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A Rare Rainbow Toned quinarius

David Atherton

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This one was such a sweet addition. Nice Quinarii are very special and quite difficult to come by ... even more so with hints of rainbow toning.


AR Quinarius, 1.45g
Rome mint, 86 AD
Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P V; Head of Domitian, laureate, bearded, r.
Rev: IMP XI COS XII CENS P P P; Victory adv. r., with wreath and palm
RIC 433 (C). BMC 92. RSC 197. BNC 94.
Acquired from CGB, August 2024.

A rare Victory quinarius from the first silver issue of 86. Unusually, the obverse and reverse legends mirror the denarii.

In hand.


Please feel free to share your quinarii or rainbow toned coins!

As always, thank you for looking!

Edited by David Atherton
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Nice coin !


Here is another rainbow coin:


Julius Caesar
AR Denarius, 46/45 BC
Military mint travelling with Caesar in Spain
Obv.: Diademed head of Venus right, Cupid behind shoulder
Rev.: Trophy with oval shields between female and male seated captives, CAESAR in exergue
Ag, 3.90g, 18mm
Ref.: BMC 89, Crawf. 468/1, Syd. 1014


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Here is one of Daddy's "Buddies":



AR Quinarius ; Lugdunum mint; Nov 68 - Mid-Jan 69

Ox: SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG P M T P, laureate head right

Rx VICTORIAE GALBAE AVG, Victory on globe standing left

RIC 131 corr; BMC 246; KING Quinarii Plate 5, 2(f)

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My rainbow toned Quinarius of Cato the Younger:


Roman Republic, M. Porcius Cato, 47 - 46 BC Silver Quinarius African Mint, 14mm, 1.75 grams Obverse: Head of Liber right wearing ivy wreath. Reverse: Victory seated right holding patera and palm branch. Porcia 11 // Crawford 462/2




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Roman Republic, C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus
48 BC
AR Denarius 18mm. 3.84g. Rome mint Head of young Bacchus r., wearing ivy wreath; PANSA behind. Ceres walking r., holding a torch in each hand, plow to r.; C.VIBIVS C.F.C.N behind. RSC I Vibia 16; Craw. 449/2
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