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Your avatar - what? and why?


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My profile picture is my most recent addition, and current favorite. I won it earlier this month at Roma E-Sale 96.



Gallienus AR Antoninianus. Mediolanum, AD 259-260. IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / VICTORIA AVGG, Victory facing, head to left, holding unwound diadem; shield on either side by feet. RIC V.1 405 (joint reign) var. (bust type); MIR 921g; RSC 1148 var. (bust type). 3.37g, 25mm, 12h.

About Good Very Fine; flan crack at 3h, areas of flatness. Extremely Rare; only one noted by MIR (in a private collection).

This coin published in Coins of the Valerianic Dynasty (AD 253-268) and Contemporary Issues (Classical Numismatic Group LLC, 2019);
Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., E-Sale 61, 22 August 2019, lot 907;
Ex N. M. McQ. Holmes Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, E-Auction 442, 17 April 2019, lot 317 (part of);
Ex Glendining's, 12 December 1990, lot 109 (part of).

For this issue unclothed busts to the right are rare, whereas those to the left are common.

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Is Pascha by any chance one of your countrymen?  I always get the feeling that he already knows the answers to his questions before he posts them. But you're right -- how could I live without his posts?

Edited by DonnaML
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"Countrymen" as in people from my country? (sorry, you know English is not my native language). If this is what you meant - no idea. This hobby is not very popular here (not that I complain).

I have nothing against the guy and I've had my share of questions. And I will in the future.. But I am not sure if he's trolling or serious.

One of his threads made me scratch my head. Badly. He posted a classic "ID Help". He identified it himself (to be honest, I was too bored and I am sure others were too).

And suddenly...

"this is a rare and beautiful coin in very good condition. Thank you in advance if you send me congratulations and admiration for this excellent coin."

When another member (who is here also) pointed that this is an odd statement (very true) than bang, the voice of ration emerged

"this statement is quite normal, everyone here is very congratulations on good coins when people get them. such as huge congratulations. and I will be pleased as a coin collector. And that's fair and good. "




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Here's  my avatar. I chose this coin because I like it (in spite of its many faults), and because I think it nicely it represents my interests in collecting. It's a Greek(ish)/ Persian) mercenary issue from Tarsos, a place that in its types absorbs and balances many influences from both west and east. Which is more or less where my main 'focus' is ( although at heart I'm hopelessly eclectic). 

Also, it's round, which is more than can be said of most of my coins.


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4 hours ago, DonnaML said:

No mystery to the avatar I just added: it's the same photo of me I used at Coin Talk until I deleted it the other day*. It comes from my German passport photo taken a few years ago after I obtained dual German & U.S. citizenship. I like it better than my U.S. passport photo or any other recent photo, mostly because I think it makes me look younger than my true advanced age!

*How many of you (of those who still can!) are planning to continue to post at both places? That's my plan as of now. I've invested way too much time and effort in Coin Talk over the last 26 months, gaining what I think is a generally positive reputation (except with the one or two people who obviously can't stand me!) to give it up entirely, at least not yet. Any more bad behavior from the administrator over there and I might change my mind.

I'll still use White Talk to search for old things I've posted, and who knows maybe Peter T, who still hasn't responded to my DM, will respond and acknowledge the obvious race and political bias they have had for some time. By that's doubtful and also doubtful to change the flow of things at this time. 

No. I will not give a white Supremecy supporting site any more of my dope ass content. I just wish I could get all that back... and the money I gave them to "support" their agenda.

I have no qualms at this time to say, FUCK CT.

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Mine is a reverse depicting the monogram of King Odoacer (also spelled Odovacar), the foederati leader that deposed Romulus Augustus in 476 AD and put an end to the Roman Empire in the West. He was my white whale ruler/coin and it is my favorite coin in my collection. The decline and fall of Rome is my favorite Roman historical era and so a collecting focus of mine.


Odoacer, Kingdom of Italy
AE nummus
Obv: OD[O-VAC], bare-headed, draped bust right
Rev: Odoacer's monogram (letters ODOVA: “Odovacar”) within wreath
Mint: Ravenna
Date: 476-493 AD
Ref: RIC X 3502


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My avatar comes from the coin type that draws me into collecting ancients: an archaic Attica tetradrachm. I hope to eventually pickup one showing a clear obverse and reverse, but that means I could only buy one or two coins a year. Well, maybe I'll do that in the future, after I filled up my coin trays. 

