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If you had to be emperor, what emperor would you be like?


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I wouldn't want the job, because of the downsides that come with it.  It's usually better to the the loyal second banana, in the background.

Well, I took and honest look and boom, here's mine:


Domitian, 81-96. Æ Sestertius (35 mm, 21.16 g), Rome, 90-91. Obv. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XV CENS PER P P Laureate head of Domitian right. Rev. IOVI VICTORI / S C Jupiter seated left on throne, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC 702; BMCRE II, p.398, 439; Cohen 314. (Captain Obvious observation: overly smoothed).

I was surprised how few Domitians were in my photographed section, the e-buys. I guess I never got around to buying the overly priced as with the great patina.  This is one of my very favorite sestertius types.  This execrable example was bought because it was cheap and it was kind of comical.  I have better examples, but they're in the unphotographed section of the collection.

Why Domitian?  Well, he had attention to detail, seemed to care about his people, and didn't suffer fools well.  The black banquets certainly had style.  Constantius II would be a close second, "Yo, Paul!".

This post also gives me an idea for my birthday.  I've looked over the available sestertii, but perhaps I should buy a really nice as/dupondius or denarius for my birthday.  One can get really nice denarius for under $200.

Or, let's also include the pseudo-emperors (Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar) or the unsuccessful imperators.

I would aspire to be like the great Augustus, one of the greatest delegators of all time, but I don't know if I could pull off that.  Or, the magnificence of the mighty Sulla - I definitely couldn't fill his shoes.

Edited by Nerosmyfavorite68
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...well, idk if id pick one who was assassinated......buut hey....its your Bday    🙂     i guess i'd want to be like several...Marcus A.     for 1st dibs..or really any of the Good 5(6)...Vespasian played it smart by staying out of the frey until there was only one other general...TItus has my respect too...

the good 5(6).jpg





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I much prefer everything being relatively settled, chaos free and everyone just getting on with their lives, (a naive pipe dream these days). A legacy, I believe, of spending 9 years in the parachute regiment, and enduring a few hostile environments.

So, I would have fitted the role of Antoninus Pius

Antoninus Pius AR denarius, Rome, AD 152-153. 18 mm, 3.35 g. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XVI, laureate head right. / COS IIII, Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in left hand and resting right hand on modius set on prow to right. RIC 221; RSC 290; BMCRE 520.


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I would like to think Marcus Aurelius, but that's a pretty tall order. I wouldn't necessarily want to rule through the same times that he ruled (plague, etc.), but having his attitude towards ruling seems like it could help.

Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius. Struck 161/2 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG, bare head right / CONCORD AVG TR P XVII, COS III in exergue, Concordia seated left, holding patera, resting left elbow on statuette of Spes set on base. 18mm 3.4gm

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Also Diocletian. He lived out his retirement in peace and was a great organizer. Second would be Marcus who obviously used Stoicism to balance the extraordinary pressures of the office, but it's hard to know how much he enjoyed life as he spent most of his time fulfilling his duties as he saw them, staying for years in Germania probably in somewhat rustic conditions rather than the casual elegance of Rome.

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In honor of the naming of his father's month(Germanicus), Caligula.

I mean, if one is going to be emperor of a ruthless autocratic regime such as the Roman Empire, why not be one of the (perceived to be) craziest, yet also likely most misunderstood/misrepresented of 'em all? 
FWIW... Suetonius and Dio were merely 'haters'.

Dude liked to party. The epitome of YOLO.
He is said to have emptied the state treasury coffers hosting lavish games and festivals. He enjoyed drinking, gambling and lots of sex; a true 'man of the people'.

He also detested the 'uppity' Senate and Equestrian Class.
A lover of animals, he even elevated the stature of his favorite horse over them.

Akin to Robin Hood, he took back from the rich, and gave it to the lower class in the form of large public infrastructure projects that were extremely beneficial to the populace.

On the conquest front, it was under his reign that the Roman Empire established full control of the Mediterranean Sea; completing the circle with the annexation of Mauretania.

His legacy exemplifies: "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."

Edited by Herodotus
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