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Broken, But Not Brokenhearted

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Unfortunately, this rare coin arrived broken clean in half. Admittedly, quinarii can be fragile pieces, but I believe some crystallisation has come into play.

Domitian as Caesar [Vespasian]
AR Quinarius, 1.22g (broken)
Rome mint, 73 AD
Obv: CAES AVG F DOMIT COS II; Head of Domitian, laureate, bearded, r.
Rev:  VICTORIA AVGVSTI; Victory adv. r., with wreath and palm
RIC 560 (R2). BMC 120A. BNC 107. RSC 632.
Acquired from GB Collection, June 2024.

A decently rare quinarius from Domitian Caesar's first quinarius issue at Rome under Vespasian. 


As it arrived with the seller's ticket.



I set the two pieces together in a stapled cardboard holder and then placed it inside a coin envelope.



I don't believe gluing the two pieces together will remedy the problem to my satisfaction. At least for now they are firmly held together in place and the break is fairly invisible.

Please share your broken coins.

Thank you for looking!

Edited by David Atherton
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well, i doesn't lQQk broke with your packaging Dave...but anyone who has had it happen  knows your pain. i had one break on me a few years back trying to take it out of cardboard holder for a pic right after it arrived...an early transitional  Trajan denarius with his portrait favoring Nerva..the seller took it back but i never got over it ... 

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This Domitius Domitianus broke in transit. I think it was packed too tightly in the cardboard holder and the coin was too big for the hole.

I got a refund and returned it. I know this type is fairly rare, but I don't think I would have been happy with it broken. As @David Atherton said, gluing it wouldn't have made it "whole" for me.


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3 hours ago, Romismatist said:

This Domitius Domitianus broke in transit. I think it was packed too tightly in the cardboard holder and the coin was too big for the hole.

I got a refund and returned it. I know this type is fairly rare, but I don't think I would have been happy with it broken. As @David Atherton said, gluing it wouldn't have made it "whole" for me.


I wonder how bronze coins can be “chipped” or broken. I know bronze coins don’t suffer from crystallization unlike silver coins. I believe bronze disease can cause bronze coins to break more easily. 

Edited by MrMonkeySwag96
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57 minutes ago, MrMonkeySwag96 said:

 I know bronze coins don’t suffer from crystallization unlike silver coins.

Au contraire! Metals are crystalline by nature. It's just that not all crystals are brittle. In the case of an alloy like bronze what happens is that crystals of copper and tin begin forming as the metal hardens from its molten state. These crystals, however, don't get a chance to grow very large because impurities interfere with their growth (their atomic lattice structure). While in circulation they hold up just fine, much like any modern coin, because all the jumble of crystals are interlocked. However, once deposited in the ground various minerals and acids begin interacting with the coin causing corrosion. The damage can happen at the surface or it can proceed with internal veining eventually turning the poor thing into Swiss cheese. Ultimately, this is what causes the coin to become brittle enough that it can shatter like in these examples.


Edited by rasiel
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Sicily, Zankle - Messana. Circa 520-493 BC. AR Litra (0.44g, 10mm). Obv: Dolphin left within sickle-shaped harbor, DAN beneath. Rev: Shell w/in patterned quadripartite incuse square. Pre-Samian issue from Zankle. Ref: SNG ANS 4, 305; SNG Munich 626; HGC 768. Fine, heavily crystalized with a bit chipped off of edge. Ex Jean Elsen Auction 90 (9 Dec 2006), Lot 70 (prior to chip)


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15 hours ago, Romismatist said:

This Domitius Domitianus broke in transit. I think it was packed too tightly in the cardboard holder and the coin was too big for the hole.

I got a refund and returned it. I know this type is fairly rare, but I don't think I would have been happy with it broken. As @David Atherton said, gluing it wouldn't have made it "whole" for me.


I'm glad you returned it. Those types (and the tetradrachms and octodrachms) are quite rare. I've been looking for one for awhile

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4 hours ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

I'm glad you returned it. Those types (and the tetradrachms and octodrachms) are quite rare. I've been looking for one for awhile

Yup, it's the only one I've seen so far, but I wasn't really looking for it. It was an opportunistic purchase... costed something like $75 in a group lot. It was genuine, so it was disappointing to find it broken along the profile of the bust. Maybe I should have glued it and kept it, but it just didn't sit well with me. 

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