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Shooting the Republic - again !


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Pardon the clickbait !

Since I wasn't fully satisfied with my coin pictures, I decided I would re-take them, and started with the republican silver ones, hence the stupid title for a thread.

I'll start with an overview and follow up with individual coins/pictures if you would like me to. The process of cropping/cpying/pasting took quite some time, but the shooting itself has been quite fast and easy, as the weather was OK for the purpose : grey winter sky with an even light, not giving direct light/shadow on the coins. For the wallpaper I respected the relative size of the coins so they appear as they are in "real life" in the trays (well sort of, I didn't cut them in two for displaying both sides at the same time 😄 )


The overview (right click on the image to open a new page and access to full size picture:



Please feel free to post anything you like, relevant or irrelevant, or ask for specific individual coins if you want


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15 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Pardon me the clickbait !

Since I wasn't fully satisfied with my coin pictures, I decided I would re-take them, and started with the republican silver ones, hence the stupid title for a thread.

I'll start with an overview and follow up with individual coins/pictures if you would like me to. The process of cropping/cpying/pasting took quite some time, but the shooting itself has been quite fast and easy, as the weather was OK for the purpose : grey winter sky with an even light, not giving direct light/shadow on the coins. For the wallpaper I respected the relative size of the coins so they appear as they are in "real life" in the trays (well sort of, I didn't cut them in two for displaying both sides at the same time 😄 )


The overview (right click on the image to open a new page and access to full size picture:



Please feel free to post anything you like, relevant or irrelevant, or ask for specific individual coins if you want


Wonderful collection packed with high grade examples & rarities 🤩!

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Very good collection. RRs have a distinct flavor and I often find myself hunting examples with historical importance or unique designs. 
From your collection, I have a grand total of 1 match. The L. Procilius Juno Sospita, RRC 379/2. The price for it, including fees, was 4 euros. As one might suspect, the condition is not exactly XF for it. 

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1 hour ago, Qcumbor said:

Pardon me the clickbait !

Since I wasn't fully satisfied with my coin pictures, I decided I would re-take them, and started with the republican silver ones, hence the stupid title for a thread.

I'll start with an overview and follow up with individual coins/pictures if you would like me to. The process of cropping/cpying/pasting took quite some time, but the shooting itself has been quite fast and easy, as the weather was OK for the purpose : grey winter sky with an even light, not giving direct light/shadow on the coins. For the wallpaper I respected the relative size of the coins so they appear as they are in "real life" in the trays (well sort of, I didn't cut them in two for displaying both sides at the same time 😄 )


The overview (right click on the image to open a new page and access to full size picture:



Please feel free to post anything you like, relevant or irrelevant, or ask for specific individual coins if you want


This is an excellent presentation and a wonderful collection of Republic coins.  I especially appreciate the diversity of reverses as well as the overall quality of the coins you've chosen.  A collection like this is much more interesting than seeing the usual auction catalog of Republic coins, and almost entices me to extend my collecting range back to this era!

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Great new photos, Q, and a super numismatic panorama!  (Nice that they happen to fit into a perfect 6x7 grid... or did you cheat and leave a couple out? 😉)  The hi-res version of the pic is pretty good for each individual coin, so rather than asking for particular ones, I'll request that you show us the three you like best for their toning. It looks to me like some of the new photos really capture the toning well!

Also: what essential types (if any) do you feel are "missing" here?

Here's one of mine that's a) in your group, and b) needs a new photo!


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@Qcumbor, what wonderful photos (I wish I could manage anything close) -- and magnificent coins! I have about a dozen of the same types you do among my 80 Republican coins. I'm actually surprised there isn't more overlap, but then again I have none from the early period (most of your first row), and very few from the late, Imperatorial period (your last 2+ rows). I am in awe!

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Thanks folks.


11 hours ago, idesofmarch01 said:

...and almost entices me to extend my collecting range back to this era!

Coming from someone with such an inspiring collection, I'm very honored, thanks !


6 hours ago, Severus Alexander said:

Nice that they happen to fit into a perfect 6x7 grid... or did you cheat and leave a couple out? 😉

No cheating really. I left out the bronzes as they are difficult to take pics of, and their big size would distract from looking properly at denarii. I also left out my only quinarius because I'm not really happy with it, it's a crappy little thing that I don't even keep with the main collection trays. That makes a convenient grand total of 42 !!!


