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About the "Diokitirion Square Trachion"


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From CT in May 2020:

This type is rare and still rather controversial. Having been at first assigned to the regency of Anna of Savoy for Ioannes V Palaeologos (1351-1354) in Dochev 1983 and 1992 (apud Georganteli p. 73) and A Palaiologan Trachion from the Dioikitirion Square Excavation by E.S. Georganteli (Numismatika Hronika 20, 2001, p.82), Bendall reconsiders it as a feudal issue of the Asen brothers (Alexios and Ioan) in Thrace. It was minted very likely in small quantity and for a short period, as indicated both by the small number of known specimens and by the many die matches among these specimens (Georganteli remarks the small number of dies used and the consistent die duplication encountered).

Thus, a preliminary identification of the type should look something like "Despotate of Anaktoropolis, Christopolis and Thassos, under Alexios and Ioannes Asen as Despotes, cca. 1356-1366." 


AE16mm, 1.23g, copper trachy/stamenon minted perhaps at a mint on the Thracian coast, c. 1356.
Virgin Mary orans, standing between two columns topped by stars.
The two despotes crowned, holding scepters, standing facing, three stars between them.
unlisted in regular references. Recorded by Bendall, “The Diokitirion Square Trachion Reconsidered”, in Nομισματικα Ξρονικα 21, pp. 107-110.

The Asen brothers were part of the Bulgarian royal dynasty and they held the coastal area of Thrace as despotes after the death of Stephan Uros IV Dusan and the fragmentation and uncertainty that followed. Ruling at first as independent despotes, the two brothers recognized in 1357 (S. Dadaki, S. Doukata, I. Elliades, M. Lychounas - "From the shade of Mt. Athos per Levante it takes miles..." Cities-Castles-Ports on the North Aegean Coast" Medieval Ports in the North Aegean and the Black Sea, Links to the Maritime Routes of the East, Thessalonika, 2013, p. 213) the authority of Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos, and in return they continued to hold their domains as his vassals.

So the coins could have been, according to Bendall (“The Diokitirion Square Trakion Reconsidered,” NK 21 (2002), p. 107-110; Bendall, “An Enigmatic Fourteenth Century Coin,” NumCirc vol. CIV, (March 1996), p. 39, 4-6), minted for the two despotes during their short period of independence, around 1356, likely on the coast of Thrace, considering that examples of the issue were found both at Thessalonica and Trnovo (according to Bendall). They possibly circulated with the imperial trachea of the period, which is how they got into circulation at Thessalonica, which at the time was still under Anna's rule.

Besides the 12 specimens recorded by Bendall in 2002 and the one discussed by Georganteli in 2001, there is a specimen sold by CNG here another sold by Savoca here another from G&N here, and another three examples from Dumbarton Oaks here. Other specimens were mentioned and discussed by Dochev 1983, 1992, Bendall 1996 (10 specs), Longuet 1957. 

Not long after this post was first published, the seven coins discussed by Bendall in his article were offered for auction by CNG 473, lots 467-471.

I know some of our colleagues have specimens of this type, maybe we can use this thread to add to the known specimens and discuss further possibilities about the ID and circumstances of this particularly interesting issue.

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I note that CNG E Auction 473 included two coins (lots 455 & 456) that according to Simon Bendall showed the Hetoimasia (the empty throne of Christ) as in the Michael VIII trachy Sear 2272.

In fact these coins seem to be examples of the reasonably common type Sear 2368 of Andronicus II, and the “empty throne” is more likely a reliquary box. See note k in “Some Palaeologan Finds” on my website here:


Below is an example of S.2368.

Ross G.


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8 hours ago, Glebe said:

I note that CNG E Auction 473 included two coins (lots 455 & 456) that according to Simon Bendall showed the Hetoimasia (the empty throne of Christ) as in the Michael VIII trachy Sear 2272.

In fact these coins seem to be examples of the reasonably common type Sear 2368 of Andronicus II, and the “empty throne” is more likely a reliquary box. See note k in “Some Palaeologan Finds” on my website here:


Below is an example of S.2368.

Ross G.


I remember watching that and swiftly checking on this, as it has a similar reverse design:


Also concluded that it was probably not the ”empty throne” advertised.

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