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Qcumbor’s top 10 list of the year 2023


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Hi friends,

2023 has been an above par year in terms of coins acquisitions. Not a lot of rarities, not a lot of coins, but some nice and enjoyable additions all year long

Even though having too many themed collections, I must be a very predictable person : this year again will you see Dombes, Divi series, Roman republic, Bosporan kingdom, French Revolution, mainly because I get them as they come and have hard time focusing on just one thing. They are listed in order of how I like them as of today. Thanks for looking and comments are welcome !


10 – Trajan Decius, Dupondius

For I have previously completed the Divi series, I thought it might be smart (is there anything smart at collecting coins is another story…) to put together a denomination set for Trajan Decius, and why not later, his family, in order to keep the theme alive. The begining seems easy enough, antoninianus, sestertius, dupondius, as and semis being all over the place. The second step, double sestertius and aureus, while reachable, will be much harder due to the price they command. The last step, denarius and quinarius, will probably remain a dream…

Anyway, here’s a dupondius :


Trajan Decius, Dupondius - Rome mint, 250 CE
IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG. Radiate and cuirassed bust right seen from behind
LIBERALITAS AVG / S - C. Liberalitas standing facing, head left, holding abacus and cornucopia. S|C in field
9,07 gr - 26 mm
Ref : RIC # 120c, Cohen # 72, RCV # 9418
Provenance : Numismatik Naumann auction # 131/757


9 – Monneron de 5 sols au serment (An IV), 1792 Birmingham, Soho

Last year I initiated a new themed collection about the french Revolution, only because my dear wife likes them more than all the round bits of metal I usually show her. This year I expanded it a bit and three coins fit the bill of being in the yearly top 10. I wrote a little note about the monnerons on the forum. The following is a big chunk of metal, medallic-like with quite a rich iconography to it, but was actually minted and used as a hard time token, worth 5 sols back then. They were struck at the Soho mint, Birmingham, UK, the same where the famous cartwheel pennies and tuppence were made :


Monneron de 5 sols au serment (An IV), 1792 Birmingham, Soho  (Monnaie de confiance - hard time token)
VIVRE LIBRES - OU MOURIR. // À L'EXERGUE 14 JUILLET. / 1790. Dans un cartouche ovale, scène du serment de la Fête de la Fédération avec PACTE FÉDÉRATIF, signé DUPRÉ F..
Tranche inscrite en creux .DEPARTEMENS DE PARIS. RHONE ET LOIRE. DU GARD. &c
30,65 gr - 40 mm
Ref : VG #291, Maz #145
Provenance : Ebay 09/2023


8 – Constitution - Ecu de six livres 1792 I (Limoges mint)

Last year I was able to show a demi écu de trois livres minted during the French Revolution, more precisely by the time of the « Constitution ». This year I could snag its big brother, an « écu de six livres » off of ebay at a decent price. I now have the ecu, demi ecu and 30 sols (quart d’ecu) denominations, lacking the 15 sols (huitième d’ecu) :


Constitution - Ecu de six livres 1792 - Atelier de Limoges (I)
LOUIS XVI ROI DES FRANCOIS . à l'exergue 1792, buste à gauche. Au dessus de la date, faisceau, différent du directeur François Alluaud (1791-An II)
REGNE DE LA LOI, le Génie de la liberté à droite, gravant la CONSTITUTION.
Dans le champ à gauche, faisceau de licteur surmonté d'un bonnet phrygien et croix, différent du graveur J-B La Vallée (1780-1793). Dans le champ à droite, coq et lettre d'atelier I (Limoges). A l'exergue L'AN 4 DE LA LIBERTE . en deux lignes. Signature Dupré sur le piédestal.
Tranche inscrite : (rose) LA NATION (rose) (fleuron).. (losange).. (fleuron) (rose) LA LOI (rose) (fleuron) (lis) (fleuron) (rose) ET LE ROI (rose) (fleuron) (lis) (fleuron)
29,48 gr - 39 mm
Ref : Ciani # 2238, Gadoury # 55
Provenance : Ebay 08/2023


7 – Roman Republic, Mn. Cordius Rufus, 46 BCE denarius

Last spring, the CGB live auction had this nice, albeit not perfect, denarius showing Medusa on Aegis on the reverse. A good opportunity to add something looking « different » to my RR collection, especially to the Imperatorial era :


Mn. Cordius Rufus, Denarius, minted at Rome 46 BCE
RVFVS, Corinthian helmet right surmonted by an owl standing right
Retrograde MN (ligate) C O R D I V S medusa on aegis
3.75 gr - 19 mm - 3 h
Ref : HCRI # 64, RCV # 441, RRC # 463/2
Provenance : CGB e-auction 03/2023


6 – Convention - Sol aux balances 1793 D.

