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My Top 10 Roman Empress Bronze Coins of 2022


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Happy Holidays! December is the “Top 10” season for many of us, and I am waiting for next week’s CNG and ROMA to finalize my own list. Before that happens, I would like to share 10 bronze coins I picked up this year. They all fit into my “Roman Empress” collecting theme. I am super happy to receive my 6 coins on various Roman empresses earlier today. I purchased them just last week from Aegean Numismatics. Instead of starting a post on a coin, I think it would be fun to type up my “Top 10 Roman Empresses in 2022” list instead. Here it is…

You are most welcome to share any Roman empress coin you picked up this year. Thanks!
Wishing you all a great Holidays season!


# 10: Otacilla Severa. 244-249 AD. Sestertius Æ
Obv: MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right 
Rev: PVDICITIA AVG, Pudicitia, veiled, seated to left, holding sceptre and drawing veil
31 mm, 20.19 g
RIC IV 209a (Philip I); C. 55.
Savoca Auction. March 2022

# 9: Nero with Agrippina Junior.  54-68 AD. 
Lydia, Thyatira. Æ.
Obv: Bare head of Nero right 
Rev: Draped bust of Agrippina Junior. 
RPC I -; RPC I Suppl. -.
19mm, 5.83g, 12h
Very Rare
Variana Coins, October 2022


Y28-GaleriaValeria 293.jpg
#8. Galeria Valeria 293(?)-311, Bronze Follis
Obv: Draped and diademed bust of Galeria Valeria right
Rev: Venus standing left, holding an apple and drawing drapery from her shoulder.
"VENVRI VICTRICI" "MKV" in exergue
26mm, 6.56g
RIC 46
Aegean Numismatics, December 2022


#7. ANTONIA AE Dupondius. 41-54 AD. 
Obv: ANTONIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right. 
Rev: TICLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP S-C, Claudius in toga standing left, holding simpulum. 
29mm, 13.1g
Cohen 6, RCV 1903.
Incitatus Coins, September 2022.

#6.  Domitia (Augusta, 82-96). Phrygia, Laodicea ad Lycum.
Æ 20mm, 4.89g, 6h. 
Obv: Draped bust r. 
Rev: Tetrastyle temple.
RPC II 1290; SNG von Aulock 3846; BMC 188.
London Coins, January 2022.

#5.  SABINA (Augusta, 128-136/7). Dupondius. Rome.
Rev: CONCORDIA AVG. Concordia seated left on throne, holding patera.
RIC² 2519.
26mm, 13.40 g.
Numismatik Naumann, July 2022

#4. Crispina, Augusta, 178-182 AD. Sestertius. Rome. 
Obv: CRISPINA AVGVSTA ; Draped bust right.
Rev: LAETITIA / S - C ; Laetitia standing front, head to left, holding wreath in her right hand and anchor in her left. 
30 mm, 24.64 g 
RIC 669, C. 27
Carthago Numismatics. July 2022

#3. Lucilla AD 164-169 AD. Sestertius. Rome.
Obv: LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right 
Rev: PIETAS, S - C, Pietas standing left, holding acerrum and hand over lighted altar. 
31mm, 23,06g.
RIC III 1755 (Marcus Aurelius).


#2. Faustina Junior. 147-175 AD. Æ Sestertius. Rome.
Obv: Draped bust right. 
Rev: Venus seated left, holding Victory and sceptre.
RIC III 1686 (Aurelius).
31mm, 23.36g, 6h.
London Coins, July 2022.


#1.  Faustina Junior. Augusta, 161 AD. Æ Sestertius. Rome.
Obv: Draped bust right, hair waved and fastened in chignon with a band of pearls low at back of head
Rev: Juno, holding infant, standing left between two young girls. 
32mm, 23.18 g, 12h
RIC III 1649; MIR 18,18-6a; Banti 75. 
CNG Auction, November 2022. 


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  • happy_collector changed the title to My Top 10 Roman Empress Bronze Coins of 2022

Some real beauties there, @happy_collector!! Congratulations on the new acquisitions to your numophylacium! My favorite is the left-facing Sabina.

I devoted almost the entire year to acquiring coins of my favorite empresses, Faustina I and II. Here's my latest acquisition, which arrived in yesterday's mail. It's a sestertius issued to commemorate the birth of the empress's first child, Domitia Faustina, on 30 November 147.


