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My main collecting focuses are Roman Republic & Imperial denarii. However, this year I've also greatly expanded my Ancient Greek coin collection. I don't exactly have a favorite purchase, the coin's numbering below isn't indicative of a "ranking."


Roman Republic, L. Sulla & L. Manlius Torquatus, 82 BC Silver Denarius, Military Mint Moving with Sulla, 17mm, 4.01 grams Obverse: Helmeted head of Roma right. Reverse: Sulla holding branch and reings driving triumphal quadriga right, Victory flying above crowning him with laurels. Crawford 367/5 // Manlia 4

SIKYONIA, Sikyon. Circa 330/20-280 BC. AR Triobol – Hemidrachm (15.5mm, 2.76 g, 5h). Chimaera standing left; ΣΙ below / Dove flying left. BCD Peloponnesos 283; HGC 5, 213. VF, iridescent tone. From the Johnson Family Collection, purchased from “J.H.,” 27 November 1968.


272-240 BC Calabria, Tarentum AR Nomos. 6.51g, 19mm Helmeted horseman right, holding a spear and shield. "TI" to left. Naked youth riding a dolphin left, holding a trident, Nike flying right above. Rudder below Vlasto 899-902.


L. Julius L.f. Caesar. 103 BC. AR Denarius (15.5mm, 3.87 g, 7h). Rome mint. Helmeted head of Mars left; •L (retrograde) above / Venus Genetrix driving biga of Cupids left, holding scepter and reins; •L (retrograde) above, lyre below. Crawford 320/1; Sydenham 593; Julia 4; RBW 1175 var. (control). Toned, a couple of bankers’ marks, faint hairlines. VF. From the Anthony Stewart Collection. Ex VAuctions 303 (31 January 2014), lot 240.


Lucania, Metapontion, 340 - 330 BC Silver Stater, 19mm, 7.53 grams Obverse: Wreathed head of Demeter right. Reverse: Ear of barley with leaf on left, mouse above leaf, META upwards on right. BMC 123 // Johnston Class A, 8.16 // HN Italy 1570. Ex Economopoulos Numismatics.


Roman Republic, A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus, 81 BC Silver Denarius, Rome Mint, 19mm, 3.85 grams Obverse: Draped bust of Diana right with bow and quiver over shoulder, bucranium above. Reverse: Togate figure standing left on rock holding aespergilium over bull, flaming altar between them, A POST A F S N ALBIN around. Postumia 7 // Crawford 372/1 // RBW 1392


PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 380/75-330/25 BC. AR Stater (23.4mm, 10.78 g). Two wrestlers grappling; ΔΑ between them / Slinger in throwing stance right; triskeles to right; all within dotted square border. Tekin Series 4.


Seleukid Kings of Syria, Antiochos VIII, 121-96 BC, AR Tetradrachm, no date, Obverse: his head R, Reverse: Zeus standing L, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥ, IE A on left, P below, silver, 30mm, 16.5g, SG7143v.


MYSIA, Pergamon. Circa 166-67 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 12.44 g). Cistophoric type. Struck circa 88-85 BC. Cista mystica within ivy wreath / Two serpents entwined around bow and bowcase; BA and prytaneis monogram above, civic monogram to left, serpent-entwined thyrsos to right. Kleiner, Hoard 30; SNG BN 1730-1.


ROMAN REPUBLICAN. L. Farsuleius Mensor. 76 B.C. AR denarius. 3.8 gm. 19.5 mm. Rome mint. Diademed and draped bust of Libertas right; LIII (control number) and pileus behind, MENSOR S C before / Roma holding spear and reins in biga, assisting togate figure into chariot; scorpion below; L FARSVLEI in exergue. Crawford 392/1a. Sydenham 789a. RSC Farsuleia 1.

Karia. Rhodes. Circa 305-275 BC. AR Didrachm (6.46g, 19mm). Obv.: head of Helios three-quarters right. Rev.: ΡΟΔΙΟΝ, rose with bud on right, grape cluster in left field, E-Y flanking stem. SNG Helsinki 454; Ashton 158; Weber 6716.


LUCIUS VERUS AD 161-169 AR Denarius. 3.27g, 18.7mm MINTED: Rome mint, Feb-Dec AD 168 REF: RIC III 589; Cohen 315 OBVERSE: L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right. REVERSE: TR P VIII IMP V COS III, Victory, winged, draped, advancing left, holding up wreath in right hand and palm, sloped at left shoulder, in left. Ex A.K. Collection; ex stock Münzen und Medaillen Basel 1967.


