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The Cabinet - Ancient & World Coin Marketplace


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2 hours ago, Troyden said:

Small suggestion: add info regarding the location of the buyer/seller. This is useful for calculating costs due to shipping and customs.


Correct, if it shows they're from Bulgaria, we know not to go near it. 😐

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20 hours ago, Restitutor said:

Good Morning & Happy Friday Everyone!

Today I am super excited to announce the launch of The Cabinet! What is The Cabinet you ask? The Cabinet is your one-stop-shop on Numis Forums to buy and/or sell numismatic goods! 

You should all now see a new tab for The Cabinet at the top of your browser. From there, you can submit an advert to either 'Sell' an item, or post a 'Wanted' ad. 

Tier Benefits

  • Members
    • Each ad will last for 45 days prior to a renewal needing to be made. You may renew as many times as you like, and each renewal adds an additional 45 days.
  • Supporters
    • Each ad will last for 90 days prior to a renewal needing to be made. You may renew as many times as you like, and each renewal adds an additional 90 days.
  • Patrons
    • Each ad will last for 120 days prior to a renewal needing to be made. You may renew as many times as you like, and each renewal adds an additional 120 days. Your ads will be pinned.
  • Benefactors
    • Each ad will last for 150 days prior to a renewal needing to be made. You may renew as many times as you like, and each renewal adds an additional 150 days. Your ads will be pinned, and featured.

We are going to be operating on an honor system here. Your listings will be tied to your forum username, so I hope that is enough to keep everyone honest. Please only buy or sell to people you trust/have good reviews. Numis Forums will not be processing payments directly on the site, so buyer & seller will have to arrange payment off site. Please do so using trusted payment sites. Numis Forums will not be able to assist with any transactional disputes. Egregious misbehavior on The Cabinet will compromise your membership on this website at large. To be explicit: if it comes to my attention that anyone is purposefully scamming people, and those accusations are proven, the account will be permanently banned.

I hope you all will enjoy using The Cabinet! I also want to state clearly: there is zero fee to use The Cabinet: this service is offered free to all forum members thanks to the generous donations of our subscribers. As always, suggestions/feedback are always welcome: this site exists for y'all, so please don't hesitate to provide your thoughts!



This is a very welcome addition! Thanks

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This is a great feature @Restitutor, thank you!

Better than good for me as I sold a coin on Ebay recently and cannot get paid because they want me to update my banking details to match my Ebay account but my banking title only features the initials of my forenames on the account but my full forename was the name I registered on Ebay 24 years ago. So I have nearly $200 frozen in Ebay as I cannot get past the fact they cannot confirm who I am despite the fact that I have been with them for 24 years. The next coin I sell will be in "The Cabinet". What a good name too. 

I guess that you are a Bowie fan @Ryro ! It is unbelievable to think that Ziggy Stardust was released 50 years ago next week. Where did my life go?

I am glad that there is not to be a focus on US coins as they were a diversion to me at "the other place" as I would see new posts open them and then learn that they were about coins that did not interest me. The accessibility of this site is far better particularly because the Ancients are split into groups. 

Sometimes you feel like browsing RR's and other days Imperials.....

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It is my joy and honor --in that order-- to announce what might still be the first purchase from The Cabinet.

This was CPK's magnanimously priced Athenian tetradrachm, from the 'Classical' (please read, late archaic --if a little anachronistically so) apex of the issue, over the course of the 5th c. BCE.  

I'd been watching over the last couple of years as better examples of these were flooding the market.  But they were still, hmm, a little (ha, ha) too rich for my blood.  CPK's example was a terrific complement to my also-first-ever Achaemenid siglos, Artaxes I -Xerxes II (455-420 BCE).


CPK's tetradrachm is an ideal complement.  Worn, with some almost malicious-looking test cuts on the reverse, but with all the bells and whistles --a readily discernible reverse incuse square, that iconic "AO[/theta]E," and even another banker's mark!  Never mind that even with the wear, the weight --and evident relief-- still compares favorably to much more nearly pristine examples.  ...It's kind of sad to see what happened to Athena, but I'm looking forward to seeing her profile from the side!

These are two coins that should be on anyone's bucket list, even for people who spend most of their time hanging out in the Middle Ages.  ...Yep, that's where I get my relaxed attitude toward condition from!

Meanwhile, though, I have one suggestion, effectively seconded by CPK.  Could you include a separate section for Sold items?  CPK kindly offered to send me the pics and description.  But when it comes to photography, some of us are Really, Really challenged.  I equally lack the means, and the native aptitude for it if it was available.  ...That's why anything in the collection that's been there long enough has zero pictures; on that front, I've always been in abject, commensurately unapologetic reliance on the seller's pics.

Sorry to end on that note.  Meanwhile, Luke, your brilliant addition of this has already, profoundly broadened one member's horizons!  Many, Many Thanks.

Edited by JeandAcre
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Very cool! I like this idea (and great name too, by the way).