Here’s the French Revolution again ! The sol aux balances is a very common coin, there are hundreds for sale any given day. The trick is to find one where the whole table is still readable, which is interesting and of high significance, as it says « men are equal in front of law ». It should have said « humans » instead of « men » since the latter excludes women, but you know, back then, it was not long ago that it was decreed that women have a soul… 😄 


Convention - Sol aux balances 1793, Atelier de Dijon( D•)
REPUBLIQUE FRANCOISE, la table de la loi, avec gravé LES HOMMES SONT EGAUX DEVANT LA LOI en six lignes, de part et d'autre une grappe de raisin et des epis de blé, a l'exergue L'AN II
LIBERTE EGALITE, balance surmontée d'un bonnet phrygien, entourée d'une couronne de chêne, au centre I . S . a l'exergue D. 1793 en deux lignes
Ref : Gadoury 2003 # 19
Provenance : Ebay 09/2023


5 – A run of 6 rare Dombes jetons/tokens

A bit of cheating on my part here, since I will show six in a row, putting the total to 15 instead of 10 as advertised in the title. Last june, MDC Monaco has auctioned a whole collection of jetons. Among them was a big bunch of Dombes ones. Choosing is renoucing as they say : it’s been quite a torture to focus on some and let the others go, but I couldn’t buy them all. I’m more than happy to have grabbed six of them (four for Gaston d’Orléans and two for Anne-Marie Louise d’Orléans). I have yet to do some research as the latin legends on them have more often than not a hidden message behind their appearence


1634 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, cuivre


1635 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, argent

1644 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, cuivre

1648 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, cuivre

1633 - Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans (1650-1693), Jeton, cuivre

1653 - Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans (1650-1693), Jeton, cuivre


4 – Divi series, Trajan antoninianus

Well, yes, my Divi series is over, but when a friend (and a member here) sends you a message saying they’ve found an upgrade for you, and this upgrade is three steps above what you already have, what should you do. I don’t want to show any disrespect to a friend (I simply cannot). So here it is in all its splendor, and below it is the one it replaces. Thank you @Barzus for that !!


Trajan, Antoninianus (under Trajan Decius) - Rome mint AD 250/251
DIVO TRAIANO Radiate head right, wearing light drapery on left shoulder
21 mm - 3,44 gr
Ref : RIC IV # 86a, Cohen #664, RCV #9471
Provenance : privately acquired 06/2023

and the "old one" 😞 



3 – Dombes, Louis II de Montpensier, essai en argent du denier tournois – 1576

Pursuing my quest of the Holy Grail, i.e. putting together as complete as possible a collection of Dombes coins, I have to go through lots of traps and obstacles


MDC Monaco had this beauty auctioned a few weeks ago and I had to have it. It’s a rare essai in silver of the denier tournois, such as the ones minted for his grand-son Henri II or his great grand-daughter Marie that I’ve shown previously



Dombes, Louis II de Montpensier (1560-1582), Essai du Denier Tournois type 1, argent - 1576 (pièce de plaisir) - Atelier de Trévoux
+ LVDO • P • DOMBAR • D • MONTIS, buste à gauche, cuirassé avec un col plat dans un cercle lisse
+ DENIER • TOVRNOIS • 1576 deux lis et une brisure dans un cercle lisse
1.11 gr - 17 mm - 6h
Ref : Divo Dombes # 58, CGKL # 714, Poey d'Avant # 5123, Mantellier # 31v
Provenance : MDC Monaco e-auction 7, # 1607


2 – Roman Republic, 115/114 anonymous denarius

For decades I’ve been in search for a nice example of the following. My requirements were a good style portrait, a full she-wolf and Roma on the reverse had to have a head on her shoulders. Otherwise I could live with an imperfect centering or preservation, hence the sacrifice of the ROMA legend on obverse doesn’t bother me too much.


