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Aureo & Calico - Do you recommend?

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Hi all, 

I just wanted to ask your opinion on Aureo and Calico? I have yet to shop with them but I am considering it!

How are shipping times? Are they generally fair prices or more on strong side? Safe as well in terms of authenticity? 

even just a thumbs-up as a recommendation would help! 

Thank you

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Very good people. You can bid with absolute confidence in their integrity. Prices are generally solid but not record breaking, but that's going to vary a lot from sale to sale. Shipping from any of the Spanish dealers is slow, because of the need to obtain export permits. At least that's true for ancients; I'm not sure if the same rules apply to more modern coins.

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Where ealier medieval is concerned, I go back with them too far even to remember what the export-permit front looked like.   Presumably the info would be outdated, anyway.  -- @expat would know!  (Now that I mention it, he sold me one of his Romans, and, Dope-Slap, I can't remember what that looked like!)  But for those --including some relatively high-end stuff-- their efficiency, expertise and ethics were top level.  For medieval Iberian (including some relatively arcane Andalusian), I'd reflexively compare them to Elsen for medieval Low Countries.  Might as well forget finding anyone anyone any better.  To @Phil Davis' point, it's hard to believe that wouldn't translate across genres.

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Spain has taken a hard line on exportation of all coinage, ancient right through to modern. Of course this varies depending who you are! If I go to the post office and try to send a 50 year old German commemorative, I need to get an export permit. If I sell it through ebay using their site to ship it with UPS, it gets shipped next day. Go figure. A dealer such as Aureo with its reputation and volume of turnover is probably treated the same as ebay. For us mere mortals, the necessary permits can take considerable time to obtain. Aureo is a very well respected company, its prices are commensurate with the quality of their product. Of course, to my benefit, living in Spain, none of the cultural rights etc. and permits apply because the coinage is not leaving the country.

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