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My (two-thirds of the) Twelve Caesars as of September 6, 2023


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This is my second time doing the Twelve Caesars.  I'm up to eight of the twelve as of this posting, so 2/3 of the way done.  My main criteria are a nice portrait and decent eye appeal.

The last time I did the Twelve, a decade ago, I was on a much smaller budget.

Here we go...

Julius Caesar: needed; want a lifetime portrait coin.

Augustus: AR cistophorus of Ephesus.

coins ancient romans roman provincial ephesus ca 27 bc 14 ad cistophoric tetradrachm of octavian as augustus


Tiberius: AR denarius ("Tribute Penny").

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 14 37 ad silver denarius of tiberius the biblical tribute penny


Caligula: needed; will probably go with a VESTA As.

Claudius: AE sestertius.  Going back to NGC for reimaging and reholdering (for pix without those pesky prongs).

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 41 54 ad bronze sestertius of claudius


Nero: AV aureus.

coins roman empire ca 54 68 ad gold aureus of nero


Galba: needed; not sure what type I'll go for yet.

Otho: AR denarius; recent CNG win, off to NGC soon.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 69 ad silver denarius of otho


Vitellius: needed; will likely go with a denarius.

Vespasian: AR denarius; yes, it's a posthumous issue struck under Titus, but I love this coin (I have a thing for capricorns).

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 81 ad silver denarius of vespasian commemorative issue struck by titus


Titus: AV aureus; recent purchase from Palmyra Heritage Galleries.  Will go back to NGC for reimaging and reholdering.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 ad gold aureus of titus struck for the opening of the colosseum


Domitian: AR denarius; as Caesar under Titus.  A recent purchase from Apollo Numismatics.  Will go off to NGC soon.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 81 ad silver denarius of domitian as caesar under titus

Edited by lordmarcovan
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  • lordmarcovan changed the title to My (two-thirds of the) Twelve Caesars as of September 6, 2023

Great (re-)start. You have some nice portraits and reverses.

I'm not trying to get the 12 Caesars as such, but I seem to have a few of them, albeit not in '12 Caesar display' condition like yours. Julius Caesar doesn't fit into my collection at all, except as one of the missing 12, so it gives me an excuse to get one.

Augustus As, 16BC
Rome. Bronze, 26mm, 6.72g. Augustus head right; CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC (POTEST). S C; C CASSI(VS CELER) III VIR A A A F F around (RIC I, 376). Found in Britain.

Tiberius Denarius, 14-37
Lugdunum. Silver, 19x18mm, 3.64g. Head of Tiberius, laureate, right; TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Female figure (Livia as Pax), draped, right, seated, right on chair with plain legs, holding branch and long sceptre; below chair, a double line; PONTIF MAXIM (RIC I.2, 26). From the South Norfolk Hoard 2014 (image 44).

Edited by John Conduitt
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Sort of Caligula...

Agrippa/Caligula As, 37-41
Rome. Bronze, 27mm, 10.26g. Agrippa (45-12BC) issued by Caligula (37-41) and countermarked by Claudius (41-54). Head of Agrippa, left wearing rostral crown; M AGRIPPA L F COS III. Neptune standing left holding dolphin and trident; S C; TIAV countermark (RIC I, 58). Ex James Pickering. The countermark was applied to barbarous imitations and worn coins to allow their use in provinces like Britain, where there was a coin shortage.

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Claudius Sestertius with PROB Countermark, 41-50
Rome. Bronze, 24.75g. Laureate head right; TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP. Oak-wreath; EX SC OB CIVES SERVATOS (RIC I, 96). After the conquest of 42, large quantities of early OB CIVES SERVATOS (without PP) were issued for Britain, all countermarked PROB.

Nero Denarius, 65
Rome. Silver, 2.78g. Laureate bust right; NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS. VESTA above dome hexastyle temple with statue of Vesta inside (RIC I, 62). Found Norfolk before 2001.