6 hours ago, Severus Alexander said:

I'll request that you show us the three you like best for their toning. It looks to me like some of the new photos really capture the toning well!

Speaking of toning only (well, choosing only three is hard) it would have to be those three/four (right click/open new window for enlarging pictures)






6 hours ago, Severus Alexander said:

Also: what essential types (if any) do you feel are "missing" here?

Certainly a lifetime JC, an Ahenobarbus, a couple more Octavians, a Mussidia/cloacin, a Papia/griffin, an Hosidia/boar, a Caecilia/macedonian shield, a Claudia/moon & stars, a Vibia/Pansa, a Plancia/goat, a Minucia/wariors, some "alternative" bigas, and unless I forgot some, that's it !! 

Not a lot as you see 😄 


4 hours ago, DonnaML said:

I'm actually surprised there isn't more overlap

There are so many....


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Beautiful coins, and great digital tray. I personally find your imperatorial duo-portrait issues very appealing, such as the Antony brothers. Great portraits! Another favorite is your Pompey - Nassidius issue. I've always had a thing for this issue, and I'm really happy to have landed one last year. I'll share it, below: 


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17 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

Pardon me the clickbait !

Since I wasn't fully satisfied with my coin pictures, I decided I would re-take them, and started with the republican silver ones, hence the stupid title for a thread.

I'll start with an overview and follow up with individual coins/pictures if you would like me to. The process of cropping/cpying/pasting took quite some time, but the shooting itself has been quite fast and easy, as the weather was OK for the purpose : grey winter sky with an even light, not giving direct light/shadow on the coins. For the wallpaper I respected the relative size of the coins so they appear as they are in "real life" in the trays (well sort of, I didn't cut them in two for displaying both sides at the same time 😄 )


The overview (right click on the image to open a new page and access to full size picture:



Please feel free to post anything you like, relevant or irrelevant, or ask for specific individual coins if you want


I wish I had the photographic skill set to do something similar with my Flavian silver. Bravo!

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I'm very weak on the bronze side of the republican coinage, but one has to like their kids all the same, don't they ?

Here's a digital tray of the eight republican bronze I currently have, showing the respective sizes of the coins between them (right click on the picture to open a new window and have the enlarged version)



Thanks for looking


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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Since I posted the virtual tray above, some new coins have joined the band, precisely five. Here they are, followed by an updated overview


M. Caecilius Q.f. Metellus, Denarius - Rome mint, 127 BCE
Helmeted head of Roma right, ROMA behind, X below chin (XVI monogram), 
M•METELLVS•Q•F• anticlockwise in a laurel wreath, Macedonian shield decorated with an elepahnt head at centre
3,89 gr
Ref : RCV # 139, RSC Caecilia # 29, Crawford # 263/1



Anonymous, Denarius - Rome mint, 115/114 BCE
Head of Roma right in winged and crested corinthian helmet, X behind, [ROMA] below
Helmeted Roma seated right on pile of shields, holding spear, two birds flying in field, she-wolf to right suckling twins at Roma's feet.
3,93 gr
Ref : RCV # 164, RSC # 176, Crawford # 287/1



C. Poblicius Q.f,, Denarius - Rome mint, 80 BCE
ROMA, Helmeted and draped bust of Roma to right; to upper right, C.
C•POBLICI•Q•F Hercules standing left and strangling the Nemean lion; at his feet, club; in field to left, bow and quiver; to upper left C
4,00 gr - 19,5 mm - 6 h
Ref : RCV # 308, RSC, Procilia # 2, Crawford # 380/1, 



Mn. Cordius Rufus, Denarius - Rome mint, 46 BCE
RVFVS, Corinthian helmet right surmonted by an owl standing right
Retrograde MN (ligate) C O R D I V S medusa on aegis
3.75 gr - 19 mm - 3 h
Ref : HCRI # 64, RCV # 441, RRC # 463/2



P. Clodius M.f. Turrinus,, Denarius - Rome mint, 42 BCE
Laureate head of Apollo to right; behind, lyre.
 P•CLODIVS / M•F• Diana standing front, head to right, with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding lighted torch in each hand.
3.87 gr - 20 mm - 5 h
Ref : HCRI # 184, Crawford # 494/23, RBW # 1727, RCV # 492


The overview (right click/open in a new window to get the full size image)



Thanks for looking. Please post anything you find appropriate


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Thanks for updating your post! I wasn't around for the Original Post.

