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Probus (276-282)
Antoninianus, Rome
Obv.: IMP PROBVS AVG, Radiate bust left in imperial mantle, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle.
Rev.: SOLI INVICTO, R /crescent and star/ E in ex, Sol driving quadriga left, raising hand, holding globe and whip
4.43g, 22.4mm
Ref.: RIC 202

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LMCC 7.03.006, RIC 153


Laureate and cuirassed bust right


Sol standing left, chlamys falling from left shoulder, right hand holding up globe, left whip

-/*/PLN – London Mint

3.44g, 23.5mm, 21mm beaded circle

Third reduction nummus

311 - 312 AD

Ex Paul Munro Walker collection, Roma Numismatics E-Sale 59, Lot 1277

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Some lovely coins shown here. Sol appears to be a fan favorite in the Roman Empire of the late 3rd century and early 4th century, right before paganism crashed out. 

RE.Aurelian.RIC_5.1_360_bg.jpg.4eba361bade8ac27eb547ef976679693.jpg  RE.Aurelian.RIC_5.1_360_tag.jpg.5b88764be6bb0dde5153d15446658a96.jpg 

Roman Empire. Aurelian. 270-275 AD. Æ Antoninianus (4.23 gm, 24.1mm, 7h) of Cyczicus, 2nd officina, 274-475 AD. Radiate & cuirassed bust right, IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG. / Sol standing left, raising hand, holding globe, captive seated left at feet. B in field to right, XXI in ex. ORIENS AVG. VF. Bt. Silenos Coins, 2002.  RIC V.1 #360; CBN 1205; Cohen 147; RSC - ; Hunter p. cxvi; MIR 345; SRCV III #11566.

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Unlisted in RIC, plate coin in Ferrando II (he took this photo without permission, and featured it as the largest photo in his book!).

Scarce anyway because of the captive issue mark, but unlisted with Sol std R (looking L) and spread chlamys.


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1 hour ago, Heliodromus said:


Unlisted in RIC, plate coin in Ferrando II (he took this photo without permission, and featured it as the largest photo in his book!).

Well, that’s one way to get a plate coin. ☺️

An unfamiliar reference, @Heliodromus.  Would that be Ferrando, Ph. L'atelier monétaire d 'Arles: de Constantin le Grand à Romulus Augustule (313-476). (Arles, 2010)? Perhaps a second volume? 

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1 hour ago, Heliodromus said:


Unlisted in RIC, plate coin in Ferrando II (he took this photo without permission, and featured it as the largest photo in his book!).

Scarce anyway because of the captive issue mark, but unlisted with Sol std R (looking L) and spread chlamys.



Here's my more modest Sol as Superman with 'spread chlamys', LMCC 7.08.001, which also comes in a less superhero like type.

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ISLANDS off CARIA, Rhodos. Rhodes . Circa 125-88 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 14mm, 1.48 g 12), Timokrates. Radiate head of Helios, three-quarter facing to right. Rev. Ρ - Ο ΤΙΜΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ Rose with bud to right; below to left, coiled serpent; all within shallow incuse square. Jenkins, Rhodian 156. very fine.

Purchased from Savoca April 2023

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36 minutes ago, Anaximander said:

An unfamiliar reference, @Heliodromus.  Would that be Ferrando, Ph. L'atelier monétaire d 'Arles: de Constantin le Grand à Romulus Augustule (313-476). (Arles, 2010)? Perhaps a second volume? 

Yes, exactly! By Ferando "II" I'm referring to this 2010 2nd edition.

I don't really begrudge him taking the photo, although it seems rude not to have asked (I'd have said yes), but it has to be said that the book is pretty awful. Despite being a 2nd volume and intended to be an update on RIC VII, it's still missing some coins that he should have been aware of, such as this one (which has Sol on, so qualifies for this thread).


The above coin is mine, but there's also one in the ANS collection that Ferrando should have been aware of!

What really kills the book is lack of organization (I honestly couldn't tell you what the organizing principle was - an element of date-based, plus who knows what). For example, coins from this C-S issue are spread across many disjoint sections of the book. Very difficult to look something up and be sure that it's not there just because you couldn't find it. Lech's Not-in-RIC site covers much, if not more, of the same material, and is better organized with better photos.


