, for me, I have an enormous gap between 2nd Punic war and first years of 2nd century. Whatever you decide to do is good for me, I just can't wait to be able to take part.

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19 minutes ago, expat said:

You could make the opening part inclusive, -550 to +10. This can be a wonderful thread, unfortunately, for me, I have an enormous gap between 2nd Punic war and first years of 2nd century. Whatever you decide to do is good for me, I just can't wait to be able to take part.

I think at some point (when we get to the 2020s?) the post could go backwards from -1. Then there's no need to worry about the precise earliest date. I don't think it will stall as the rule about coins counting across their entire range will make sure of that. Few ancient coins have precise dates and many coins as old as -500 will have an estimated range of 100 years or more.

Rues Unit, 1-10
Verlamion, Catuvellauni  tribe, South East England. Bronze, 15mm, 1.67g. Bearded head, right; RVI(IS). Horseman right, VIR (S 272). Found Baldock, Hertfordshire 1997. Celtic Coin Index: CCI 98.1064.

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6 minutes ago, John Conduitt said:

I think at some point (when we get to the 2020s?) the post could go backwards from -1. Then there's no need to worry about the precise earliest date. I don't think it will stall as the rule about coins counting across their entire range will make sure of that. Few ancient coins have precise dates and many coins as old as -500 will have an estimated range of 100 years or more.


An excellent alternative

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OK, after rethinking the whole thing, I'm of the opinion that we start over now, include the earlier years, but become flexible for the years, also because of the mentioned uncertainty about the mint date on the early mintings.

We start with two long periods
Year -600 to year -450 and year -450 to year -350.
After -350 the coins become more frequent. We reach the Alexander and post Alexander period and the Roman Republic.
For this period we go on in 25 year steps, and then from year 1 on again with 10 year steps. Possibly we have to increase the step size in the Middle Ages again. This has to be seen.

The rest of the rules remain the same. Coins from all over the world can be posted. If the minting time is uncertain or a coin type was minted over a long period, then the coins can be posted if the period fits in the range.


Let's start over !

Post your coins from the

year -600 to the year -450

for 2 days. 

Staters, Hektes, archaic tertradrachms ......

Edited by shanxi
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year -560 to -546



Lydia, Kings of Lydia, Kroisos
year -560 to -546
Obv.: On the left, forepart of lion with open mouth to right confronting, on the right, forepart of bull to left.
Rev.: Incuse square
Ag, 7x8mm,0.87g
Ref.: Berk 26–7. Traité I 413. SNG Kayhan 1020-1. SNG Aulock 8213.

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Only one coin for a time period of 150 years.☹️

Well, I think you can do better than that.


Let's move on to the next period. You have two days to post again.

year -450 to year -350

In this period there are tons of Greek silver, but now also bronze, early Chinese coins and don't forget Persian and Indian coins.


Edited by shanxi
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  • shanxi changed the title to The Decades (or Time Period) Game

Nice idea for a thread...

I think this one just squeezes in to the date criteria...This is my oldest coin in my collection..


Ionia, Phokaia, c. 350-300 BC. Æ (15mm, 4.36g, 11h). Phokleon, magistrate.
Obverse..Head of Hermes facing left wearing a Petasos hat tied at the back.
Reverse..Forepart of a griffin springing left. ΦΩKAEΩN (PHOKAEON), name of the magistrate below.
SNG Copenhagen 1039ff (magistrate); BMC 101

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1 hour ago, shanxi said:

Only one coin for a time period of 150 years.☹️

Well, I think you can do better than that.


Let's move on to the next period. You have two days to post again.

year -450 to year -350

In this period there are tons of Greek silver, but now also bronze, early Chinese coins and don't forget Persian and Indian coins.


Never been good at these games. Hope I'm playing it right...




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I was confused why we were doing 100 year bites because once we get to say after 500BC there are quite a lot of coins dateable by decade not century. So I assumed I was misunderstanding the game. Apologies.


Here’s a ~410BC Katane tet. From where I am fortunate enough to be writing now,  though the locals insist on calling it Catania.

(And Etna is smoking. Slightly unnerving.)

SICILY, Catania (413-404). Tetradrachm (17.14g) with laureate head of Apollo. R/ Nike crowning a galloping quadriga, fish in exergue. AA : Vinchon, 1952. Pozzi 419 ("of great rarity"), Gulbenkian 194 (same right corner).





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year -450 to year -400


Asia Minor, Aiolis
AR Hemiobol, year -450 to -400

Obv.: Helmeted head of Athena right
Rev.: olive wreath
Ag, 6mm, 0.28g
Ref.: SNG von Aulock 7680 var. (head left), obverse die match with "CNG Elec. Auc. 334 (9/2014), lot 59"

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Most of my Æ coins from this period are on the small side.


Argolis, Argos. Æ9 (Circa 400-375 BC).

Obv: Head of Hera left, wearing stephane.
Rev: Head of wolf right.
BCD Peloponnesos 1120



Lesbos, Mytilene. Æ7 (Circa 400-350 BC).

Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev: MYTI / Head and neck of bull right, head slightly facing.
BMC 23-4

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PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 420-410 BC. Stater (Silver, 24 mm, 10.87 g, ). Two wrestlers beginning to grapple with each other. Rev. ΕΣΤFΕ Slinger striding right, preparing to launch sling-bolt; to right, triskeles counterclockwise; all within pelleted square border. SNG BN 45. Tekin Series A. very fine (original Savoca description)

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On 12/7/2022 at 4:09 AM, shanxi said:

Since the Alphabeth game has ended, I would like to propose a new game.

The Decades (or Time Period) Game


Edited Version: 


The goal is to post coins that were minted in a particular time period.  The time period is given and varies depending on the time period.

We start with two long periods
Year -600 to year -450 and year -450 to year -350.
After -350 the coins become more frequent. We reach the Alexander and post Alexander period and the Roman Republic.
For this period we go on in 25 year steps, and then from year 1 on with 10 year steps. Possibly we have to increase the step size in the Middle Ages again. This has to be seen.

For every time period coins can be postet for two days.

Many coins cannot be dated exactly, but also coins that were minted over a longer period of time or for which the minting period is only known approximately can be posted.

e.g. A coin dated to the year 115-135,  can then be posted in three decades. (111-120, 121-130 or 131-140). Just look that it fits in the range.

In the best case, the game can run for 217 time periods, i.e. 434 days.

I hope this is interesting. Have fun.


(Hit the play button for the video to load)
1221/1222: First regnal issue of Emperor John III Vatazes. AR Trachy, Magnesia mint





(hit the play button to load the video)

1272: Joint “coronation” (?) issue of Michael VIII and Andronikos II. AR Trachy, Constantinople mint.


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