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Snakes on coins and art in ancient times


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2 hours ago, TIF said:

Ssssso many sssssnakes in this thread-- some wonderful rarities, some specular in condition (and photography!), and in all types of roles, big and small!  Looking through my coins, it's almost hard to find one without a snake 😁.  Here's an assortment, starting with one I hadn't shown before even though I bought it a year or three ago...  

Sssso right, @TIF, a sssplendid thread, and your contribution is ssssimply marveloussss (sorry!). 

The cistophoric tetradrachms are an easy choice, but let me throw this one out: Salus feeding a snake (Postumus). 

RE.Postumus.RIC_5.2_328_bg.jpg.abebce657398afdd3fb65f225a918424.jpg  image.jpeg.586388cb311407f3d46b7c94870705c8.jpeg 

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Wonderful snakes, @TIF! Especially the multiple snake cowboys.

Your Thermouthis reminded me that I neglected to post this tessera:

Anonymous, unpublished, AE[?] Tessera, 2nd[?] Century AD, Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Crowned Bust of Nilus left, with cornucopiae behind and, in front, bust of Harpocrates [infant Horus], seen in profile, facing left, wearing skhent crown, with left arm and forefinger held up to mouth / Rev.  On left, Serpent Uraeus [sacred cobra, worn by deities and pharaohs] with female breasts and human head of Isis (as Isis-Thermouthis), crowned with solar disk and horns, standing facing, with coils enfolding sistrum upright to left*; on right, Osiris (mummiform) wearing Atef crown above horns, standing facing with arms crossed over chest holding crook and flail.** 15.60 mm., 2.52 g. Purchased from Naville Numismatics Auction 72 (27 Mar 2022), Lot 305; ex “private British collection.”


*See https://rhakotis.com/2017/10/24/isis-thermouthis-snake-goddess/: 

“For the Egyptians the cobra signified fecundity, protection and blessing. The cobra goddess was Renenutet. Such associations may be due to the fact that cobras were more visible during the inundation period because their normal habitations would be flooded. They would also kill the rats, who become more common during these months, and who spread disease and eat seeds which had been sown. The cobra goddess’ protective power was probably a result of the fearsome killing power of the snake. Most intriguingly, from an early period Renenutet was associated with control over fortune. During the late period, Isis became associated with Renenutet forming the composite goddess Isis-Thermouthis. . . . Often found in terracotta, Isis-Thermouthis is portrayed as a half woman, half snake. She often wears the attributes of Isis: the cow horns and moon disk (taken from Hathor), the tyet (or Isis knot), the lit torch (taken from Demeter). The most notable thing about this goddess is her body shape. Different statuettes will show her in three broad groups of body shape which are woman from the waist up and snake below, a snake with a woman’s head and a complete snake bearing only the attributes of Isis.” (Emphasis added.) 

See also https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/X__2195: “During the Roman Period, Isis and Serapis were revered as deities of prosperity. Representations of Isis, with or without Serapis, represented as cobras or with a cobra body, were popular in Roman Egypt (attested for example in Alexandria, Canopus and Oxyrhynchus) and are usually dated to the 2nd century AD.”  [Insert two photos.] 

Note also that Isis is often depicted holding a sistrum; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistrum. 

**The crook and flail “were originally the attributes of the deity Osiris that became insignia of pharaonic authority. The shepherd's crook stood for kingship and the flail for the fertility of the land.” (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crook_and_flail.)

Plus I didn't post this scarab:

Steatite scarab with uraeus, goose, and scarab. Lower Egypt. Hyskos Period. 1650-1550 BC. (13 mm) Scarab with central bidirectional piercing for suspension. The back is simply defined, with only the head and small indication that the wing cases are present. On the face, the name r' n' k' (Nekare – Hyksos king). Below, an ureaus, goose and the scarab r', suggesting (Son of Re). Old Collector's notes present. Purchased at Classical Numismatic Group LLC (CNG) E-Auction 528, 30 Nov. 2022, Lot 741.



The old collector's note that came with the scarab, typed on both sides of an index card:



Edited by DonnaML
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1 minute ago, DonnaML said:

Wonderful snakes, @TIF! Especially the multiple snake cowboys.

Your Thermouthis reminded me that I neglected to post this tessera:

Oh yes indeed I remember that fabulous tessera of yours and wish it were mine!  😄 

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