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Latest Roman imperial silver pick ups


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Hello all!

I just wanted to share my latest pick ups for my ever-growing collection of silver pieces, with the ultimate goal of securing an example for every Roman Emperor from Augustus to Diocletian.

Our first pick is probably my favourite, everyone's favourite disappointing Emperor, Commodus!

Denarius of Emperor Commodus, from the mint of Rome, c. 184 CE, RIC III Commodus 95
Head of Commodus, Laureate, right | COMM ANT AVG P BRIT Commodus Antoninus Pius Britannicus [Commodus Antoninus, emperor, the pious, conqueror of the Britons]
Rev: Annona, draped, standing left, holding statuette in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand; to left and right, modius and prow | ANN P M TR P VIIII IMP VII COS III P P Annona. Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Nona, Imperator Septimum, Consul Tertium, Pater Patriae [Annona. High priest, holder of tribunician power for the ninth time, supreme commander (Imperator) for the seventh time, consul for the third time, father of the nation]

The reverse of this coin is nothing special, but I think the amazingly fine and detailed portrait more than makes up for that!

Next, we have a lesser-known 3rd Century Emperor, Probus


Antoninianus of Emperor Probus, from the mint of Lugdunum, c. 276 - 282 CE, RIC V Probus 79
Obv: Bust of Probus, radiate, cuirassed, right | IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Probus Augustus. [Supreme commander (Imperator), Caesar Marcus Aurelius Probus, emperor]
Rev: Fides, draped, standing left, holding ensign in each hand | FIDES MILITVM Fides Militum [Loyalty of the soldiers]

I'm a sucker for detailed examples of 3rd Century antoninianii and so, when I saw this example of Probus, I knew it'd fit right in alongside my example of Gallienus. I also found the reverse of this coin rather ironic, so that's also a plus!

Finally, we have an example of one Severus Alexander


Denarius of Emperor Severus Alexander, from the mint of Rome, c. 231 - 235, RIC IV Severus Alexander 246c
IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG | Imperator Alexander Pius Augustus [Supreme commander (Imperator) Aemilianus, the pious, emperor]
Rev: MARS VLTOR | Mars Ultor [Mars, the avenger]

Admittedly, this particular piece isn't quite at the quality I look for when it comes to the coins that comprise my collection... However, something about the level of detail on the portrait convinced me to pick it up (its reasonable price helped too...!)

Well, that's 10 coins in total in my collection now, bringing me that much closer to completing my full collection... I still dread the day when I have to buy Claudius, Caligula, Gordian I & II, etc... Well, I guess I can keep myself occupied with these cheaper coins for now!

Edited by Gumrum
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1 hour ago, Gumrum said:

Denarius of Emperor Commodus, from the mint of Rome, c. 184 CE, RIC III Commodus 95
Head of Commodus, Laureate, right | COMM ANT AVG P BRIT Commodus Antoninus Pius Britannicus [Commodus Antoninus, emperor, the pious, conqueror of the Britons]
Rev: Annona, draped, standing left, holding statuette in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand; to left and right, modius and prow | ANN P M TR P VIIII IMP VII COS III P P Annona. Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Nona, Imperator Septimum, Consul Tertium, Pater Patriae [Annona. High priest, holder of tribunician power for the ninth time, supreme commander (Imperator) for the seventh time, consul for the third time, father of the nation]

The reverse of this coin is nothing special, but I think the amazingly fine and detailed portrait more than makes up for that!

On the contrary, that reverse IS something special. You've misattributed it. That's Felicitas on the reverse, and she's holding a caduceus and cornucopiae. It identifies her as FEL in the exergue. The coin comes in two bust varieties -- a laureate head and a laureate bust with drapery on the left shoulder. You have the former variety. It is RIC 97, BMCRE 146n; Cohen 116; MIR 649-4/30 (citing the ANS specimen). It's fairly scarce. See also Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. (Web Shop), no. 734777

The British Museum specimen has the bust with the slight drapery.image.png.cfa63847d097e6a9cdfc9b3d972a18f5.png

Edited by Roman Collector
Adding additional information and a link to the ANS.
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20 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

On the contrary, that reverse IS something special. You've misattributed it. That's Felicitas on the reverse, and she's holding a caduceus and cornucopiae. It identifies her as FEL in the exergue. The coin comes in two bust varieties -- a laureate head and a laureate bust with drapery on the left shoulder. You have the former variety. It is RIC 97, BMCRE 146n; Cohen 116; MIR 649-4/30 (citing the ANS specimen). It's fairly scarce. See also Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. (Web Shop), no. 734777

The British Museum specimen has the bust with the slight drapery.image.png.cfa63847d097e6a9cdfc9b3d972a18f5.png

Wow, thanks for the correction and that’s great information to have! I’ll make sure to update my records to reflect all this new, correct info!