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1 hour ago, Roman Collector said:

Some real beauties there, @happy_collector!! Congratulations on the new acquisitions to your numophylacium! My favorite is the left-facing Sabina.

I devoted almost the entire year to acquiring coins of my favorite empresses, Faustina I and II. Here's my latest acquisition, which arrived in yesterday's mail. It's a sestertius issued to commemorate the birth of the empress's first child, Domitia Faustina, on 30 November 147.


A nice purchase, @Roman Collector. I like Faustina Junior coins with her young portraits. 😊 

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you did a great job (coin wise) in 2022! Congratulations.

Here is one that i picked up this year:


Otacilla Severa


bust of Otacilla Severa right


Concordia seated left, holding patera in right,and cornucopiae in left hand

16.42 gr, 30 mm, RIC 203


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That's a theme I like -  empresses!

When I received my first ever ancient coins - 3 lots that were excellent to light the passion, I had the chance to have 2 denarii of Faustina I and Julia Domna. At that moment I wasn't even sure that coins with ladies are not something eccentric.
So this became one of my major collecting areas.
I managed to add a large number of empresses in my collection, but most in silver. Your theme is even more interesting because you concentrated on bronze.

Here are coins from this theme that I acquired in 2022.


Herennia Etruscilla AD 249-251. Rome
As Æ
26 mm, 8,79 g
Date Range: AD 249 - AD 251
HERENNIA ETRVSCILLA AVG, bust of Herennia Etruscilla, diademed, draped, right / PVDICITIA AVG S C, Pudicitia, draped, veiled, seated left, drawing veil with right hand, holding sceptre in left hand
RIC IV Trajan Decius 136c


Julia Domna. Augusta AD 193-217. Rome
Sestertius Æ. AD 193-196
30 mm, 25,51 g
IVLIA DOMNA AVG, bust of Julia Domna, hair waved and coiled at back, draped, right / VENERI VICTR S C, Venus, naked to waist, standing left, holding apple in extended right hand and palm sloped over left shoulder in left hand, resting left elbow on column
RIC IV Septimius Severus 842; Cohen 195; BMC 488.


LUCILLA (Augusta, 164-182). Rome. Sestertius. AD 164-169. 30 mm, 20.6 g
LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / IVNO, Juno seated left, holding patera and sceptre, S C across fields. RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1746


FAUSTA. (Augusta, 324-326). Nicomedia Follis, AD 325-326. 18 mm 2.4 g
Obv : FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG. Bust of Fausta, waved hair, mantled, right. / Rev : SALVS REI - PVBLICAE. Fausta, veiled, draped, standing front, head left, holding two children in her arms (Constantine II and Constantius II).  Mintmark MNA. RIC VII Nicomedia 130


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What a great haul! I am still missing a Domitia (practically impossible to catch as a Sestertius)! 

Here are the Banti numbers and specimen counts for your Sestertii:

Otaclilia Severa: Banti 12 (46 specimens)

Crispina: Banti 10 (31 specimens)

Lucilla: Banti 33 (70 specimens)

Faustina No.2: Banti 141 (6 specimens)

Faustina No.1: Banti 75 (8 specimens)


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Wonderful bronzes...

My favourites are the Antonia, Lucilla and of course that sweet Sabina..Congrats. 

I only picked up one bronze lady this year...1702550551_fau_sestertius(2).jpg.db45a86972a920ebdcfa09fcdaa28507.jpg

Diva Faustina Senior. Æ Sestertius (32mm, 21.19 g.)
Rome mint, struck under Antoninus Pius, circa AD 146-161.
Obv. DIVA FAVSTINA draped bust right.
Rev. AETERNITAS S-C seated left, holding scepter and globe surmounted by phoenix....RICIII #1103 (Antoninus Pius)
Reddish-brown patina.

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17 hours ago, Julius Germanicus said:

What a great haul! I am still missing a Domitia (practically impossible to catch as a Sestertius)! 