My preference is the Athena portrait, so I have to "sacrifice" the owl. 😒  


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My first coin (like a lot of people's) was a Gordian III Antoninianus. Recently I saw this one go for cheap at auction so I snagged it up. When picking a pfp for this forum I decided I should use my best most recent coin. So, here it is!


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18 hours ago, DonnaML said:

*How many of you (of those who still can!) are planning to continue to post at both places? That's my plan as of now. I've invested way too much time and effort in Coin Talk over the last 26 months, gaining what I think is a generally positive reputation (except with the one or two people who obviously can't stand me!) to give it up entirely, at least not yet. Any more bad behavior from the administrator over there and I might change my mind.

I'm not going to resign, but I will post more reluctantly I guess, and under my avatar my mood has gone from amused to heartbroken

I've been a member there since 2003 : back then the forum was the less funny thing after an enema 😄 . That was long before the crazy 88 (including Steve and many others) invaded (in a good way) the forum, long before the ancient coin section was created and the place to become what it's been for the last decade.

However, and even though I've constantly contributed to the boards (and invested time and efforts too), I've always felt being kind of a guest, mainly because the standards are different in my country than in the US on what is porn and what isn't, on what is political and what isn't. The first time was when people have started to show off their guns and rifles (in the "picture the poster" thread) which here in France is felt far more offensive than tits and butts, especially on coins or statues. For those reasons I never commited myself to commenting and showing my disagreement. The climax has been reached recently following @Furryfrog02's ban and its sad consequences.

That said, my avatar has always been very political, although on a symbolic level 😄






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18 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

I'm not going to resign, but I will post more reluctantly I guess, and under my avatar my mood has gone from amused to heartbroken

I think this is a great approach, Q.  I picked "alienated" for my mood.

As far as my avatar goes, my first ancient coin was purchased in Stratford, England on a trip with my family when I was 13.  I loved browsing antique shops, and I also collected Canadian coins (mostly acquired from my grandma's old penny jar!)  When I found some ancient coins in some trays in an antique shop, my eyes popped wide.  I remember deciding between two, one that looked Roman to me and another I wasn't sure of... in retrospect I suspect it was a Greek bronze.  I picked the Roman one:


Cost my 5 quid.  I remember puzzling mightily over "PIVSA" in the car after that! 😆  My next purchase was a Roman coin book (by Fox) in a coin shop, and I was off to the races!  (Turns out the As of this type is actually quite rare... sort of an unusual first coin.  I feel an affinity to our OP @maridvnvm whose first coin was also an SA!)

When I joined the site formerly known as CoinTalk* in 2017 I chose Severus Alexander as my username because of this first coin.  I had also tried to get examples of the type in other denominations.  Right now I'm using my ex NAC dupondius as my avatar:  


At that point I didn't really have a specialist collection, but all the fun @David Atherton was having with his Flavians convinced me I should, so I started trying to complete a middle bronze SA type set.  It's been fun.  Don't think I'll ever manage to get the Coliseum type though! 🤑


* Now "white supremacy talk" 🙄

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On 5/27/2022 at 8:08 PM, DonnaML said:

How many of you (of those who still can!) are planning to continue to post at both places

No I've completely stopped posting there...Deleted my avatar and and stopped payment from the 18th of next month.....I still notice that "Stupid pin" at the top of the ancients section is still present 1 year later...

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I change mine every once in awhile. This pic is a jugate bust medallion of Probus and Sol Invictus, his "patron" god one might say. I've been posting over on the other forum since 2017 so I probably won't quit it but my post volume and interest will go down. All of the banning activity really rubbed me the wrong way and IMHO got out of control. I'm an Admin on another forum (different topic) so I can look at things from that perspective. We rarely ban folks over there unless they are spammers or repeatedly violate the terms of service. Usually a first warning will correct bad behavior. The fact that folks were logging in and found out they were banned unbeknownst to them is not great.

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8 minutes ago, Nerosmyfavorite68 said:

I don't know how to post an avatar here :classic_sad:.

My name, frankly I couldn't come up with anything at the spur of the moment and coins of Nero are my favorite of the Roman series.

The avatar; because it was easy and it is currently my nicest Nero Sestertius.

Go to your profile by clicking on your username (top right) and then on the left of your screen you'll see The N in a brown circle in place of your avatar. There is a very little image there that you can click on and it will lead you to where you can upload an avatar image of your own


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