I see at least two aspects of this thread: the photography and the coins themselves. We're here for the coins, of course. It's a splendid collection! You have a great eye -and probably a lot of patience as a collector- for the better Roman Republican and Roman Imperatorial coins.  Quite a few are from the Triumvirates, the Caesarians, and Antony.  So very precious. I especially like your Pompeiian galley, yours and the example from @Limes

From the side of photography, kudos (again!). The pictures are lovely, and this virtual tray is a tour-de-force. 

Here is my handful-ish of Republican coins...


... and my Imperatorial coins. 


What is your gear and your process? Are you still waiting for the right, sunny conditions? The rest of us have these things called "lights" that we use to illuminate our coins while we photograph them (sometimes badly).  I do a combination of axial (reflected) and direct lighting with a 35mm-ish camera (actually an Olympus M43) on a copy stand, which I process using inexpensive graphical software. Gory detail: I use multiple exposures for High Dynamic Range (HDR). Photo editing is automated, using batches and scripts, so that I can get everything else done in around two minutes per coin. Mostly what I'm doing is cropping and adjusting brightness and the white balance. I let the software grind out the background and combine the obverse and reverse. 

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Thanks for the kind words @Anaximander, much appreciated

1 hour ago, Anaximander said:

... and probably a lot of patience as a collector ...

Well, I guess, this virtual tray represents more than 30 years of collecting RR coins (I have too many sub-themes to have that one at least half way of a comprehensive collection 😞 )

1 hour ago, Anaximander said:

Are you still waiting for the right, sunny conditions ?

Not at all. I have built a little stand, with a black background, allowing to have everything settled, put the whole on a window sill on a grey day to have an as even as possible light, play with orientation of the coin to get the best light and relief rendering. Post processing is easy with GIMP2 : blacken up a bit the black background if not black enough, rotate if necessary, crop, copy, paste, enhance contrast if needed, adjust white balance, and that's it. I usually shoot two, maximum three pictures





Hope that helps !


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I have always enjoyed your collection @Qcumbor!

And I really like you simplistic stand.  Great idea / simple / easy.

I desperately need to reshoot ALL my coins.  They are a mish-mash of my sub-par amateur photos, others' photos, etc. etc.  I have always said I would do this "when I retire".  BEEN TOO BUSY in retirement at this time, but have the big project on my "soon" to-do list.  UGH, I just have to tell myself to just DO IT!

Cuke, your photos and ease of shooting is an inspiration for me.  THANK YOU!

Best to you!



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Here is a coin that arrived today. I made a quick image using my Iphone with a book as a rest and the result as you can see is dismal compared to @Qcumbor

I also need to retake my images as mine are also a mish mash of backgrounds , sizes, cameras and lighting. There are some great coin photography contributions on this and other forums and I should take more notice of them but really need look no further than @Qcumbor. Great coins and great images.



M.Plaetorius M.f Cestianus 57 BC. AR Denarius . Draped female bust righr ; control mark behind/ M PLAETORI CEST EX SC ; jug and lighted torch. Cr 405/4  18.45 mm 3.9 gm

Notice the variance in shade of my background. I will try and do better tomorrow.


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How did I miss this thread! Q, your Republican collection is truly wonderful and I love all the updated images. Your Romano Wolf and twins is my favorite Q Collection coin but all of these are great.

Here is one of my Republican silvers.


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I'm sort of at a loss for words in commenting on these. I suppose that: "Absolutely Excellent" ought to suffice.

Wonderful collection!!!  Many extremely fine examples of the types. The OCD in me appreciates the chronology as well.

One criticism...

It's missing one of my favorite R.R. types(L. Lucretius Trio) , although, I'm sure you're not done adding to your collection.😉




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