A small suggestion: Would it be possible to add different currencies? I think most of the members here are in the US, but I know a bunch of people (myself included) aren't

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17 hours ago, JeandAcre said:

It is my joy and honor --in that order-- to announce what might still be the first purchase from The Cabinet.

This was CPK's magnanimously priced Athenian tetradrachm, from the 'Classical' (please read, late archaic --if a little anachronistically so) apex of the issue, over the course of the 5th c. BCE.  

I'd been watching over the last couple of years as better examples of these were flooding the market.  But they were still, hmm, a little (ha, ha) too rich for my blood.  CPK's example was a terrific complement to my also-first-ever Achaemenid siglos, Artaxes I -Xerxes II (455-420 BCE).


CPK's tetradrachm is an ideal complement.  Worn, with some almost malicious-looking test cuts on the reverse, but with all the bells and whistles --a readily discernible reverse incuse square, that iconic "AO[/theta]E," and even another banker's mark!  Never mind that even with the wear, the weight --and evident relief-- still compares favorably to much more nearly pristine examples.  ...It's kind of sad to see what happened to Athena, but I'm looking forward to seeing her profile from the side!

These are two coins that should be on anyone's bucket list, even for people who spend most of their time hanging out in the Middle Ages.  ...Yep, that's where I get my relaxed attitude toward condition from!

Meanwhile, though, I have one suggestion, effectively seconded by CPK.  Could you include a separate section for Sold items?  CPK kindly offered to send me the pics and description.  But when it comes to photography, some of us are Really, Really challenged.  I equally lack the means, and the native aptitude for it if it was available.  ...That's why anything in the collection that's been there long enough has zero pictures; on that front, I've always been in abject, commensurately unapologetic reliance on the seller's pics.

Sorry to end on that note.  Meanwhile, Luke, your brilliant addition of this has already, profoundly broadened one member's horizons!  Many, Many Thanks.

Congratulations on the inaugural purchase from The Cabinet! Regarding seeing 'Sold' items, you should be able to. If you click the category in which the coin was listed, you'll be taken to this view, where I see the tetradrachm marked as sold. Please let me know if you're able to see this! 


Then you'll see this:



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Huge thanks, @RestitutorI never evolved to the navigational steps that you're talking about.  Haven't tried it out --not even done with my coffee-- but I have no doubt it works!  

(Granted, in all things tech-related, when someone uses the construct, something 'should work' (<--like your italics, though), I always like to say, 'is that a factual or an ethical statement?')

@CPK very kindly did send the picks and references under separate cover.  But I'm looking forward to checking on this, just to see more of the bells and whistles you set up!

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On 6/10/2022 at 10:23 PM, Curtisimo said:

I know most users probably visit the site on a PC so I always feel silly being the one to always bring up the mobile UI. :classic_blush: Below is what I see on mobile. 

On 6/10/2022 at 10:52 PM, Ryro said:

As well, I too am a 80-90% mobile poster and wouldn't complain if we could get a better view without having to select the attached image.

You guys have amazing talent.  Actual footage of me trying to deal with a forum (not this one, but same-same) on my phone:


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On 6/11/2022 at 1:23 AM, Curtisimo said:

This is an excellent feature and a great use of “The Cabinet” for a name @Restitutor.

I know most users probably visit the site on a PC so I always feel silly being the one to always bring up the mobile UI. :classic_blush: Below is what I see on mobile. 

Not easy to see the photos at a glance. Is it possible to orient the listings to scroll up and down on mobile so the photos will show better? Also I know it’s possible I’m just missing something. 🤓

Will look into this and see if it's something changeable. 

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On 6/11/2022 at 4:01 AM, Kali said:


Correct, if it shows they're from Bulgaria, we know not to go near it. 😐

Interesting, I ordered a coin from a seller who listed his address as Austria (e-bay) but when I got to the payment page, he's in Bulgaria!!!  I posted a picture and people here seemed to think the coin was legit, but it did raise all sorts of red flags.1263849534_s-l1600(10).jpg.b83a8218ecfe84eecddab87bbd82a7e3.jpg1951848778_s-l1600(9).jpg.e0a7f8f54c391222c808a7991bb32a4a.jpg

Edited by Kentucky
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@Restitutor, two requests for The Cabinet:

1) Would be great to keep the for sale vs. wanted ads separate. I like browsing both, but it’s confusing when they’re mixed together. (I think it would actually work well to have the wanted ads as a separate top level category, without divisions. After all, we don’t know in advance what we have that someone might want!)

2) I’m 99.999% sure the majority would prefer Republican and Imperatorial to be merged into “Republican and Imperatorial” to reduce the number of categories. 

“Like” if you agree, folks!  And thanks, Res, 😊

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Semi-idle curiosity, posted here because it doesn't deserve its own thread: Is there a way to save a draft of a new topic to finish later? There probably is and I just can't find it. I think I'll blame severe covid fog if there is, since I tested positive yesterday. Now, in fact I was never all that ill and I'm improving already, but the alternative explanations, bearing labels like "senior moment," don't really warrant thinking about. 

