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I was visiting Greece last week. One of the highlights is to visit the museums. It's nice to see the art pieces in real person. There is no coin on display though. 



After collecting a few Faustina Junior coins, I recognized the familiar hairstyle from afar. 🙂

In Santorini (ancient Thera):

In Delphi:



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9 minutes ago, happy_collector said:

I was visiting Greece last week. One of the highlights is to visit the museums. It's nice to see the art pieces in real person. There is no coin on display though. 



After collecting a few Faustina Junior coins, I recognized the familiar hairstyle from afar. 🙂

In Santorini (ancient Thera):

In Delphi:



It is indeed a great museum, they have fantastic 3-floors Numismatics museums which is about 7 min walk from the museum you went to


here are some of my shots from the museum of Archeology 







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  • 1 month later...

We’re getting our taste of Hurricane Helene on Saint Simons Island, GA right now. 

Branches down in the road on my commute to work. One fell right in front of me and went up into the undercarriage of my car. I was unable to steer around it in time. Fortunately it was just a relatively crunchy palm frond instead of a solid live oak limb. 

It’s getting gnarly out there now. There have been some gusts that I bet were 50+ MPH.

And we’re only on the outer edge of this thing. Prayers for the folks in the FL panhandle and the rest of GA inland from us. They’re getting the worst of it.

My friend Matt Trevathan shot these pics at the St. Simons Pier and lighthouse tonight. I converted his short video of the Pier to an animated GIF, so you won’t be able to hear the wind noise, which is impressive.



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My husband and I became "pawrents" recently. This little bundle of joy has been consuming every hour of our awake time ever since!

She's a pure Golden Retriever, just turned 10 weeks old; Carmella is her name. Truly an absolute angel - potty training on the up and up, near perfect acclimation to crate training, almost no barking or biting. Just itching to get to her week 16 so she can get fully vaccinated and go on walks where we aren't having to carry her! (At almost 14lbs she wears the arms out quick). But at the same time, naturally want her to stay in this cute puppy phase as long as possible! 🥰


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Post- Hurricane Helene update (coastal Georgia): if this is what a “near miss” looks like, I shudder to think of what it must be like to the SW, W, and N of us.

We (at least my family) are essentially OK down here as far as life and limb and property damage goes.

Exceedingly uncomfortable, however. Cell service was spotty yesterday. This is Day Two without power. No power means no AC, of course. It got up to 90°F yesterday despite some nice breezes.

So sleeping sweaty is bad enough, but I also can’t really get any quality sleep anyway, without my CPAP machine for sleep apnea.

Imagine that you’re inside a box: a singlewide trailer that’s 85° inside with little air circulation. It’s humid. Imagine too there are all sorts of odors you never noticed when the AC was on: pet smells, litter box, trash can, maybe some food going bad, and a touch of mold or mildew.

Then imagine the water going out when the aerator tank runs empty, and no electricity for the well pump.

Get up in the dark and dress by flashlight. Put your work clothes on over your dirty body that’s dripping in sweat, because there’s no way to take a shower. There’s just a bottle of water and a washcloth.

So… yeah. a minor Hell, in other words.

My ideal temp is 65°. I sweat at anything over 75°, so you can imagine what a humid 85-90° indoors is like.

No water was the final straw for me. I’m out. Thank GOD the power finally came back on at my Dad’s house last night, so I have a place to evacuate to.

Most of the county, including the hotel where I work, still lacks power, 32+ hours in and counting. About half the traffic lights are still out. People are stupid, so there have been accidents. There has been a fire or two, as well.

My car has been my only place to get some AC and charge my phone, but I ran low on gas yesterday. This was nerve-wracking because most gas stations are still inoperable. I waited 30+ minutes in line at one before I was finally able to fill up.

Trivia: did you know FEMA has something called “The Waffle House Index”? You see, Waffle House’s slogan is “Always Open”. And they are- 24/7/365- even during disasters. When Waffle House is closed- you KNOW the poop has really hit the fan!