Roman Republic, Anonymous, Denarius - Rome mint, 115/114 BCE
Head of Roma right in winged and crested corinathian helmet, X behind, [ROMA] below
Helmeted Roma seated right on pile of shields, holding spear, two birds flying in field, she-wolf to right suckling twins at Roma's feet.
3,93 gr
Ref : RCV # 164, RSC # 176, Crawford # 287/1
Provenance : Jean Elsen auction # 156/273


1 – Bosporan kingdom, Kotys II & Hadrian El stater (RPC online plate coin)

The BIG buy of 2023 !
I feel a growing interest for Bosporan Kingdom staters since 2020, when I bought one from Naville. Our fellow collector Okidoki auctioning his great Hadrian collection last summer, I was softly browsing through the vast offering when I stumbled upon this tremendous example. It sure wasn’t cheap, but wow, it’s really something I like to hold and admire !


Bosporan kingdom – El stater, dated 420 (123-124 CE)
Ϲ ΚΟΤΥΟϹ (anticlockwise). Draped and diademed bust of Cotys II right.
Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian right. KY at exergue (year 420)
7,71 gr – 19 mm - 1 h
Ref : RPC III # 878 (this coin illustrated), Anokhin # 471,  MacDonald # 422
Provenance : Ex CNG e-auction # 454/236, In NGC encapsulation 4285327-002, graded Ch VF, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5, Ex Eric (Okidoki) Ten Brink collection, Leu web auction # 26/2523


I hope you all have a great time, a merry christmas and a fantastic year in 2024 !


Edited by Qcumbor
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A great top and I like the non ancient coins too, even if I cannot appreciate them at the deserved numismatic value. 

You did not create a poll but following the tradition, I would choose 3 favorite coins. 

#7 is a type I also chased a lot and I had to settle with an example that's more modest than yours. 


But as I am as happy with mine as you are, as prices tend to get obscene for pristine examples. 

#2 is another great RR, also a type I was more than happy to acquire. 



Last pick for me is a Trajan restoration issue (congratulations for getting the entire set!). It was a close battle with the Decius dupondius. 

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Its better to be not focused and go for what your eye+ brain desire!


I really love all your Dombes coins/ really supberb exs! The AV Stater Cotys/ Hadrian also fantastic! I have lucked out on three I bid on...

The Ecu de Six Livres 1792 is amazing!

I am glad that you were able to have such a successful 2023!

Wish You and Your Family a Wonderfull Christmas Holidays.


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15 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

Hi friends,

2023 has been an above par year in terms of coins acquisitions. Not a lot of rarities, not a lot of coins, but some nice and enjoyable additions all year long

Even though having too many themed collections, I must be a very predictable person : this year again will you see Dombes, Divi series, Roman republic, Bosporan kingdom, French Revolution, mainly because I get them as they come and have hard time focusing on just one thing. They are listed in order of how I like them as of today. Thanks for looking and comments are welcome !


10 – Trajan Decius, Dupondius

For I have previously completed the Divi series, I thought it might be smart (is there anything smart at collecting coins is another story…) to put together a denomination set for Trajan Decius, and why not later, his family, in order to keep the theme alive. The begining seems easy enough, antoninianus, sestertius, dupondius, as and semis being all over the place. The second step, double sestertius and aureus, while reachable, will be much harder due to the price they command. The last step, denarius and quinarius, will probably remain a dream…

Anyway, here’s a dupondius :


Trajan Decius, Dupondius - Rome mint, 250 CE
IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG. Radiate and cuirassed bust right seen from behind
LIBERALITAS AVG / S - C. Liberalitas standing facing, head left, holding abacus and cornucopia. S|C in field
9,07 gr - 26 mm
Ref : RIC # 120c, Cohen # 72, RCV # 9418
Provenance : Numismatik Naumann auction # 131/757


9 – Monneron de 5 sols au serment (An IV), 1792 Birmingham, Soho

Last year I initiated a new themed collection about the french Revolution, only because my dear wife likes them more than all the round bits of metal I usually show her. This year I expanded it a bit and three coins fit the bill of being in the yearly top 10. I wrote a little note about the monnerons on the forum. The following is a big chunk of metal, medallic-like with quite a rich iconography to it, but was actually minted and used as a hard time token, worth 5 sols back then. They were struck at the Soho mint, Birmingham, UK, the same where the famous cartwheel pennies and tuppence were made :


Monneron de 5 sols au serment (An IV), 1792 Birmingham, Soho  (Monnaie de confiance - hard time token)
VIVRE LIBRES - OU MOURIR. // À L'EXERGUE 14 JUILLET. / 1790. Dans un cartouche ovale, scène du serment de la Fête de la Fédération avec PACTE FÉDÉRATIF, signé DUPRÉ F..
Tranche inscrite en creux .DEPARTEMENS DE PARIS. RHONE ET LOIRE. DU GARD. &c
30,65 gr - 40 mm
Ref : VG #291, Maz #145
Provenance : Ebay 09/2023