Roman Republic. C. Annius and L. Fabius Hispaniensis. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.88 gram) North-Italy and Spain 82-81 BC C ANNIVS T F T N PRO COS EX SC; Diademed head of Anna Perenna right; scales beneath chin; E between dots below Victory in biga right; Q in field; L. FABI L F HISP in exergue Crawford 366/1b.


Roman Republic, M Atilius Saranus 148 BC, Silver Denarius. 3.79g, 19mm. Helmeted head of Roma right "SARAN" to left, "X" below chin. The Dioscuri riding right, each with a spear "M ATILI" below, "ROMA" in exergue. Cr 214/1b.

Roman Republic AR denarius, C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus 48 BC. 18mm. 3.84g. Rome mint Head of young Bacchus r., wearing ivy wreath; PANSA behind. Ceres walking r., holding a torch in each hand, plow to r.; C.VIBIVS C.F.C.N behind. RSC I Vibia 16; Craw. 449/2.


ROMAN REPUBLICAN. L. Julius Bursio. 85 B.C. AR denarius. 3.74 gm. 19 mm. Rome mint. Laureate, winged, and draped bust of Apollo Vejovis right; trident and grasshopper (control mark) behind / Victory, holding wreath and reins, driving galloping quadriga right; L IVLI BVRSIO in exergue. Crawford 352/1a. Sydenham 728. RSC Julia 5.


Commodus Denarius. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / LIB AVG V TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P, Liberalitas standing left, holding abacus and cornucopiae. RIC 36; RSC 311.

Geta (as Augustus) AR Denarius (18.90mm, 3.29 grams) . Rome mint, 210-212 AD. Obv: P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right Rev: LIBERALITAS AVG V, Liberalitas standing left, holding coin counter and cornucopiae, globe to left. RIC 89, RSC 68.


SPAIN, Bolskan (Osca). Circa 150-100 BC. AR Denarius. 18mm, 3.86g. Male head right; Iberian 'bon' behind / Horseman holding spear right, Iberian 'bolskan' below. SNG BM Spain 695; CNH pg. 211, 2.


THRACE, Byzantion. Circa 387/6-340 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 3.72 g). Heifer standing left on dolphin left; trident head below raised foreleg / Incuse punch of mill-sail pattern. Schönert-Geiss, Byzantion 712–32; HGC 3.
PHILIP I THE ARAB AR silver antoninianus. Rome mint. IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right. Reverse - SAECVLARES AVGG, cippus inscribed COS III. RIC 24c, RCV 8961. 23mm, 4.2g.

Pamphylia, Side AR Tetradrachm. Circa 205-100 BC. Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet Rev. Nike advancing to left, holding wreath; pomegranate to left, A-K across fields. Seleukid countermark. Flan flaw from flan production on edge. 16.5g, 29mm. Ex CHS Basel.

Thessaly, Lamia AR Hemidrachm. Date: 400-344 B.C. Diameter: 16 mm. Weight: 2.67 grams. Obverse: Head of Dionysos left, wearing ivy wreath. Reverse: Amphora; ivy leaf above; prochous with handle to right. Reference: BCD Thessaly 123; HGC 4, 120; BMC 7.2,3.

Kings of Bactria, Antimachos II Nikephoros, 160 - 155 BC Silver Drachm, 17mm, 2.47 grams Obverse: Nike standing left holding palm frond and fillet, monogram in left field. Reverse: 'Maharajasa Jayadharasa Amtimakhasa' in Kharosthi around, Antimachos on horseback right. Bopearchchi 1D // Mitchner 135c // SNG ANS 409-13.

Roman Empire, Caracalla 198-217, Silver Denarius. 2.47g, 18mm Laureate bust of Caracalla right "ANTONINIVS PIVS AVG BRIT" "PM TR P XVI COS IIII PP" Serapis standing, head left, raising his right hand and holding a transverse scepter. RSC 211.
Edited by MrMonkeySwag96
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40 minutes ago, MrMonkeySwag96 said:

Roman Republic. C. Annius and L. Fabius Hispaniensis. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.88 gram) North-Italy and Spain 82-81 BC C ANNIVS T F T N PRO COS EX SC; Diademed head of Anna Perenna right; scales beneath chin; E between dots below Victory in biga right; Q in field; L. FABI L F HISP in exergue Crawford 366/1b.

My favorite... like this type and this coin 🙂 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fantastic list, great coins overall. And a nice mix between Roman and Greek. You had a great year. Difficult to pick favorites, but Ill go for no. 1 and 2. The Manlius Torquatus is Avery good coin, very well struck. And Ive always liked the design of your second coin, with the chimaera. Have a great 2024!

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