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31 minutes ago, Phil Davis said:

Semi-idle curiosity, posted here because it doesn't deserve its own thread: Is there a way to save a draft of a new topic to finish later? There probably is and I just can't find it. I think I'll blame severe covid fog if there is, since I tested positive yesterday. Now, in fact I was never all that ill and I'm improving already, but the alternative explanations, bearing labels like "senior moment," don't really warrant thinking about. 

Wow, hope you are well, Phil.

One of My daughters contracted Covid over this last week, and was purdy sick (she 38). My Grandson is stay at his father’s house.

My wife is in Florida for the last two weeks, and got Covid really bad for the last week... 103 temp first day, then 99-101 temp for several days.

Neither have had been around each other, as my daughter lives on the other side of the State, and my wife is 1,000 miles away right now. 

This crap is rearing its ugly head again.

Edited by Alegandron
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37 minutes ago, Alegandron said:

Wow, hope you are well, Phil.

One of My daughters contracted Covid over this last week, and was purdy sick (she 38). My Grandson is stay at his father’s house.

My wife is in Florida for the last two weeks, and got Covid really bad for the last week... 103 temp first day, then 99-101 temp for several days.

Neither have had been around each other, as my daughter lives on the other side of the State, and my wife is 1,000 miles away right now. 

This crap is rearing its ugly head again.

Thanks. I'm definitely unwell, but so far it's not too bad. Moderate flu-ish symptoms, fever seems to have peaked at 101.4. I can't help but wonder if a second booster would've made a difference, but of course we only get one shot (no pun intended!) at each stage, so it's not really susceptible to controlled experiments.

Edit: @Restitutor

Edited by Phil Davis
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On 6/14/2022 at 12:47 AM, Severus Alexander said:

@Restitutor, two requests for The Cabinet:

1) Would be great to keep the for sale vs. wanted ads separate. I like browsing both, but it’s confusing when they’re mixed together. (I think it would actually work well to have the wanted ads as a separate top level category, without divisions. After all, we don’t know in advance what we have that someone might want!)

2) I’m 99.999% sure the majority would prefer Republican and Imperatorial to be merged into “Republican and Imperatorial” to reduce the number of categories. 

“Like” if you agree, folks!  And thanks, Res, 😊

Merge complete for Republican & Imperatorial. For the wanted vs. sales - the methodology at present to filter for one or the other is once you click into a category, you will see the Filter blocks on the right hand side of the screen. If you scroll below the price filters you'll see the ability to filter between wanted & for sale. Hope this helps!! 






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I'm putting my idea suggestion here. If there's a better place feel free to move this post.


I believe it would be good to have a "Posts that don't deserve their own thread" thread where I can discuss coins casually, ask for coin ID, ask for help deciding between two coins to buy, or freely muse without clogging up the forum. It came to mind when today I felt the desire to complain about how I feel I am being priced out on almost every coin platform nowadays, but I did not want to take up a thread slot with my petty whingeing. 🤣

Edited by Steppenfool
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3 minutes ago, Steppenfool said:

I'm putting my idea suggestion here. If there's a better place feel free to move this post.


I believe it would be good to have a "Posts that don't deserve their own thread" thread where I can discuss coins casually, ask for coin ID, ask for help deciding between two coins to buy, or freely muse without clogging up the forum. It came to mind when today I felt the desire to complain about how I feel I am being priced out on almost every coin platform nowadays, but I did not want to take up a thread slot with my petty whingeing. 🤣

As far as I am aware, there is no limited number of “thread slots.”  So post away! If we just had one mega thread of miscellaneous, I imagine a lot of interesting discussions would get missed!  I would just suggest not clogging up the board with 10 ‘need help identifying’ threads all at once.

and while typing this, it occurs to me that at the other place we always wanted to get a pinned thread on posting etiquette (not rules, but just advice on how to be a good contributing member - such as not clogging the board with identification help).  I think at one point we had jotted some ideas down, but I’m not sure if I could find them again.

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1 minute ago, FitzNigel said:

As far as I am aware, there is no limited number of “thread slots.”  So post away! If we just had one mega thread of miscellaneous, I imagine a lot of interesting discussions would get missed!  I would just suggest not clogging up the board with 10 ‘need help identifying’ threads all at once.

and while typing this, it occurs to me that at the other place we always wanted to get a pinned thread on posting etiquette (not rules, but just advice on how to be a good contributing member - such as not clogging the board with identification help).  I think at one point we had jotted some ideas down, but I’m not sure if I could find them again.

When I say "thread slots" I mean those present on the front page. A good thread can die because it's pushed off the front page before it gains much traction! Furthermore, I always prefer forums where the majority of threads are of high quality or engaging, and you don't have to sift through low effort threads or quick question and answer types.

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