Here are the Banti numbers and specimen counts for your Sestertii:

Otaclilia Severa: Banti 12 (46 specimens)

Crispina: Banti 10 (31 specimens)

Lucilla: Banti 33 (70 specimens)

Faustina No.2: Banti 141 (6 specimens)

Faustina No.1: Banti 75 (8 specimens)


Many thanks for your additional information, @Julius Germanicus. I'll put them in my records. 🙂

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18 hours ago, mc9 said:


you did a great job (coin wise) in 2022! Congratulations.

Here is one that i picked up this year:


Otacilla Severa


bust of Otacilla Severa right


Concordia seated left, holding patera in right,and cornucopiae in left hand

16.42 gr, 30 mm, RIC 203


Thanks, @mc9. You picked up a nice sestertius!  🙂


18 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

That's a theme I like -  empresses!

When I received my first ever ancient coins - 3 lots that were excellent to light the passion, I had the chance to have 2 denarii of Faustina I and Julia Domna. At that moment I wasn't even sure that coins with ladies are not something eccentric.
So this became one of my major collecting areas.
I managed to add a large number of empresses in my collection, but most in silver. Your theme is even more interesting because you concentrated on bronze.

Here are coins from this theme that I acquired in 2022.


Herennia Etruscilla AD 249-251. Rome
As Æ
26 mm, 8,79 g
Date Range: AD 249 - AD 251
HERENNIA ETRVSCILLA AVG, bust of Herennia Etruscilla, diademed, draped, right / PVDICITIA AVG S C, Pudicitia, draped, veiled, seated left, drawing veil with right hand, holding sceptre in left hand
RIC IV Trajan Decius 136c


Julia Domna. Augusta AD 193-217. Rome
Sestertius Æ. AD 193-196
30 mm, 25,51 g
IVLIA DOMNA AVG, bust of Julia Domna, hair waved and coiled at back, draped, right / VENERI VICTR S C, Venus, naked to waist, standing left, holding apple in extended right hand and palm sloped over left shoulder in left hand, resting left elbow on column
RIC IV Septimius Severus 842; Cohen 195; BMC 488.


LUCILLA (Augusta, 164-182). Rome. Sestertius. AD 164-169. 30 mm, 20.6 g
LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / IVNO, Juno seated left, holding patera and sceptre, S C across fields. RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1746


FAUSTA. (Augusta, 324-326). Nicomedia Follis, AD 325-326. 18 mm 2.4 g
Obv : FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG. Bust of Fausta, waved hair, mantled, right. / Rev : SALVS REI - PVBLICAE. Fausta, veiled, draped, standing front, head left, holding two children in her arms (Constantine II and Constantius II).  Mintmark MNA. RIC VII Nicomedia 130


Great additions, @ambr0zie. Thanks for sharing.  🙂

In addition to bronze coins, I also collect denarii on Roman empresses. However, my denarii are usually in coin trays. For sestertius, I like putting these big bronze pieces on my hands instead.  


17 hours ago, Limes said:

Nice collection! I like the Sabina dupondius. Great portrait and patina. Your last Faustina sestertius is very nice too. The pictures dont do it justice I assume! 

Thanks, @Limes. I agree that the Sabina portrait is very nice. I really like the last Faustina sestertius, with its large size and clear portrait. 

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16 hours ago, Spaniard said:


Wonderful bronzes...

My favourites are the Antonia, Lucilla and of course that sweet Sabina..Congrats. 

I only picked up one bronze lady this year...1702550551_fau_sestertius(2).jpg.db45a86972a920ebdcfa09fcdaa28507.jpg

Diva Faustina Senior. Æ Sestertius (32mm, 21.19 g.)
Rome mint, struck under Antoninus Pius, circa AD 146-161.
Obv. DIVA FAVSTINA draped bust right.
Rev. AETERNITAS S-C seated left, holding scepter and globe surmounted by phoenix....RICIII #1103 (Antoninus Pius)
Reddish-brown patina.

Thanks, @Spaniard. You picked up a nice sestertius also. 🙂


15 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

That Crispina portrait is just amazing : what a beauty she must have been !

Only three empresses so far this year for me, none is bronze


Julia Domna tetradrachm



Otacilia Severa tetradrachm 



Victoria, double florin 😄 





Thanks for sharing your very nice tetradrachm, @Qcumbor. Both have great portraits!

Wonderful Victoria double florin also! 🙂

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