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Merovingian tremissis, purchased during my recent trip to France.  Paris has a street of coin dealers, which is pretty neat.


Attribution uncertain.  Dealer thought maybe Poitiers, I think maybe Metz.

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Robert of Anjou Gigliato, Napoli, 1309–1343. 26.5mm, 3.98g

Obverse: ✠ ROBЄRT - DЄI - GRA - IЄRL - ЄT - SICIL - RЄX (ROBERTus DEI GRAtia hIERusaLem ET SICILiae REX = Robert, by the grace of God, King of Sicily and Jerusalem). Crowned king seated frontally on a throne, flanked by two lion protomes, holding lily scepter and crucigerous orb. 

Reverse: ✠ ҺONOR - RЄGIS - IUDICIU - DILIGIT, Cross fleur-de-lis, canted by four lilies. The phrase is taken from Psalm 99 (98) 3-4 of the Old Testament which reads, "Confiteantur nomini tuo magno, quoniam terribile et sanctum est; et honor regis iudicium diligit" (I praise your great and terrible name, for it is holy. Mighty king who loves justice, you have established what is righteous").


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  • 2 weeks later...

Why did I have to watch “Kingdom of Heaven” by Ridley Scott on TV yesterday? Never watch historical movies before an auction! It could trigger emotions at the sight of some coins - and tempt you to buy. If I hadn't watched the movie again yesterday, I certainly wouldn't have been tempted to press the “bid button”. Now it's mine.
CRUSADERS. County of Tripoli. Bohémond VII, 1275-1287. Half Gros (Silver, 20 mm, 2.12 g, 6 h). ✠ SEPTIMVS:BOEMVNDVS COMES Cross in twelve-foil. Rev. ✠ CIVITAS:TRIPOLIS:SYPIE Castle in twelve-foil, small wedges between the towers. CCS 27. Metcalf, Crusades, 500. Wäckerlin 74. From the collection of J. F. L. Blankenberg, Elsen 150, 18 March 2022, 323 and previously privately acquired from Baldwin in March 2001.



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Yielding to temptation, are we, @Prieure de Sion? But how can you not, with such a lovely coin on offer. Among the Crusader states, the Tripoli issues of Bohemond VI and VII are some of the best!  
Here's what I picked up way back in 1999...


As for my latest coin? That would be a Feudal French denier of Duke Richard I Sans Peur. Yes, him. The son of William Longsword, grandson of Rollo, the Viking chief.  Also: grandfather of Edward the Confessor and great grandfather (if my genealogy is correct) of William the Bastard (i.e., William the Conqueror).  


Incidentally, there was a coin of this type in that same CNG sale. 


Edited by Anaximander
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As it so happens @Anaximander that AR grosso of Bohemund was my first coin. A neighbor gave me two coins when I was six. When I was old enough to attribute them I identified one as a tetradrachm of Nero from Alexandria and the other a Crusader coin which was your example. Unfortunately, they were fakes, tourist or otherwise as the grosso was cast in tin or lead and the Nero piece in brass. But it was still fun to identify them. This was before the Internet so the only way to identify them was at the library pouring through what coin resource books they had. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/30/2024 at 12:17 PM, Croatian Coin Collector said:

Kingdom of England Silver Penny of Edward I (minted in Canterbury sometime between 1279 and 1307):




A recent purchase for me (uncharacteristically) was also an Edward I penny.  This won't grade as well as your Canterbury but it is from a rarer mint (Berwick-on-Tweed) where the coins were struck from local dies.  It was the coin's provenance that really interested me - it is from J.J. North's collection (North wrote the book on English Hammered Coinage, as well as a book Edwardian silver)...  anyone else like to collect collectors?


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