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Numerian with military bust


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I guess the summer dolldrums played into my hands. There was no interest for the coin below in an Ebay auction and I bought it for the asking price of 55 euros. 



Measurements: 3.49 g, 24mm

The coin is an attractive condition, especially the obverse. The coin has a large flan and it shows a scarcer and more desireable military bust, with Numerian carrying a lance.





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Nice score!


Numerian (283 - 284 A.D.)

Æ Antoninianus
O: IMP NVMERIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right.
R: VNDIQVE VICTORES, Numerian standing left, holding globe and sceptre, captive on each side.
Rome mint
RIC 423, Cohen 120

An important reverse type fallaciously
claiming 'victories on Every Side'.


Numerian (283 - 284 A.D.)

Egypt, Alexandria
Billon Tetradrachm
O: A K M A NOVMEPIANOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
R: Eagle standing left, head right, wings open, wreath in beak, between Vexilla; LB (date)/* above.Dated RY 2 (283/4 AD). 
Köln 3191; Dattari 5617; Milne 4729; Emmett 4018

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just stumbled across this one in my trays and have updated my photograph of it...

Numerian Ant. - RIC 384 var
Obv:– IMP C NVMERIANVS AVG, Radiate, cuirassed bust right, holding sceptre over left shoulder
Rev:– FELICITAS AVGG, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus, leaning on column
Minted in Lugdunum (B | _) Emission 8 Officina 2. 1st quarter A.D. 284
Ref:– Cohen -. Bastien 588 (3 examples cited). RIC 384 var (Not listed with this bust type in RIC)

3.35gms. 22.70mm. 0 degrees


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I also have a Numerian from Alexandria. 

Numerian (283 - 284 A.D.) Potin Tetradrachm Egypt, Alexandria

O: A K M A NOVMEPIANOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, from behind.

R: Athena seated left on high backed throne, wearing crested helmet, Nike in right, shield leaning against throne, L - B* across fields

Year 2, 283 - 284 A.D. Alexandria Mint 9.28g 19mm Milne 4719; Curtis 1939; Dattari 5608 Emmett 4013 

ex-JAZ Numismatics, 2018



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