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Some provincial from a trade


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A friend of mine collects Roman provincial on an ad-hoc basis and traded me these two unidentified pieces for a half-decent Commodus denarius which I snapped up a few months ago for just under £40 (or, $50).

The first one was easy:

Julia Domna, AE of Antioch (Pisidia). Obverse: draped, bare-headed bust right, IVLIA DO/MNA AVG. Reverse: Mên (Anatolian lunar god) facing right holding sceptre and palladium and with foot on bucranium, cockerel to left, MEN CIS CO ANTIOC. 




The second one eluded me for a while but I got there in the end. A pretty rare coin, 6 others on acsearch.

Septimius Severus, AE of Peltae, Phrygia, struck under the strategos Tatarion. Obverse: laureate and cuirassed bust right, CЄΠ CЄYOL/[H]POC Π AYΓ. Reverse: Tyche standing facing, head left, holding cornucopia and rudder, [Π]ЄΛTHNWN M CT/P TATAPIWNOC. Waddington 6383.



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