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Posted · Administrator
5 hours ago, shanxi said:



Probus (276-282)
Antoninianus, Rome
Obv.: IMP PROBVS AVG, Radiate bust left in imperial mantle, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle.
Rev.: SOLI INVICTO, R /crescent and star/ E in ex, Sol driving quadriga left, raising hand, holding globe and whip
4.43g, 22.4mm
Ref.: RIC 202

Looks like we’ve got twins at least according to RIC, although the legend around Sol is placed differently on our coins… interesting. 



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Another unlisted one - this is same eastern robed Sol type of Maximinus II as shown by @happy_collector above, but this one issued from Heraclea and recognizing Constantine.

What's interesting here is that Heraclea was never part of Maximinus II's territory.. Heraclea was in the diocese of Thracia which had been part of Galerius's territory and then passed to Licinius upon his death in 311 AD.

These Maximinus-issued coins from Heraclea can be dated to a very brief time period of a few weeks in April of 313 AD when Licinius was in the west visiting his new brother-in-law Constantine in Milan. Maximinus took the opportunity of Licinius's absence to make a lightening incursion across the bosphorus into Thraciae where he was able to briefly control Heraclea and issue coins (an interesting priority). Licinius quickly heard of what was happening, high-tailed it back east, and by the end of April had defated Maximinus in the Battle of Tzirallum, putting him on the run back into his own territory where he died a few months later.

RIC VI only lists a few coins for Maximinus himself, but he also issued them for both of Licinius and Constantine (some sort of subterfuge). The coins, while somewhat scarce, and heavily die-linked, are nonetheless a lot more plentiful than would be expected for such a short period of issue.


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Macedonian Kingdom, Reign of Perseus

171-170 BC
AR Drachm (15mm, 2.81g)
Uncertain mint in Thessaly
Hermios magistrate.
O: Head of Helios facing 3/4 right, hair loose.
R: Rose with bud on right; I-Ω to either side of stem, EPMIAΣ (magistrate) above.
Price, Larissa p. 241; SNG Keckman 795; Sear 5092
ex Jack H. Beymer


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Some Roman Imperial coins depicting Sol:

Roman Republic, Mn. Aquillius, AR Denarius, Rome Mint, 109-108 BCE [Crawford], or 108-107 BCE [Mattingly]. Obv. Radiate head of Sol right; beneath chin, X [old mark of value used here (& on several other issues) despite revaluing of denarius from 10 to 16 asses in 136 BCE] / Rev. Luna in biga of galloping horses right, holding reins in both hands; above horses, crescent moon and three stars; beneath horses, a fourth star; MN • AQVIL [MN ligate] below; in exergue, ROMA. Crawford 303/1; RSC I (Babelon) Aquillia 1 (ill. p. 16); BMCRR II Italy 645 (ill. Pl. xcv no. 11); Sear RCV I 180; Albert 1094 (ill. p. 154) [Albert, Rainer, Die Münzen der Römischen Republik (2011)]; RBW Collection - [not included]; for date of issue, see also Mattingly, Harold B., "The Management of the Roman Republican Mint," p. 258 Table 3, in From Coins to History: Selected Numismatic Studies (2004). 18x19 mm., 3.82 g. Purchased 30 Sep. 2023 from Divus Numismatik (Philipp Krüger), Vienna, Austria; ex Marc Walter, Vienna, Austria; ex Numismatica Tintinna, Scandiano, Emilia Romagna, Italy [I couldn't find auction date online]; ex Mario Ratto, Milan, Italy, Fixed Price List Fall 1995, No. 56 [see Richard Schaefer Roman Republican Die Project at http://numismatics.org/archives/ark:/53695/schaefer.rrdp.processed_300-399#schaefer_clippings_output_303_sd, Col. 3, Row 11].*


Roman Republic, L. Lucretius Trio*, AR Denarius, 76 or 74 BCE.** Obv. Radiate head of Sol right / Rev. Crescent moon surrounded by seven 8-pointed stars (three above and two on each side); TRIO between horns of crescent***; L• LVCRET[I] below crescent.  Crawford 390/1, RSC I Lucretia 2 (ill.), BMCRR I Rome 3245 (ill. BMCRR III, Pl. XLII No. 11), Sear RCV I 321 (ill.), Sydenham 783, Harlan, RRM 1 Ch. 16 at pp. 98-100 [Michael Harlan, Roman Republican Moneyers and their Coins, 81 BCE-64 BCE (Vol. I) (2012)]. 18 mm., 3.83 g.****


Probus, silvered billon Antoninianus, 278-280 AD, Rome Mint [4th Emission, 2nd Officina]. Obv. Radiate bust left in imperial mantle, holding eagle-tipped scepter, IMP PRO-BVS AVG / Rev. Sol in quadriga leaping left, with right hand raised and holding globe and whip in left hand, SO-L-I INVIC-TO; in exergue, R- ᴗ [crescent]-B [Rome Mint, Officina 2]. RIC V-2 202B, Sear RCV III 12038, Cohen 644, see also https://www.probuscoins.fr/coin?id=11. 


