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Sneak Preview Thread: What's in your waiting line?


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  • 5 months later...

Ugggggghhhhhh the never ending backlog of coins to catalog. I'm pretty good about processing my coins (verify coins received, move to archival flips, attribute, and catalogue into collection). However I still need to verify the sizes and weights, photograph, print coin flips and insert into my binders for all 500+ of them. I currently have two baggies of denarii and antoninianiani that I purchased in December 2022 which still need to be processed and several boxes to organize.





Edited by -monolith-
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Ah, the "inbox" ...


Not too much there for me at the moment. The nearest coin in the baggie is a random $10 "snack" - a campgate with an unlisted-for-mint diadem type, and the others in flips are part of my very slow reorg of moving coins from flips+albums to those 2x2 manilla envelopes + whitman storage boxes. Bonus chunk of petrified wood and ceramic cat in the background!

There was a time, for a few years after moving houses, when I'd let incoming coins accumulate and then had an "inbox" of a couple of hundred coins needing to be onboarded - photographed, and filed, which was a bit daunting. Never again!



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I've got a bit of a backlog. Somehow I've found myself binging on sestertii the past few months, if you can imagine it. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd century, ranging from C to R2. I've got a few in the mail right now, looking forward to having them in hand!

Part of my wait is also due to the fact that I am currently waiting on a custom ordered piece of glass: I want to make a new dedicated axial lighting photography setup. So, no more photography until that comes!

I've also got a very special coin which I haven't posted yet but am planning to soon...I wanted to hold off until I had finished the little article/writeup I've been working on for the past few weeks. 😉 

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10 minutes ago, Edessa said:

Working on dates. One pile I think I can figure out, the other pile the date is missing.

What are they, in general? I can see that they are silver, but that's about all I can figure out, from the photo. The carpet looks interesting.

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Actually, the background is a placemat. The coins are the six-pointed star type dirhams of al-Zahir Ghazi, Album 834.7. Almost all came from eBay, many from the hoard that Dr. Lanz sold on eBay back about 12 years ago. I believe most are the Crusader imitations, but it looks as if you have to be able to read the dates to tell the imitations from the originals.

Just FYI, there is a special section on Zeno.ru that catalogs much of the Lanz hoard.

Why did I buy so many of the same type? Only Zeus knows. I must have an affliction.

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