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Anyone hear from JAZ Numismatics?


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Here's to a speedy and complete recovery. Thanks for the quick response JAZ. And now, my favorite coin from JAZ Numismatics and I have a bunch of them. No, it's not the most expensive coin or the one in best condition but it has a most interesting reverse. If you could go back in time John you could enjoy the blessings of Zeus as you strolled through the grove of trees in the warm sunshine on the bank of the Euphrates, in the city with probably the most surviving mosaics of incredible artistry in that part of the Near East.

I saw a very interesting documentary about Zeugma on the History Channel maybe 10 years ago. (Before all they showed was American Pickers and other junk).

COMMAGENE, Zeugma. Philip I and II. 247-249 AD. Æ31, 19.2g; 6h 

Obv.: AYTOK K M IOYΛI ФIΛIΠΠOC CЄB; Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.

Rev.: ZЄYGM-ATЄΩN; Peribolos containing grove of trees, seen in perspective; tetrastyle temple in distance, draped figure within (Zeus?); in exergue, capricorn to right.

ex-JAZ Numismatics



Edited by Ancient Coin Hunter
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Hey John, just want to add my voice in hoping you recover soon.  I've had my own health struggles the last few years with a poorly-understood recurring form of pneumonia, so I definitely empathize.  Meanwhile, here's one of the many coins I bought from you in your CoinTalk auctions, a coin which needs no introduction:



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John, you know you have my deepest sympathy for your health issues, and my very best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. Here are my two favorites of all the coins that I bought from you at the JAZ Numismatic auctions; they're two of my favorite Roman Republican coins, period.

P. Nerva, with a voting scene on the reverse:


M. Herennius, with what I've concluded is actually Aeneas with his father Anchises on the reverse:


Plus, I sold a coin through you at your VCoins store, and was very pleased with the result!

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Here is one of my favorite @JAZ Numismaticswins. I actually won this one while in the hospital waiting for my youngest tadpole to be born.

Antimachos II
160-155 BC
Obverse: Winged Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm, monogram left, Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ NIKHΦOPOY ANTIMAXOY
Reverse: Horseman galloping right, Kharoshthi legend around: Maharajasa jayadharasa Amtimakhasa
Ex: JAZ Numismatics auction 199, 13JAN22

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Here's my new arrival from @JAZ Numismatics! I love the coin's tone and this is one of the few ancient cities I've visited! It's probably worth a post of its own, but for now I'll just show off the coin.


Pamphylia, Aspendos
Circa 380-325 BCE
AR stater, 21mm, 10.78g, 12h
Obv.: Two wrestlers grappling; KI between.
Rev.: EΣTFEΔIIYΣ; Slinger in throwing stance right; triskeles to right; all within pelleted square border.
Tekin Series 4; SNG BN 104.
E Numismatik Naumann Auction 76
Ex JAZ Numismatics

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