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Is this Tyre Shekel worth 350?


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I wouldn't pay $350 for it. It's in pretty poor shape. You can find a lot of better ones on VCoins for less - just search "Antiochus VII tetradrachm". Incitatus Coins, for example, has quite a few in better condition for less than $350.

Note, this is not the popular "Shekel of Tyre" type that was used later for the Temple tax in Jerusalem. This is an earlier Seleucid type. That's not to say it doesn't have some pretty cool history attached, but just something to be aware of. I have one myself, actually, a Secret Saturnalia gift from our fellow member @Nerosmyfavorite68:


AR Tetradrachm (27.80mm, 12.70g, 12h)
Struck 136/5 BC. Tyre mint
Obverse: Diademed head of Antiochus VII right
Reverse: ANTIOXOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle standing left on prow, palm branch behind, club to lower left, monograms in fields
References: HGC 9 1074, SNG Spaer 2021
Darkly toned, some edge chips.
Ex Forum Ancient Coins

Edited by CPK
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3 hours ago, Victor_Clark said:


I've been watching these two coins from that dealer; but I am not paying more than a grand a piece. 






That first one looks like Siscia 202 to me and it's rated C3. It might be worth $30 if it were EF...

I wonder if he wants to buy some more campgates? Or maybe a bridge?



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2 hours ago, mcwyler said:

That first one looks like Siscia 202 to me and it's rated C3. It might be worth $30 if it were EF...

I wonder if he wants to buy some more campgates? Or maybe a bridge?



Just had a look and I've got one! Constantine junior is looking smugger on mine...


... Probably because it cost me less than £8 shipped...

And mine has dots below too.

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If it rings your bell and you like it - buy it.

Don't be influenced by others but as you seek an opinion I would say that I would be hard pressed to pay anything for such a poor example.

Just be aware that you will be burned on a resale as you can do much better for your money.

The "discount" is absolutely hilarious . I've had a look at the dealers  VCoins website and the most charitable comment I can make  is that the prices are "ambitious".

Save your money or buy a memorable dinner.


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9 hours ago, edteach said:

I was thinking of offering 350 for this. Just wondering if its worth it. Thanks. The damage is said to be salt water damage. https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/top_coins/157/product/antiochos_vii_evergetes_closed_wing_eagle_tetradrachm_shekel/1670654/Default.aspx

I think we might all answer your question differently - my personal point of view - I'd find this coin so disappointing that if I did spend $350 on it I would be irritated with myself every time I looked at it. While the prices have changed over the last 5 years - this was ~$200


I'll add: Technically this is a Tetradrachm

Seleukid Kingdom of Syria, Demetrios II Nikator, Second reign, (129-125BC), AR Tetradrachm, Tyre, Dated SE 186 (127/6 BC), diademed and draped bust right rev. DMITRIOI BASILEIOS Eagle standing left on prow, palm frond over shoulder, to left, A above monogram and club surmounted by Tyre monogram; to right, A and monogram above date, monogram between legs of eagle.

the "Shekel of Tyre" is most often associated with a different coin from a different time period, civic coinage under Roman rule after 64 BCE.

Phoenicia, Tyre. 126/5 BC-AD 65/6. AR Shekel Laureate head of Melkart right, lion skin around neck / Eagle standing left on prow; palm frond in background; to left, date) above club; monogram to right


Edited by Sulla80
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Posted (edited)

When I see stuff like this I always feel like i'm missing how something must be a great rarity.  If one searches they will find another with a different date for over $300 less.  We all have coins that in the end are overpriced, and for many reasons.  It also works in the opposite direction sometimes, where people figure there is something wrong with the coin. 

Edited by KenDorney
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