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Post Your Tiny Treasures (13mm and under)

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Athens, Attica

454-404 BC
AR Hemiobol (7mm, 0.30g)
O: Helmeted head of Athena right.
R: Owl standing right with head facing, olive sprig behind; AΘE to right, all within incuse square.
Kroll 14; SNG Cop 59; Sear 2531v
ex Artifact Man


The classic Athenian tetradrachm writ small.

Edited by Phil Anthos
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Some of my favorite coins happen to be my smallest (and they're certainly my favorite to store as they all fit in one, tiny box!)

Thasos hemidrachm, 3.95 gm, 12mm:



Athens diobol, 1.43 gm, 11mm - minted from the melted down statues of Nike on the Akropolis to fund the creation of a navy against Sparta in the Peloponnesian War:


Timoleon Syracuse hemidrachm / 30 litrai (a recent purchase / upgrade which I haven't posted here yet): 2.16 gm, 12mm


Cicilia, Uncertain Mint. Trihemiobol (?), 4th c. BC. AR 0.99 g - 11 mm. Janiform head, bearded male head on the l., female head r. Rev. Three faced bearded male head. SNG Levante 201-202


Akragas Litra (0.80g, 13mm). approx. 471 - 430 BC BC Obv.: ΑΚΡΑΓΑΝΤΙΝΟΝ, pair of eagles on a killed hare lying on its back, the front eagle with its head thrown back. Backs: crab, below grouper, above A. SNG ANS ; SNG Cop. ; SNG Lockett 719; Jameson 516.


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Love looking at these great small coins.

My smallest coin is this diobol of Perdicca III, Kingdom of Macedon, 365 - 359 BC, 10mm, .93g. Purchased last year from NAC.

The silver coins of Perdicca (or Perdikkas) III are quite rare. He was the older brother of Phillip II, who became a little more famous! 

My motivation for purchasing this coin was I wanted a coin with a portrait of Herakles in my collection, and being fussy preferred a bearded portrait of good style with a lion scalp headress that looked like a lion. This fit the bill, and whilst not cheap for something so small, was within my means, and much less expensive than what it sold previously 12 or so years ago.



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3 hours ago, AncientJoe said:

Athens diobol, 1.43 gm, 11mm - minted from the melted down statues of Nike on the Akropolis to fund the creation of a navy against Sparta in the Peloponnesian War:



That is an amazing piece of history.

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Persia, Achaemenids. 4th century BC. AR 1/24 Siglos (5mm, 0.19g, 12h). Obv: Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance right, holding dagger and bow. Rev: Head of Satrap wearing tiara left, in incuse square. Very Rare. Ref: Small -; Sunrise Collection -; Troxell / Kagan -. See Kunker Auction 304 (19 Mar 2018) Lot 711. See Giessener Münzhandlung 200, Munich 2011, No. 1969.image.jpeg.80072ac1b48b3ac4cc8b781a12551296.jpeg

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Kings of Macedon. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.50g, 6h). Uncertain eastern mint, possibly imitative. Obv: Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin. Rev: AΛΕΞNAR (sic); Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter. Ref: Cf. Price 4009 (similar style and fabric). Very Fine. Ex CNG 79, Lot 20.


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Bithynia. Kalchedon. Circa 367/6-340 BC. AR Trihemiobol or Quarter-Siglos (11mm, 1.24g) Obv: ΚΑ; Bull standing left on grain ear. Rev: Mill-sail incuse. Ref: Hoover HGC 7, 519; SNG BMC Black Sea 124-6; SNG von Aulock 485. 


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Pisidia, Selge. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.62g, 6h). Obv: Facing gorgoneion. Rev: Helmeted head of Athena right; astralagos behind. Ref: SNG France 1931-1934; SNG Cop 252; SNG Von Aulock 5278; SNG Von Post 349; Dewing 2476.image.jpeg.e7ab829d8b3da7ec77817f2d5c37df02.jpeg

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Cilicia, Uncertain. 4th century BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.69g, 4h). Obv: Youthful male head left, wearing wreath of grain ears. Rev: Eagle, with spread wings, standing left on the back of lion recumbent left; all within dotted square. Ref: SNG France 474; SNG Levante 230; Göktürk 43 var.