Probus, billon Antoninianus, AD 280-281, Serdica [Sofia, Bulgaria] Mint, 1st Officina, 4th emission (Pink*). Obv. Radiate bust right, seen from three-quarters front, wearing consular mantle (no sceptre) (Bastien bust code: H7), IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG  / Rev. Sol standing facing in spread quadriga, with right hand raised and holding whip in left hand, SOLI INVICTO; in exergue, KA•A• [KA= XXI = 20/1 copper/silver ratio of alloy; A = 1st Officina]. RIC V.2 861 (var. obv. bust type); probuscoins.fr 3939 (this coin) [see https://probuscoins.fr/coin?id=3939]. 23 mm., 3.87 g., 6 h. "Extremely Fine. Very Rare right facing consular bust without sceptre. This coin published at Probus Coins Online (https://probuscoins.fr/) (since conserved).” Purchased at Roma Numismatics Ltd. E-Sale 107, 16 Mar. 2023, Lot 1474; ex Collection of Barnaba Skibniewski, Warsaw; ex Savoca Coins, 25 Feb. 2018.


Constantine I, AE Follis or Nummus, 1/72 to the pound, mid-310 to late 311 AD, Londinium Mint. Obv. Laurate and cuirassed bust right, IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG / Rev. Radiate Sol standing facing, head left, with weight on right foot, left shoulder draped in chlamys, right hand raised, and banded globe (representing cosmos) held in left palm, SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI around, T - F across fields, PLN [mint mark for Londinium Mint]* in exergue. 24 mm., 4.90 g., 6 h. RIC VI Londinium 121a (Group III, p. 133), Sear RCV IV 16046 (p. 462) (dating the type to AD 310). Purchased from London Ancient Coins, 2 Jan. 2023, ex CGB.fr; ex Chitry Hoard (discovered 2007), Coin no. 46.**


Some Roman Provincials depicting Helios (I'm omitting Greek coins from Rhodes or elsewhere):

Hadrian, Billon Tetradrachm, Year 14 (129/130 AD), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ - ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹƐΒ / Rev. Radiate and draped bust of Helios right, L - ΙΔ (Year 14) across fields.  RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 5737 (2015); RPC III Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/5737 ; Emmett 852.14 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; Milne 1280 [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)]; BMC 16 Alexandria 584 at p. 71 [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London, 1892)] (see https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/C_CR-1075); Sear RCV II 3735; K&G 32.478 (ill. p. 136) [Kampmann, Ursula & Ganschow, Thomas, Die Münzen der römischen Münzstätte Alexandria (2008)]. Purchased Jan. 14, 2022 from Pars Coins at 2022 NYINC; ex. Pegasus Numismatics (Nick Economopoulos).  26x23 mm., 10.51 g.


Antoninus Pius AE Drachm, Zodiac Series, Sun in Leo (day house), Year 8 (144-145 AD), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ΑYΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤѠΝƐΙΝΟϹ ϹƐ-Β ƐYϹ (legend begins at 8:00) / Rev. Lion springing right; above to left, bust of Helios, radiate and draped; above to right, 8-pointed star; L H (Year 8 ) below.  RPC IV.4 Online 13547 (temp.) (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/4/13547 ); Emmett 1530.8 (ill. p. 74A); BMC 16 Alexandria 1084 at p. 127 (ill. Pl. 12); Milne 1813-1815 at p. 44 (No. 1815 has same obv. legend break as this coin, i.e., ϹƐ-Β ƐVϹ); Dattari (Savio) 2968; K&G 35.278 (ill. p. 173); Köln (Geissen) 1495.  Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 428, Lot 555, 28 Apr. 2021; ex Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün e.K., Auction 79, Lot 1284, 10 Nov. 2020.* 33 mm., 20.95 g.