Thanks again!

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4 hours ago, Gumrum said:

Well, that's 10 coins in total in my collection now, bringing me that much closer to completing my full collection... I still dread the day when I have to buy Claudius, Caligula, Gordian I & II, etc... Well, I guess I can keep myself occupied with these cheaper coins for now!

Great start to your collection, slow and steady is the best way to meet your goal. Buy what you can when you can. I have a similar goal to collect at least one higher quality coin, preferably silver, of each available ruler and family member; however there are certain extreme rarities that just won't happen. I started with Gordian III and worked in both directions from there. I stopped at Postumus and will collect Late Roman Emperors at a later time. I'm now slowly working my way back to the earlier emperors. These are the coins that I have decent enough photos to display. I still need to photograph my RIC collection so there are several rulers that I have but they are not displayed. It doesn't help that I haven't purchased many RIC coins in the past 1 1/2 years as I've been concentrating on my Greek and Provincial collection, but I'm ready to start buying more silver. Nothing like holding a denarius in your hand. 


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The Probus is misattributed. It should be RIC V 28 Bust Type F. Compare with my example below. It is from the style of the earlier set of emissions. RIC V 79  would have a different style of bust, where the cuirass is more visible, the neck and head would be smaller than on these earlier examples.

Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, Radiate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding two ensigns
Mint – Lugdunum (III) Emission 2, Officina 3, 2nd Phase. November to December A.D. 276
Reference:– Cohen 256. Bastien 168. RIC 28 Bust type F

3.66 gms. 21.51 mm. 0 degrees


I am yet to obtain a RIC V 79 Bust type F though they do exist. Bastien 279 (1 example cited)

I have a few other RIC V 79s..... A RIC 79 Bust type F would look much like my second example below but without the left hand and spear



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9 hours ago, -monolith- said:

Great start to your collection, slow and steady is the best way to meet your goal. Buy what you can when you can. I have a similar goal to collect at least one higher quality coin, preferably silver, of each available ruler and family member; however there are certain extreme rarities that just won't happen. I started with Gordian III and worked in both directions from there. I stopped at Postumus and will collect Late Roman Emperors at a later time. I'm now slowly working my way back to the earlier emperors. These are the coins that I have decent enough photos to display. I still need to photograph my RIC collection so there are several rulers that I have but they are not displayed. It doesn't help that I haven't purchased many RIC coins in the past 1 1/2 years as I've been concentrating on my Greek and Provincial collection, but I'm ready to start buying more silver. Nothing like holding a denarius in your hand. 


Wow, an impressive collection of silver you have here! I’m particularly fond of the Valerian, Gallienus and Volusian!

I’ve personally chosen not to collect usurpers or separatists, purely due to their scarcity… However, I do commend those who take on the challenge, such as yourself!

Speaking of rarities, I occasionally make the stake of watching auctions for some of the rarer silver pieces, Caligula, Gordian II, etc and it does fill me with a bit of dread knowing I’ll be forking out serious money to complete my collection… Oh well, it’ll be a while until then anyway!

Thanks again for sharing!

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6 hours ago, Gumrum said:

Wow, an impressive collection of silver you have here! I’m particularly fond of the Valerian, Gallienus and Volusian!

I’ve personally chosen not to collect usurpers or separatists, purely due to their scarcity… However, I do commend those who take on the challenge, such as yourself!

Speaking of rarities, I occasionally make the stake of watching auctions for some of the rarer silver pieces, Caligula, Gordian II, etc and it does fill me with a bit of dread knowing I’ll be forking out serious money to complete my collection… Oh well, it’ll be a while until then anyway!

Thanks again for sharing!

I fell the same way. I've collected all the cheaper coins ($100 or less) and the remaining coins I need typical cost $150+. I just try to convince myself that it's not that different spending $500 for one coin or $500 for 10 coins; I'm still spending the same amount just for fewer coins. It takes time, I've been collecting for more than 20 years.

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