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Galba Denarius, 68-69
Rome. Silver, 16x17mm, 3.03g. Bare head of Galba right; IMP SER GALBA AVG. Oak wreath, S P Q R, OB C S (RIC I, 167). From the Westbury Sub Mendip (Somerset) Hoard 2016, Portable Antiquities Scheme: SOM-F1847A.

Otho Denarius, 69
Rome. Silver, 19mm, 2.82g. Head of Otho, bare, right; IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P. Securitas standing left, draped, holding wreath in right hand and sceptre in left; SECVRITAS P R (RIC I, 8). Found Thorpe in Balne near Doncaster, scattered field hoard.

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Vitellius Denarius, 69
Rome. Silver, 18x20mm, 3.08g. Laureate head right; A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P. Victory seated left, holding patera in right hand and palm branch in left; no legend (RIC I, 88). From the Westbury Sub Mendip (Somerset) Hoard 2016, Portable Antiquities Scheme: SOM-F1847A.

Vespasian Denarius, 74
Rome. Silver, 18mm, 3.01g. Laureate head Right; IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Emperor seated right on curule chair, feet on a low footstool, holding branch and sceptre; PON MAX TRP COS V (RIC II, 702). From the Westbury Sub Mendip (Somerset) Hoard 2016, Portable Antiquities Scheme: SOM-F1847A.

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Titus as Caesar Denarius, 75
Rome. Silver, 18x20mm, 3.07g. Head of Titus, as Caesar, laureate, right; T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN. Pax, naked to waist, seated left, holding olive branch extended in right hand, left hand in lap; PONTIF TR P COS IIII (RIC II, Vespasian 783). From the Westbury Sub Mendip (Somerset) Hoard 2016, Portable Antiquities Scheme: SOM-F1847A.

Domitian Denarius, 81-96
Rome. Silver, 18mm, 3.36g. Head of Domitian, laureate head right; IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIIII. Minerva standing, head left, holding spear; IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P (RIC 692). From the Westbury Sub Mendip (Somerset) Hoard 2016, Portable Antiquities Scheme: SOM-F1847A.

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@lordmarcovan Beautiful coins! I especially like your Vespasian, Domitian, Claudius and Augustus. It's also nice to see some aurei. I would also like to have some if they weren't so expensive.

I have 50% of the Twelve Ceasars at the moment. But I don't plan to aquire coins of Galba, Otho und Vitellius.
I would like to show the ones that I have. I experimented a bit with different backgrounds for the photos of my coins, hope you like it.

Nero Claudius Germanicus and Divus Augustus under Tiberius or Caligula. Drachm (18mm - 3.68g). 33/34 AD or 37/38 AD. Mint: Caesarea-Eusebia, Cappadocia.
Obv: GERMANICVS CAES TI AVG F COS II IMP, for Germanicus Caesar Tiberii Augusti Filius Consul Secundum Imperator (Germanicus Caesar, son of Augustus Tiberius, Consul for the second time, Imperator). 
RPC I. 3623D, RIC I (second edition) Gaius/Caligula 62. Ex YOTHR store (ma-shops)

I especially like the portrait and the countermark.
Claudius (41-54 AD). Cistophorus. Ephesus. Countermarked in the early reign of Vespasianus in Ephesuos with "IMP VES AVC".
Rev: DIAN - EPHE. Tetrastyle temple, containing facing statue of Diana of Ephesus, with supports.
RIC² 118; RPC I 2222. Ex Oslo Myntgalleri 


Nero (AD 54-68). AR Denarius (19mm - 2.92 g, 6h), Rome mint. Struck circa AD 64-65.
Obv: Laureate head right
Rev: Jupiter seated left on throne, holding thunderbolt and scepter.
RIC I 53; RSC 119. Ex CNG

My favorite portrait of Nero.
Nero (AD 54-68). Tetradrachm (14.97 g - 25 mm). Seleucis & Piera, Antioch. AD 65/6.
Obv: ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ. Laureate bust left, wearing aegis.
Rev: ΕΤΟΥϹ ΔΙΡ. Eagle standing left on club, with wings spread; palm-branch to left.
RPC I 4191; McAlee 266; Prieur 91. Ex Naumann


