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Jupiter Greatest and Best, what have I done now! major potential liberation event.


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I've made many mistakes and sometimes been pulled out of the mire by forum members in the past but this is the worst yet.

In a mad moment, I was looking at a Timeline auction and not doing very well and put a rash bid on the work of "art" below which arrived today and has upset my karma.

The opening bid was £22/$27 and I thought I could not go wrong because the denarius was worth that. It was one of those moments when you need the purchase fix because you are doing badly and rush into things placing bids at the end of an auction which you don't think will win but if you do great.

Well I did win and my purchase metamorphosised into a £67/$85 purchase after the commission and crazy shipping charges were added.

This is my dilemma. The coin is a decent Septimius Severus denarius but it is no doubt glued to its 24 carat gold foil of which there is probably  more gold on a chocolate bar wrapper, and to find out what it is I will have to break up the frame and then no doubt deal with super glue to find out the identity of the coin.

My wife commented "was that the ratio of women to men in Roman times? No wonder the Empresses' moved around a bit"......

She's is also not keen on putting it on a wall or at least one she will have to pass often.

I am not sure how long my curiosity will hold out for but this must be the ultimate cracking open of a "slab" but I am sure it has to happen.

It's propped up against a vase at the moment whilst I deliberate its future. I doubt if the reverse could be identified from the obverse.

I wonder if the other 1149 coins came from a hoard or were the basement remnants from Roma, all previously owned by a gentleman retired metal detectorist ?






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I'm actually warming to it but totally intrigued about the coin. Value is irrelevant but what the heck is it? If I had made this I would have pasted an image of the reverse of the coin on the back of the display. I guess the artist thought it was all about me, me and me.

I'm still trying to figure it out. No way is the central figure Vespasian and the scene must be post Colosseum build. Possibly Domitian with the laurel leaves but I can't see Domitia Longina with long black hair somehow..

Legate XI fought against the Chatti for Domitian but if the woman was captured you would assume blonde hair or least I would. Overlooking the overall confusion there is probably some logic here that some erudite member who studies the Flavians will decipher instantly. @David Atherton?

Here is my Legate XI denarius from the previous century ex Bertolami 2020.


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If it were mine, I’d want to know more about this coin!  I would have hoped for a better attribution by Timeline Auctions!

Here’s what I would do: 
Pry the mat/back from the frame. 
Determine the location of the coin from the back. 
Carefully cut the backing material with an exacto knife, initially just inside the edge of the coin. Photograph the reverse.
Since you will likely cut too far, ruining the gold foil, proceed to pull out the coin from the gold foil, and photograph anew. 
Replace the foil with a neutral (removable) backing, remount the coin in the backing, and place it all back in its frame. 
Bob’s your uncle! 

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