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Wednesday is Mercury day


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In Latin is was dies Mercurii (Mercury's day. Mercury was a messenger of the ancient Roman gods, and a god of commerce.)

Hermes was his his Greek equivalent. As I don´t have either, then it is down to you good folks.

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Here are two:



Mysia, Pergamon
Obv.: Draped bust of Hermes to right; wing on head.
Rev.: ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ; winged kerykeion.
AE, 17mm, 2.70g
Ref.: RPC III, 1751A-2 (this coin)
(Same obverse (die match) as H. v. Fritze. - Berlin, 1910, pl. III, 26, but with kerykeion instead of tree/serpent on the reverse)




Lydia, Sala
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Reign of Trajan
Obv.: ΔHMOC CAΛHNΩN, laureate and draped bust of bearded Demos right.
Rev.: ЄΠI AΛЄΞANΔPOV IЄPЄ, Hermes standing left with kerykeion and purse.
AE, 3.3g, 18mm
Ref.: RPC III 2436, SNG Cop. 416; SNG von Aulock 3107

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Numerian - Antoninianus

Obv:– IMP NVMERIANVS AVG, Radiate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– PIETAS AVGG, Mercury standing left, holding purse and caduceus
Minted in Rome (//KAD). A.D. 283 - A.D. 284
Reference:– RIC 416 (C).

4.13g, 21.99mm, 180o



L Papius Denarius Serratus

Obv:– Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat skin tied under chin. Behind head, Harpa
Rev:– Gryphon running right; in ex., L. PAPI.; in field, Winged Petasos
Minted in Rome from . B.C. 79.
Reference(s) – RSC Papia 1. RRC 384/1. RCTV 311.
Symbol variety – RRC 150. Babelon 149. BMCRR -.

Symbols of Mercury.


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Roman Republic, anonymous issue, AE semuncia (post-semilibral standard), 215–212 BC, Rome mint. Obv: head of Mercury r. Rev: prow r.; above, ROMA. 20mm, 6.97g. Ref: RRC 41/11.


Herennius Etruscus, Roman Empire, AR antoninianus, 251 AD, Rome mint. Obv: bust of Herennius Etruscus, radiate, draped, r. Rev: PIETAS AVGG; Mercury, nude except for cloak on shoulders, standing l., holding purse and caduceus. 20mm, 3.17g. Ref: RIC IV Trajan Decius 142.

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Ionia, Phokaia
Circa 350-300 BCE
Æ 5.52g, 18mm, 12h
Head of Hermes to left, wearing winged petasos fastened under chin
Forepart of griffin to left; [ΦΩ]KAEΩ[N] below.
BMC -, cf. 99-100; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -, cf. 1041-2. 



Arkadia. Pheneos
350-300 BCE
AE 13.26mm 2.13g
Obverse: Head of Hermes right wearing petasos
Reverse: Φ E, ram standing right, AP monogram before
BCD Peloponnesos 1614.2
Ex BCD Collection Purchased July 1976



Lesbos. Eresos
circa 300-200 BCE
Æ 9 mm, 0,74 g
Head of Hermes to left, wearing petasos
Head of female right EPEΣI to left

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Did someone say Wōdnesdæg?

Saxon Series X Type 31 Wodan Monster Sceatta, 740-800
British style. Silver, 12mm, 1.17g. 'Wodan' head facing, pellet above, short cross pommée to left and right; all in pelleted circle. Fantastic creature left, head right, with tail towards head (S 797). Found central north Norfolk.

Edited by John Conduitt
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Postumus 260-269AD antoninianus

Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: MERCVRIO FELICI, Mercury standing left, head right, holding purse in right hand and short handled caduceus in left hand.


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Thursday is Jupiter day

In Latin, the day was known as Iovis Dies, "Jupiter's Day". In Latin, the genitive or possessive case of Jupiter was Iovis/Jovis and thus in most Romance languages it became the word for Thursday: Italian giovedì, Spanish jueves, French jeudi, Sardinian jòvia, Catalan dijous, Galician xoves and Romanian joi.

Maximianus, AE radiate fraction. 295-299 AD. Cyzicus. IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MI-LITVM, Emperor standing right, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter, standing left and holding sceptre. KΔ in lower centre. 2.74g, 24mm. RIC VI Cyzicus 16B.


