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Gallienus with apparently uncommon reverse


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Arrived today. Worn and a fairly weak strike, this coin has reverse legend APOLLO CONSERVA, listed as RIC VI(S) Mediolanum 467(2) var fieldmark. Apparently very few examples have a trace of P in left field. RIC 467 is APOLLO CONSER. Regardless of condition I picked it for the reverse which exemplifies his status as God of music amongst many other things.

Gallienus, AE antoninianus, Milan mint. 20.34 mm, 2.48 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right. / APOLLO CONSERVA, Apollo standing slightly left, head right, holding lyre on alter, right arm raised to head. (some examples still have traces of P in left field). RIC V-1 (S), Milan 467(2) var (fieldmark); Possibly from the Cunetio hoard; Göbl 1167 Not in RIC with P in left field.



Edited by expat
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That’s a fun coin with an interesting reverse! I have one that I bought last year too!

Gallienus AR Antoninianus. Mediolanum, AD 262-263. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate bust to right / APOLLO CONSERVA, Apollo standing facing, raising hand to head and holding lyre on altar. RIC V.1 467 (sole reign) var. (altar); MIR 1166; RSC 93. 

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