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Julia Mammaea, a new arrival


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Julia Mamaea. Augusta AD 225-235. Rome
Denarius AR 20 mm, 3,43 g
Julia Mamaea Denarius. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust right / VESTA, Vesta standing half-left, holding palladium and sceptre.  
RIC 360, Sear 8217,  RSC 81.


Post your Mammaea´s or anything Severan

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Momma Mamaea, that's a good looking portrait! Coingrats!

Mine has the bread dough hairstyle:


Julia Mamaea, Augusta, 222-235, Denarius (18mm, 2.76 g), Mamaea was the younger daughter of Julia Maesa, Rome, 222. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG Draped bust of Julia Mamaea to right, wearing stephane. Rev. IVNO CONSERVATRIX Juno standing left, holding patera in her right hand and long scepter in her left; at her feet to left, peacock with folded wings standing left, head turned back to look at Juno. Cohen 35.

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Nice coin @expat here is my humble example of a Sestertius purchased  in 2021 from an ex-formerly  famous auction house that closed yesterday!

I hope Angelo agrees with the provenance!!


Julia Mamaea (mother of S. Alexander) Æ Sestertius. Rome, AD 224. IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust to right / VENVS FELI[X], Venus seated to left, holding palladium and sceptre; SC in exergue. RIC IV 701 (Alexander); Banti 18; BMCRE 199-200. 21.35g, 29mm, 12h.

Good Very Fine.

From the 
Angelo Collection, collector's tickets included.


Edited by Dafydd
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My latest Severan lady, one of the scarcer empresses:


Roman Empire, Aquilia Severa 220 AD, Silver Denarius 2.45g, 19mm Draped bust of Aquilia Severa right "IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG" Concordia standing left, sacrificing out of a patera over an altar and holding double cornucopiae, star to left. "CONCORDIA" RSC 2

Edited by MrMonkeySwag96
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I can share a sestertius and denarius of hers with the Felicitas reverse:

Julia Mamaea, AR Denarius. Rome, 228 A.D. (20mm, 2.13g), IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right / FELICITAS PVBLICA, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, legs crossed, holding caduceus and leaning on column. RIC IV 335 (Alexander);

Julia Mamaea, AE Sestertius (30mm., 20.27g.), Draped bust r., wearing stephane./ Rev. Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and leaning on column. RIC 676.

Edited by Shea19
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Wonderful examples! Here are my own two Julia Mamaea denarii, the first one a purchase I made only a few months ago -- the same type shown by @Salomons Cat and @Shea19:

Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander), AR Denarius, AD 228, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right wearing diadem (or stephane), IVLIA MA-MAEA AVG/ Rev. Felicitas standing front, head to left, legs crossed, resting left elbow on column and holding long caduceus* transversely in right hand, FELICI-TAS PVBLICA. RIC IV-2 335, RSC III Julia Mamaea 17 (ill. p. 148), Sear RCV II 8209 (ill. p. 678), BMCRE VI (Severus Alexander) 483. 20 mm., 2.64 g. Purchased 8 Mar 2024 from Gert Boersma Ancient Coins, Hasselt, Netherlands.


*See John Melville Jones, A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins (London, Seaby, 1999) at p. 166 (entry for “Felicitas”), explaining that Felicitas signified “joy” in the sense of the prosperity and success of the Roman state. The formulation “Felicitas Publica” emphasizes that aspect. See also id p. 43 (entry for “Caduceus”), noting that the caduceus “often … appears as an attribute of . . . personifications suggesting peace, stability, and concert,” including Felicitas.

Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander), AR Denarius, AD 231, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right wearing diadem (or stephane), IVLIA MA-MAEA AVG/ Rev. Venus standing front, head left, holding helmet & scepter, shield leans against her at left. VENVS V-ICTRIX. RIC IV-2 358, RSC III Julia Mamaea 76 (ill.), Sear RCV II 8216 (ill. p. 679), BMCRE VI (Severus Alexander) 713. 20.5 mm., 2.88 g. Purchased 13 April 2018 from Sphinx Numismatics, Markham ON Canada.


Edited by DonnaML
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Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander  Augusta, 222-235 AD. Murdered together on March 22, 235 AD. AR Denarius  Rome mint. 1st emission of Severus Alexander, struck 222 AD. Obv: Draped bust right. Rev: Juno standing left, holding patera and long scepter; to left, peacock standing left. RIC IV 343 (Alexander); RSC 35


Edited by PeteB
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Thanks for sharing your new addition, @expat. Here are my two Julia Mamaea coins: a denarius and an Alexandrian tetradrachm.  🙂


Julia Mamaea 222-235 AD. Denarius
Obv: Draped and diademed bust of Julia Mamaea right "IVLIA MAMAEA AVG"
Rev: Juno standing left, holding a patera and scepter, peacock at her feet. "IVNO CONSERVATRIX"
2.50g, 18mm.
RSC 35 
Aegean Numismatics. August 2023



EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea. Augusta, RY 11 of Severus Alexander. AD 231-232.
Potin Tetradrachm(23mm, 10.44 g, 12h).
Obv: Draped bust right, wearing stephane
Rev: Elpis standing left, holding lotus blossom and raising a fold of her dress; palm frond before; L IA (date) to right.
Köln 2525;Dattari (Savio) 4483; K&G 64.68; RPC VI Online 10541; Emmett 3203.11 (R5).
Very rare. From the Lionel Tenby Collection.
Triton XXVII Online. January 2024.


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Nice coin!

I've got the sestertius version of your type plus a denarius with a Juno reverse:


Julia Mamaea, Roman Empire, AR denarius, 225–235 AD, Rome mint. Obv: IVLIA MAMAEA AVG; bust of Julia Mamaea, diademed, draped, r. Rev: IVNO AVGVSTAE; Juno, draped, seated l., holding flower in r. hand and object (swathed infant?) in l. hand. 21mm, 2.94g. Ref: RIC IV Severus Alexander 341.



Julia Mamaea, Roman Empire, AE sestertius, 222–235 AD, Rome mint. Obv: IVLIA MAM[AEA] AVGVSTA; bust of Julia Mamaea, diademed, draped, r. Rev: VES[T]A; Vesta, draped, standing l., holding palladium in r. hand and sceptre in l. hand. 30mm, 24.40g. Ref: RIC IV Severus Alexander 708.

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One of my favorite coins is a Julia Mamaea (well half of it). 

Severus Alexander, with Julia Mamaea. AD 222-235. Æ Medallion (23 mm, 8.18 g, 12 h), Rome, 230. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG IVLIA MAMAEA AVG / MATER AVG Confronted busts of Severus Alexander right, laureate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Mamaea left, diademed and draped / P M TR P VIIII / COS III P P Severus Alexander, togate, seated left on curule chair, holding Victory in right hand and long scepter in left, being crowned by Victory standing left behind him, holding palm frond in left hand; to right, Virtus standing front, head right, resting right hand on shield, inscribed VOT/X and set on tree or cippus, and holding parazonium in left hand. RIC 666 (As?); Gnecchi III, p. 45, 20; BMCRE 671. Extremely rare. 
Ex Leu Web Auction 29 (24 February 2024), lot 2216.


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