That article says code Red (Waffle Houses closed) only rarely happens. Well, yesterday I made the rounds, and saw only one Waffle House in the county open (and it was mobbed). So Glynn County was all Waffle House Code Red with a sole Code Yellow exception (limited menu).

But despite the misery, we’re better off than a lot of folks.

How about the rest of y’all in the path of the storm? Things are catastrophic in my old Western NC stomping grounds. Some videos out of the Asheville area look like New Orleans during Katrina.

Here’s one hotel sign near where I finally found a gas station open.

Our front steps.

Outside critters seem to be OK.

Not as bad on our road as in other places. A couple of trees down, but mostly small debris. (These are of course post-road-clearing pictures.)



Big Bob doesn’t seem fazed at all.

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I saw this critter wriggling on the cobblestones and initially assumed it was another earthworm. Worms (nightcrawlers) often come up from between the stones in this spot.

But no, this time it was actually a SNAKE- one of the tiniest ones I've ever seen.



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A few shots from my recent travel to Peru :

Market place in Arequipa









Titicaca lake



Street scene in Pisac



Salineras de Maras



Benvenido a Cusco !



Somewhere in the forest aroun Puerto Maldonado




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Brought my father-in-law some fried chicken.

It has boosted his popularity considerably.

Give cats and dogs the vote and put him on the ballot, and boom, there goes the election. He’d easily be elected President.

Of the whole universe. 😸

(At least as long as the food supply lasted.)


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9 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

A few shots from my recent travel to Peru :

Market place in Arequipa









Titicaca lake



Street scene in Pisac



Salineras de Maras



Benvenido a Cusco !



Somewhere in the forest aroun Puerto Maldonado




Lovely! Those pics remind me very much of my travels in Chile.

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We used to own a weekend home up in Barryville NY but sold it years ago so I'm back to being a full time New Jersey resident.  However, we still go up there several times a year especially in the Summer.  Kayaking on the upper Delaware River is a particular treat - we usually do the 15 miles from Narrowsburg NY down to Barryville - but trips of various start/stop points and lengths are available from the numerous rafting/kayaking companies along the river.  Here's 2 photos from this past August when my daughter and I went most recently.

The 2nd photo shows the Roebling Aquaduct bridge crossing the river between Minisink NY and Lackawaxan PA.  Built in 1849 it is the oldest wire suspension bridge in the US and originally was water-proofed to carry lumber barges down river to the Philadelphia and New York markets as part of the Delaware/Raritan/Hudson canal system.  It has now been restored and converted for car and pedestrian traffic.  An early test project of its builder Mr. Roebling, he later used this experience to help him design a slightly more famous undertaking - the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. 



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Local Georgia wild-caught shrimp.  

Pricey, but worthwhile.  The mashed potatoes were instant, watery, and not very good.  But the shrimp was great.  And you don't go to a joint called "JB's Shrimp Shack" for the mashed potatoes.

(The baked potato I ordered to take home for later.  Midnight snack.)




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“The Great Elephant Migration,” is a touring public-art exhibition that is in New York this weekend. The elephants are made from lantana camara, an invasive, toxic shrub that forms dense thickets that out-compete native plants, disrupt ecosystems, and make land less useful for agriculture or grazing. The plant is toxic to livestock and pets, especially the green berries and leaves, which contain chemicals that can cause liver damage and photo-sensitivity.  Money raised from the sale of the elephants and related merchandise goes to 22 global non-governmental conservation organizations.

100 elephants marching through the meatpacking district was quite a site this morning, a sunny day in NY.


and of course there are no shortage of coins with elephants from this one of Satavahanas (Andhras), Vasisthiputra Siva Pulumavi, circa CE 147-154.


To many coins of the Metellii in the Roman republic:


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On 10/5/2024 at 10:07 PM, jdmKY said:

Captain Kirk in Lexington last night


I just saw him on a billboard, and wondered if he was still kickin’.  Glad to see he is.  No spring chicken now, but then none of us are getting any younger.

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This big fella was in the Hardee's parking lot. (That’s Carl’s Junior, if you happen to be in the Western US.)

Perhaps the girl in the drive-thru was expecting a baby, but she didn't look like it, and the bird wasn't carrying a bundle.




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