8 – Constitution - Ecu de six livres 1792 I (Limoges mint)

Last year I was able to show a demi écu de trois livres minted during the French Revolution, more precisely by the time of the « Constitution ». This year I could snag its big brother, an « écu de six livres » off of ebay at a decent price. I now have the ecu, demi ecu and 30 sols (quart d’ecu) denominations, lacking the 15 sols (huitième d’ecu) :


Constitution - Ecu de six livres 1792 - Atelier de Limoges (I)
LOUIS XVI ROI DES FRANCOIS . à l'exergue 1792, buste à gauche. Au dessus de la date, faisceau, différent du directeur François Alluaud (1791-An II)
REGNE DE LA LOI, le Génie de la liberté à droite, gravant la CONSTITUTION.
Dans le champ à gauche, faisceau de licteur surmonté d'un bonnet phrygien et croix, différent du graveur J-B La Vallée (1780-1793). Dans le champ à droite, coq et lettre d'atelier I (Limoges). A l'exergue L'AN 4 DE LA LIBERTE . en deux lignes. Signature Dupré sur le piédestal.
Tranche inscrite : (rose) LA NATION (rose) (fleuron).. (losange).. (fleuron) (rose) LA LOI (rose) (fleuron) (lis) (fleuron) (rose) ET LE ROI (rose) (fleuron) (lis) (fleuron)
29,48 gr - 39 mm
Ref : Ciani # 2238, Gadoury # 55
Provenance : Ebay 08/2023


7 – Roman Republic, Mn. Cordius Rufus, 46 BCE denarius

Last spring, the CGB live auction had this nice, albeit not perfect, denarius showing Medusa on Aegis on the reverse. A good opportunity to add something looking « different » to my RR collection, especially to the Imperatorial era :


Mn. Cordius Rufus, Denarius, minted at Rome 46 BCE
RVFVS, Corinthian helmet right surmonted by an owl standing right
Retrograde MN (ligate) C O R D I V S medusa on aegis
3.75 gr - 19 mm - 3 h
Ref : HCRI # 64, RCV # 441, RRC # 463/2
Provenance : CGB e-auction 03/2023


6 – Convention - Sol aux balances 1793 D.

Here’s the French Revolution again ! The sol aux balances is a very common coin, there are hundreds for sale any given day. The trick is to find one where the whole table is still readable, which is interesting and of high significance, as it says « men are equal in front of law ». It should have said « humans » instead of « men » since the latter excludes women, but you know, back then, it was not long ago that it was decreed that women have a soul… 😄 


Convention - Sol aux balances 1793, Atelier de Dijon( D•)
REPUBLIQUE FRANCOISE, la table de la loi, avec gravé LES HOMMES SONT EGAUX DEVANT LA LOI en six lignes, de part et d'autre une grappe de raisin et des epis de blé, a l'exergue L'AN II
LIBERTE EGALITE, balance surmontée d'un bonnet phrygien, entourée d'une couronne de chêne, au centre I . S . a l'exergue D. 1793 en deux lignes
Ref : Gadoury 2003 # 19
Provenance : Ebay 09/2023


5 – A run of 6 rare Dombes jetons/tokens

A bit of cheating on my part here, since I will show six in a row, putting the total to 15 instead of 10 as advertised in the title. Last june, MDC Monaco has auctioned a whole collection of jetons. Among them was a big bunch of Dombes ones. Choosing is renoucing as they say : it’s been quite a torture to focus on some and let the others go, but I couldn’t buy them all. I’m more than happy to have grabbed six of them (four for Gaston d’Orléans and two for Anne-Marie Louise d’Orléans). I have yet to do some research as the latin legends on them have more often than not a hidden message behind their appearence


1634 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, cuivre


1635 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, argent

1644 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, cuivre

1648 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, cuivre

1633 - Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans (1650-1693), Jeton, cuivre

1653 - Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans (1650-1693), Jeton, cuivre


4 – Divi series, Trajan antoninianus

Well, yes, my Divi series is over, but when a friend (and a member here) sends you a message saying they’ve found an upgrade for you, and this upgrade is three steps above what you already have, what should you do. I don’t want to show any disrespect to a friend (I simply cannot). So here it is in all its splendor, and below it is the one it replaces. Thank you @Barzus for that !!