*See Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXI Catalog (“The Giovanni Maria Staffieri Collection of the Coins of Roman Alexandria,” Jan 9. 2018), Lot 124, p. 68 (available at https://www.cngcoins.com/Coin.aspx?CoinID=349280) , quoted in footnote to previous coin, explaining Great Sothic Cycle 

I have seen no explanation of why it took five years to issue this series after the beginning of the new Cycle in the third year of the reign of Antoninus Pius. It should be noted that the Zodiac series is based not on the ancient Egyptian “Decan” system of 36 star groups (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decan), but on the 12 Greek (originally Babylonian) signs, and depicts associated Greco-Roman deities -- although the additional “Zodiac Wheel” coin (see Triton XXI catalog, Lot 124) depicts Isis and Serapis at the center of the reverse. 

In total, according to Emmett, there are 16 basic drachm types in the Antoninus Pius Zodiac Series, all issued in Year 8 of his reign, listed and depicted in Emmett at p. 74A: Ares (Mars) in Aries [ram] (Emmett 1461.8), Aphrodite (Venus) in Taurus [bull] (E. 1450.8), Hermes (Mercury) in Gemini [with the twins represented by Herakles and Apollo rather than the Dioscuri] (E.1576.8), Selene (Moon) in Cancer [crab] (E.1681.8), Helios (Sun) in Leo [this coin] (E.1530.8), Hermes (Mercury) in Virgo [Demeter] (E.1575.8), Aphrodite (Venus) in Libra [female holding scales] (E.1452.8), Ares (Mars) in Scorpio [scorpion] (E.1460.8), Zeus (Jupiter) in Sagittarius [centaur as archer] (E.1693.8), Kronos (Saturn) in Capricorn [capricorn] (E.1598.8), Kronos (Saturn) in Aquarius [youth swimming with amphora] (E.1451.8), and Zeus (Jupiter) in Pisces [two fish] (E.1692.8). There are four additional coins variously depicting Helios and Selene, Serapis and Isis, or Serapis by himself in the center, surrounded by either one circular band showing the Zodiac, or two bands showing respectively the Zodiac and the five planets together with the Sun and Moon (Emmett 1705-1708). 

Gordian III, AE 26x28 mm., AD 238-244, Thrace, Hadrianopolis (now Edirne, Turkey). Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right [small planchet defect on cheek], seen from rear, AVT K M ANT – ΓΟPΔIANOC AVΓ (AVΓ ligate) / Rev. Helios, radiate, standing facing, head left, nude apart from cloak falling from left shoulder, raising right hand, and holding globe and whip in left hand, AΔPIANO – Π – OΛEITΩN. 26x28 mm., 9.56 g. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Online VII.2 708 (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/7.2/708) [Specimen 20 is this coin, used as “plate coin” for type]; Varbanov II 3793 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Vol. II, Thrace (from Abdera to Pautalia) (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria 2005)]; Jurukova 479 (die combination 249/497=465, a new combination) [Y. Jurukova, The Coinage of the Towns in Moesia Inferior and Thrace, 2nd-3rd centuries AD: Hadrianopolis (Sophia 1987)].      Purchased from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., 223rd Buy or Bid Sale, 20 Apr. 2023, Lot 397, from Mark Gibbons Collection; ex Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Online Auction 271, 20 May, 2020, Lot 257. (Video of coin at https://www.hjbltd.com/#!/inventory/item-detail/ancient-coins/100346?fromBbs=223rd Buy Or Bid Sale.)


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Posted (edited)

He here’s an Aurelian/Sol that’s pretty rare and unlisted in RIC for the “Star S” mark. Only two old black and white image examples are listed on MER-RIC:


Temp №:  2236
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Siscia
Issue 7
Issue name Phase 1
Datation spring 274
Officina 2
Denomination  Antoniniani


Edited by Orange Julius
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Rhodes, tetradrachm.  Ex Roma.

One of the challenges for the die engraver when creating this three-quarters facing portrait is getting the pupils right, a tougher job that it might appear to be.  The pupil alignment on this coin is reasonably good.




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@robinjojo Very nice coin. Helios facing without loss of nose. That's rare.

My similar portrait has lost it's nose. :classic_mellow:



Caria, Rhodes
Drachm (Circa 88/42 BC-AD 14).
Obv: Radiate head of Helios facing slightly right.
Rev: P – O, Rose seen from above. Control: below, grain ear left.
AR, 4.08g, 18mm
Ref.: HGC 6, 1456; SNG von Aulock 2839

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