Vespasian, 69-79. Denarius (18 mm, 2.69 g, 6 h), Rome, 70 AD.
Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head of Vespasian to right.
Rev: COS ITER TR POT Pax seated left, holding branch in her right hand and caduceus in her left.
BMC 26. Cohen -. RIC 29. Ex Leu


Divus Vespasian, died 79 AD. Denarius (3.36 g - 18mm), Rome.
Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS. Laureate head right.
Rev: Column bearing shield inscribed S C and surmounted by urn; E-X across field, laurel branch to left and right.
RIC² 359 (Titus). Ex Naumann


Titus, as Caesar, 69-79. Denarius (16 mm, 3.62 g, 6 h), Antiochia, 72/3.
Obv: T CAES IM[P VESP P]ON TR POT Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Titus to right, seen from behind.
Rev: Palm tree; to left, Titus, left foot set on helmet, holding spear in his right hand and parazonium in his left; to right, Judaea seated in attitude of mourning to right, her head resting on her hand.
BMC 518. Cohen 392. RIC 1562. RPC II 1934. Ex Leu


Domitian, 81 - 96 AD. Denarius (19mm - 3,39g). Minted 88 AD in Rome.
Rev: IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS P P P, Minerva with owl next to her feet.
RIC 668; C. 253; BMC 152; BN 146. Ex Gorny & Mosch

Edited by Salomons Cat
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8 hours ago, lordmarcovan said:

This is my second time doing the Twelve Caesars.  I'm up to eight of the twelve as of this posting, so 2/3 of the way done.  My main criteria are a nice portrait and decent eye appeal.

The last time I did the Twelve, a decade ago, I was on a much smaller budget.

Here we go...

Julius Caesar: needed; want a lifetime portrait coin.

Augustus: AR cistophorus of Ephesus.

coins ancient romans roman provincial ephesus ca 27 bc 14 ad cistophoric tetradrachm of octavian as augustus


Tiberius: AR denarius ("Tribute Penny").

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 14 37 ad silver denarius of tiberius the biblical tribute penny


Caligula: needed; will probably go with a VESTA As.

Claudius: AE sestertius.  Going back to NGC for reimaging and reholdering (for pix without those pesky prongs).

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 41 54 ad bronze sestertius of claudius


Nero: AV aureus.

coins roman empire ca 54 68 ad gold aureus of nero


Galba: needed; not sure what type I'll go for yet.

Otho: AR denarius; recent CNG win, off to NGC soon.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 69 ad silver denarius of otho


Vitellius: needed; will likely go with a denarius.

Vespasian: AR denarius; yes, it's a posthumous issue struck under Titus, but I love this coin (I have a thing for capricorns).

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 81 ad silver denarius of vespasian commemorative issue struck by titus


Titus: AV aureus; recent purchase from Palmyra Heritage Galleries.  Will go back to NGC for reimaging and reholdering.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 ad gold aureus of titus struck for the opening of the colosseum


Domitian: AR denarius; as Caesar under Titus.  A recent purchase from Apollo Numismatics.  Will go off to NGC soon.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 81 ad silver denarius of domitian as caesar under titus

Fantastic coins so far! And I like the variation in denomination: cistophor, aureii, a sestertius. Well done!

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On 9/6/2023 at 4:58 AM, lordmarcovan said:

This is my second time doing the Twelve Caesars.  I'm up to eight of the twelve as of this posting, so 2/3 of the way done.  My main criteria are a nice portrait and decent eye appeal.

The last time I did the Twelve, a decade ago, I was on a much smaller budget.

Here we go...

Julius Caesar: needed; want a lifetime portrait coin.

Augustus: AR cistophorus of Ephesus.

coins ancient romans roman provincial ephesus ca 27 bc 14 ad cistophoric tetradrachm of octavian as augustus


Tiberius: AR denarius ("Tribute Penny").

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 14 37 ad silver denarius of tiberius the biblical tribute penny


Caligula: needed; will probably go with a VESTA As.