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Here are a couple of mine with Mercury (or Hermes):

Roman Republic, C. Mamilius Limetanus, AR Serrate Denarius, 82 BCE Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust of Mercury right, wearing petasus with two wings, caduceus over left shoulder, control letter “F” behind* / Rev. Ulysses walking right, wearing mariner’s clothing and pileus, holding staff in left hand and extending right hand towards his dog, Argus, who stands left at Ulysses’ feet with his head raised towards him; C•MAMIL downwards in left field, LIMETAN [TA ligate] upwards in right field. Crawford 362/1. RSC I Mamilia 6, Sear RCV I 282 (ill.), BMCRR 2717 and 2720-2721 [two examples of control letter “F”]. 21 mm., 4.04 g., 9 h.**


*The only known control-letters for this issue are the 11 letters of the alphabet necessary to spell out a version of the moneyer’s name, C LIMETANVS C.F. See Crawford p. 377. There are 100 different obverse dies known for this issue (id. p. 375), meaning that there should be approximately 9 different dies per control-letter, assuming that they were distributed equally. 

**The reverse design alludes to the moneyer’s claim to descent from Telegonus, son of Ulysses and Circe. See Crawford p. 377. See also id. p. 220 (noting in connection with Crawford 149 that the Mamilii were a Tusculan family and claimed descent from Telegonus, Tusculum’s founder, through his daughter Mamilia). The family’s descent from Ulysses through Telegonus also explains the depiction of Mercury -- in legend, the great-grandfather of Ulysses -- on the obverse. Id. p. 377.  For the tale of Ulysses’ encounter with his old dog Argus [Argos in Greek] upon his return to Ithaca, see Homer’s Odyssey, Book 17, lines 290-327.

Macrinus Augustus and Diadumenian Caesar, AE Pentassarion [5 Assaria], 217-218 AD, Marcianopolis Mint, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria] (Pontianus, consular legate). Obv. Confronted heads of Macrinus, laureate, right, and Diadumenian, bareheaded, left, [AVT K OΠE]Λ CEV MAKPEINOC K M OΠEΛ ANTΩNEINOC [bracketed portion off flan][ = Imperator, Caesar, Opellius Augustus Macrinus, Caesar Marcus Opellius Antoninus ] / Rev. Hermes standing facing, head left, holding purse in extended right hand and caduceus in left hand; chlamys hanging over left arm; E [mark of value for “5”] in right field, VΠ Macrinus ΠONTIANOV MAP-KIANOΠOΛEITΩN (ΩN ligate) [ = Consular Legate Pontianus, (coin) of the people of Markianopolis].  AMNG I/I 740 [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I (Berlin, 1898) at pp. 240-241]; BMC 3 Thrace 35 [R.S. Poole, ed. A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 3, The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, etc. (London, 1877) at p. 32]; Hristova & Jekov [Nina Hristova & Gospodin Jekov, The Local Coinage of the Roman Empire - Moesia Inferior, I - III c. A.D., MARCIANOPOLIS (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2006)]; Varbanov (Eng.) Vol. I, 1192 var. (E to left) [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005)]; Diadumenian.com /marcianopolis5.html, No. Mar5.33d.  25 mm, 12.89 g. Purchased from Kirk Davis, Cat # 75, Fall 2020, Lot 62; ex: Dr. Paul Rynearson (ca. 2003). (Coin is double die match to Lot 696, CNG Triton XII Auction, Jan. 5, 2009.)


Plus this Napoleonic-era British medal:

Great Britain, Napoleon's Flight from Elba/Congress of Vienna, 1815 (from James Mudie series of 40 medals commemorating British victories in Napoleonic Wars, struck 1820). Obv. French eagle with thunderbolt (symbolizing Napoleon) approaches the French coast, Isle of Elba in background, to left TEMPLUM. JANI (Temple of Janus), with four-sided Janus on corner of roof, its doors lying broken (symbolizing the breaking of peace). In exergue: XXVI. FEBRUARY MDCCCXV. / Rev. Mercury, displaying a scroll inscribed TO ARMS, flying over globe carrying the news of Napoleon's flight, DECLARATION OF THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA. In exergue: XIII MARCH. By N.G.A. Brenet/ A.J. Depaulis. AE 41 mm., 41.8 g. Mudie 32, Eimer 1064, BHM 869, Bramsen 1597.



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