Trajan, Antoninianus (under Trajan Decius) - Rome mint AD 250/251
DIVO TRAIANO Radiate head right, wearing light drapery on left shoulder
21 mm - 3,44 gr
Ref : RIC IV # 86a, Cohen #664, RCV #9471
Provenance : privately acquired 06/2023

and the "old one" 😞 



3 – Dombes, Louis II de Montpensier, essai en argent du denier tournois – 1576

Pursuing my quest of the Holy Grail, i.e. putting together as complete as possible a collection of Dombes coins, I have to go through lots of traps and obstacles


MDC Monaco had this beauty auctioned a few weeks ago and I had to have it. It’s a rare essai in silver of the denier tournois, such as the ones minted for his grand-son Henri II or his great grand-daughter Marie that I’ve shown previously



Dombes, Louis II de Montpensier (1560-1582), Essai du Denier Tournois type 1, argent - 1576 (pièce de plaisir) - Atelier de Trévoux
+ LVDO • P • DOMBAR • D • MONTIS, buste à gauche, cuirassé avec un col plat dans un cercle lisse
+ DENIER • TOVRNOIS • 1576 deux lis et une brisure dans un cercle lisse
1.11 gr - 17 mm - 6h
Ref : Divo Dombes # 58, CGKL # 714, Poey d'Avant # 5123, Mantellier # 31v
Provenance : MDC Monaco e-auction 7, # 1607


2 – Roman Republic, 115/114 anonymous denarius

For decades I’ve been in search for a nice example of the following. My requirements were a good style portrait, a full she-wolf and Roma on the reverse had to have a head on her shoulders. Otherwise I could live with an imperfect centering or preservation, hence the sacrifice of the ROMA legend on obverse doesn’t bother me too much.


Roman Republic, Anonymous, Denarius - Rome mint, 115/114 BCE
Head of Roma right in winged and crested corinathian helmet, X behind, [ROMA] below
Helmeted Roma seated right on pile of shields, holding spear, two birds flying in field, she-wolf to right suckling twins at Roma's feet.
3,93 gr
Ref : RCV # 164, RSC # 176, Crawford # 287/1
Provenance : Jean Elsen auction # 156/273


1 – Bosporan kingdom, Kotys II & Hadrian El stater (RPC online plate coin)

The BIG buy of 2023 !
I feel a growing interest for Bosporan Kingdom staters since 2020, when I bought one from Naville. Our fellow collector Okidoki auctioning his great Hadrian collection last summer, I was softly browsing through the vast offering when I stumbled upon this tremendous example. It sure wasn’t cheap, but wow, it’s really something I like to hold and admire !


Bosporan kingdom – El stater, dated 420 (123-124 CE)
Ϲ ΚΟΤΥΟϹ (anticlockwise). Draped and diademed bust of Cotys II right.
Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian right. KY at exergue (year 420)
7,71 gr – 19 mm - 1 h
Ref : RPC III # 878 (this coin illustrated), Anokhin # 471,  MacDonald # 422
Provenance : Ex CNG e-auction # 454/236, In NGC encapsulation 4285327-002, graded Ch VF, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5, Ex Eric (Okidoki) Ten Brink collection, Leu web auction # 26/2523


I hope you all have a great time, a merry christmas and a fantastic year in 2024 !


Your #1 would be mine as well, but it's a great list all around. Congrats!

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Fantastic coins! Yes, your no. 1 would be my no. 1 too, although your no 2 is a really nice issue of this type. The rendering of the reverse is absoltely fantastic. I surely don't see these in this quality for offer! Goog grab 🙂

Anyway, have a great 2024!

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20 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

1 – Bosporan kingdom, Kotys II & Hadrian El stater (RPC online plate coin)

The BIG buy of 2023 !
I feel a growing interest for Bosporan Kingdom staters since 2020, when I bought one from Naville. Our fellow collector Okidoki auctioning his great Hadrian collection last summer, I was softly browsing through the vast offering when I stumbled upon this tremendous example. It sure wasn’t cheap, but wow, it’s really something I like to hold and admire !


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like all four ancient coins  , Trajan portrait is very expressive and the RR denarius is superb. As a coincidence, this year I bought the As(LIBERALITAS AVG) with the same intention to complete the denomination set , the same seller had also a nice semis but was too expensive for me.

Congratulations !

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