Claudius: AE sestertius.  Going back to NGC for reimaging and reholdering (for pix without those pesky prongs).

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 41 54 ad bronze sestertius of claudius


Nero: AV aureus.

coins roman empire ca 54 68 ad gold aureus of nero


Galba: needed; not sure what type I'll go for yet.

Otho: AR denarius; recent CNG win, off to NGC soon.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 69 ad silver denarius of otho


Vitellius: needed; will likely go with a denarius.

Vespasian: AR denarius; yes, it's a posthumous issue struck under Titus, but I love this coin (I have a thing for capricorns).

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 81 ad silver denarius of vespasian commemorative issue struck by titus


Titus: AV aureus; recent purchase from Palmyra Heritage Galleries.  Will go back to NGC for reimaging and reholdering.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 ad gold aureus of titus struck for the opening of the colosseum


Domitian: AR denarius; as Caesar under Titus.  A recent purchase from Apollo Numismatics.  Will go off to NGC soon.

coins ancient to romans imperial and republican roman empire ca 80 81 ad silver denarius of domitian as caesar under titus

 Your sestertius of Claudius is amazing!

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That is a very nice "two thirds" of a 12-Caesar collection.  

I have admired your aureii and that beautiful Claudius sestertius elsewhere before, and do so again. Congratulations, @lordmarcovan!


I have never attempted to assemble the full set, but like many of you have accumulated a fair number of them. Here they are, a mismash of denarii, asse/dupondi and a little gold, missing of course a Caligula. 


You will notice my Tiberius is quite a low grade and corroded Livia denarius - I have others, but I have included this coin because my son found it many years ago, and I still vividly remeber the joy the little guy felt when he found it. 






Julius Caesar Denarius - OBV:REV - VGP - March 2023 - C E N T E R E D.png

Augustus denarius Arch - OBV:REV - GP - old - 2023.png

Tiberius denarius Livia OBV:REV - old - 2023.png

Claudius Aureus - OBV:EBV - OKP.png

Nero As Genius - OBV:REV - VGP - 2023 .png

Galba Sestertius Victoria - OB:REV - VGP - NEW - 2021 - 2023.png

Otho Denarius PONT MAX - OBV:REV - VGP - Black Background - 2023.png

Vitellius Sestertius PAX - OBV:REV - OKP .png

Vespasian Sestertius SPQR PP OB CIVES -Wreath OBV:REV - VGP - 2023 new.png

Titus As Victoria Navalis - OBV:REV - VGP - 2023.png

Improve text.
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3 hours ago, GERMANICVS said:

That is a very nice "two thirds" of a 12-Caesar collection.  

I have admired your aureii and that beautiful Claudius sestertius elsewhere before, and do so again. Congratulations, @lordmarcovan!


I have never attempted to assemble the full set, but like many of you have accumulated a fair number of them. Here they are, a mismash of denarii, asse/dupondi and a little gold, missing of course a Caligula. 


You will notice my Tiberius is quite a low grade and corroded Livia denarius - I have others, but I have included this coin because my son found it many years ago, and I still vividly remeber the joy the little guy felt when he found it. 






Julius Caesar Denarius - OBV:REV - VGP - March 2023 - C E N T E R E D.png

Augustus denarius Arch - OBV:REV - GP - old - 2023.png

Tiberius denarius Livia OBV:REV - old - 2023.png

Claudius Aureus - OBV:EBV - OKP.png

Nero As Genius - OBV:REV - VGP - 2023 .png

Galba Sestertius Victoria - OB:REV - VGP - NEW - 2021 - 2023.png

Otho Denarius PONT MAX - OBV:REV - VGP - Black Background - 2023.png

Vitellius Sestertius PAX - OBV:REV - OKP .png

Vespasian Sestertius SPQR PP OB CIVES -Wreath OBV:REV - VGP - 2023 new.png

Titus As Victoria Navalis - OBV:REV - VGP - 2023.png

FOUND a Tribute penny, you say?  Was this a detecting find, or a ground pickup?  Where?  I'm bursting with curiosity.  Lovely coins.

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