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Cilicia, Nagidos. Circa 400-380 BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.83g, 6h). Obv: Head of Aphrodite left. Rev: NAΓI; Bearded head of Dionysos left. Ref: SNG France II, 11; SNG Levante 3 var. (heads right). Very Fine, steel grey toning. Ex Ralph DeMarco, Apr 2000.


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On 3/22/2024 at 10:44 AM, kirispupis said:


Here are some other tiny favorites.


Cimmerian Bosporos, Myrmekion
Circa 470-460 BCE
AR Tetartemorion 5 mm, 0.22 g
Ant seen from above.
Rev. Quadripartite incuse square, pellets in two opposing compartments.
HGC 7, 54. MacDonald 6



Looks like a carpenter ant to me.  Possibly life sized.  Little did it know that it'd get immortalized for the next 2,500 years!

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Here's a recent small coin - Metapontum obol - it's one "in the pipeline", but at least I've taken photos.

Naville's description:

Lucania, Metapontum Obol circa 430-400, AR 9.00 mm., 0.41 g.
Head of Heracles r., wearing lion skin. Rev. Grain ear. Historia Numorum Italy 1506. SNG Ahmolean 1802.

Old cabinet tone and Very fine

From the collection of a Mentor.



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1 hour ago, akeady said:

Here's a recent small coin - Metapontum obol - it's one "in the pipeline", but at least I've taken photos.

Naville's description:

Lucania, Metapontum Obol circa 430-400, AR 9.00 mm., 0.41 g.
Head of Heracles r., wearing lion skin. Rev. Grain ear. Historia Numorum Italy 1506. SNG Ahmolean 1802.

Old cabinet tone and Very fine

From the collection of a Mentor.



Much nicer than mine, although it was a gift from a friend, and that adds a great value...

Metapontum, Lucania

430-400 BC
AR Obol (7.6mm, 0.38g)
O: Beardless head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress.
R: Barley ear of five grains.
Noe 365.1; HN Italy 1506
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

About 480 BC the city magistrates of Metapontum desired to make a change to their coinage, which up until that time depicted only the ear of grain.
This coin symbolizes the legend of Herakles and the Oxen of Geryon which, according to Diodorus Siculus (circa 1st century AD), were brought by the Hero to Metapontum from the west.


Edited by Phil Anthos
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  • 5 months later...

Lots of little ones:


Province, City:  Caria, Kasolaba

Denomination:  AR Hemiobol

Mint:  Kasolaba (450 - 400 BC)

Size:  7.0 mm

Weight:  0.38 g

Obverse: Youthful male head, right; monograms in left and right fields

 Reverse: Rams head, right


Province, City:  Caria, Stratonikeia

Denomination:  AR Hemidrachm

Mint:  Stratonikeia (133 – 125 BC)

Size:  11.0 mm

Weight:  1.79 g

Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right

 Reverse: Eagle with spread wings standing right, IACΔI above, Σ-T across fields, helmet to lower right; all within incuse square

References: Unpublished; Historia Numorum Online (specimen 2805)



Province, City:  Caria, Stratonikeia

Denomination:  AR Hemidrachm

Mint:  Stratonikeia (167 - 133 BC)

Size:  12.0 mm

Weight:  1.19 g

Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right

 Reverse: Eagle with spread wings standing right, IKEKΣOY above, Σ-T across fields, serpent on altar to lower right; all within incuse square

 References: Unpublished



Province, City:  Caria, Uncertain Mint D

Denomination:  AR Hemiobol

Mint:  Uncertain Mint (450 - 400 BC)

Size:  7.00 mm 

Weight:  0.40 g

Obverse: Confronted foreparts of two bulls

 Reverse: Forepart of bull, left; star between hooves



Province, City:  Caria, Uncertain Mint H

Denomination:  AR Tetartemorion

Mint:  Uncertain Mint (450 - 380 BC)

Size:  6.00 mm 

Weight:  0.20 g

Obverse: Head of ram to right

 Reverse: Head of roaring lion to right with tongue protruding

 References: HN online 2219; SNG Keckman I, 903; SNG Kayhan I, 988; Troxell, Carians 10



Province, City:  Euboea, Histiaia

Denomination:  AR Tetrobol

Mint:  Histiaia (300 – 100 BC)

Size:  12.0 mm 

Weight:  1.73 g

Obverse: Wreathed head of Histiaia, right, wearing earring and necklace

 Reverse(IΣTIAIE)ΩN, Nymph seated right on stern of galley; wing on prow

 References: BMCG 8.133.99; HGC 4, 1525



Province, City:  Ionia, Klazomenai (Clazomenae)

Denomination:  AR Diobol

Mint:  Klazomenai (480 – 400 BC)

Size:  9.00 mm 

Weight:  1.06 g

Obverse: Forepart of winged boar right

 Reverse: Quadripartite incuse square

 References: SNG Cop 6; SNG München 451; SNG Kayhan 334



Province, City:  Ionia, Miletos

Denomination:  AR Diobol

Mint:  Miletos (Late 6th – Early 5th Century BC)

Size:  10.00 mm 

Weight:  1.16 g

Obverse: Forepart of lion left, head reverted right

 Reverse: Stellate pattern within incuse square

 References: BMCG 14.186.34-35; SNG Kayhan 476-482; SNG von Aulock 2081; Sear GCV 2, 3533



Province, City:  Ionia, Miletos or Caria, Mylasa 

Denomination:  AR Trihemitartemorion

Mint:  Miletos or Mylasa

(Late 6th – Early 5th Century BC)

Size:  5.00 mm

Weight:  0.25 g

Obverse: Forepart of roaring lion left; head looking backwards

 Reverse: Bird standing right; two pellets, one above and one below; all within incuse square

 References: Klein 432; SNG Kayhan 947 (Mylasa); SNG Keckman 922; HNO 977 (Mylasa)



Edited by -monolith-
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11mm AR Diobol featuring Athena. I bought it from Civitas at markdown. I'm using my r/ancientcoins captions on it.

Though labelled as 350-320 BC, the records I found on ACSearch says 450-400 BC. Seems to be vary scarce, there are far more versions with Athena facing LEFT.(https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?term=aeolis+diobol+&category=1-2&lot=&date_from=&date_to=&thesaurus=1&images=1&en=1&de=1&fr=1&it=1&es=1&ot=1&currency=usd&order=0)

Bertolami Fine Arts Auction #3, May 31, 2011, Lot 104 (https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=1020559)

Bertolami #5, May 14, 2012, Lot 223(https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=1264795)

Olympus Numismatick #8, Oct 21, 2023, Lot 179 (https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=11725613)

Numismatick Naumann #45, July 3, 2016, Lot 179(https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=3181796)

ArtCoins Roma May 2012(https://www.wildwinds.com/coins/greece/aeolis/elaea/BMC_03.jpg)


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This coin is certainly not my tiniest, yet I still find it to be a 'treasure'.


Ionia, Miletos. (Circa 175-85 BC). AE (11mm, 1.26g)
O: Laureate Head of Apollo right .
R: Lion standing right, looking back; star above; Magistrate's name(BATTOΣ?) below

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With all these lovely coins I feel almost ashamed to share this one but it does qualify in terms of size if not in terms of eye appeal,,,,,

Valentinian II - AE4 - RIC IX Thessalonica 62a

Obv:– DN VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, Plain diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GLORIA REI-PVBLICE, Camp gate surmounted by two turrets
Minted in Thessalonica (A | _ / TE•S). A.D. 383-388
Reference(s):– RIC IX – 62a (S)

0.89gms. 11.89mm. 0 degrees


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10 hours ago, Herodotus said:

This coin is certainly not my tiniest, yet I still find it to be a 'treasure'.


Ionia, Miletos. (Circa 175-85 BC). AE (11mm, 1.26g)
O: Laureate Head of Apollo right .
R: Lion standing right, looking back; star above; Magistrate's name(BATTOΣ?) below

I didn't include my because it was to big to qualify: 16.00 mm., 4.11 g.


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We've had at least one other tiny coin thread here over the past year. I must be confusing that thread for this one, because I haven't posted here yet.

These both qualify as under 13mm. I think the obol measures 9mm - 10mm and the James 1 Half Penny below that measures 10mm - 12mm or so.

Pisidia; Selge; c. 250 - 190 BCE; AR Obol; 0.89 grams; Obv: Facing gorgeoneion; Rev: Helmented head of Athena right,
astragalos to left; SNG Ashmolean 1546 - 50, SNG BN 1948-54

James I HalfPenny, 2nd Coinage (1607 - 1609), mintmark Rose, Sp. 2663

And the obligatory picture for scale.

I still have no idea how people managed to actually use this tiny money effectively. They could blow out of your hand in a mild breeze.

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