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Help needed I'm crafting a timeline of the Antigonid dynasty and hellenistic era - key event suggestions?


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I'm working on a hobby project, a website that will tell the story of the Antigonid Dynasty in a timeline format. The timeline is presented as a newspaper, where the most important events each get their own article. My focus is on historical storytelling, especially the power struggles, military campaigns, and cultural milestones of the Hellenistic period, with a particular emphasis on the Antigonid dynasty. I’m also aiming to somehow combine the numismatic aspect from this era. The project is meant to be a brief introduction that can spark the reader's interest and encourage further exploration of this fascinating topic.

The timeline starts around 306 BCE, when Antigonos I Monophthalmus and his son Demetrios I Poliorketes proclaimed themselves Bazileus (kings), and ends with the Battle of Pydna and the Roman conquest in 168 BCE. Alternatively, it could start with the death of Alexander in 323 BCE.

I’d love to get input from fellow members of this forum on which key events and figures should be included. It could also include important philosophers or events that occurred during the same time. For example, I plan to mention the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Punic Wars, etc.

What are the most important events and people from this period that deserve their own spotlight in this timeline?


Here’s my timeline so far, please correct me if you see any errors, if I've mistaken the year or event:

  • 306 BCE – Antigonos I Monophthalmus and his son Demetrios I Poliorketes proclaim themselves Bazileus (kings) following their naval victory at the Battle of Salamis.
  • 305-304 BCESiege of Rhodes: Demetrios I Poliorketes attempts to conquer Rhodes, marking a key event in his military career.
  • 301 BCEBattle of Ipsus: Antigonos I is killed in battle by a coalition of his rivals, marking a significant turning point in the power struggle among Alexander’s successors.
  • 295 BCE – Establishment of the Library of Alexandria by Ptolemy I, a major cultural center during the Hellenistic era.
  • 294 BCE – Demetrios I becomes King of Macedon after seizing the throne.
  • 287 BCEDemetrios I loses Macedon, marking the end of his reign as king.
  • 281 BCEBattle of Corupedium: Lysimachus, one of the last of Alexander's generals, is killed in battle against Seleucus I.
  • 280-275 BCEPyrrhic War: Pyrrhus of Epirus campaigns in southern Italy against Rome, impacting the wider Greek world.
  • 276 BCE – Antigonos II Gonatas secures control of Macedonia, restoring the Antigonid dynasty to power.
  • 261 BCEBattle of Cos: Antigonos II Gonatas defeats Ptolemaic forces, asserting control over the Aegean Sea.
  • 246-241 BCEThird Syrian War between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires, influencing the wider geopolitical dynamics of the Hellenistic world.
  • 222 BCEBattle of Sellasia: Antigonos III Doson defeats the Spartan king Cleomenes III, reasserting Macedonian dominance in Greece.
  • 197 BCEBattle of Cynoscephalae: Philip V of Macedon is defeated by the Romans, signaling the start of Roman intervention in Greek affairs.
  • 192-188 BCERoman-Syrian War: Rome clashes with the Seleucid Empire, reshaping power dynamics across the Mediterranean.
  • 179 BCEPerseus of Macedon ascends the throne, becoming the last Antigonid king.
  • 171-168 BCEThird Macedonian War: Perseus fights against the Roman Republic, culminating in the decisive Battle of Pydna in 168 BCE.
  • 168 BCEBattle of Pydna: The Antigonid dynasty falls with the defeat of Perseus by the Romans, leading to the Roman conquest of Macedon.



Edited by Spargrodan
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Here is the first test for my hobby project. I've been rethinking it and want to make it more as a free educational resource for anyone interested in ancient coins. This is a resource I would have loved to have access to when I was younger and just sterted out. To begin, I will create family trees for the different important dynasties during the Hellenistic era. I will also try to make a timeline to easily visualize the history of this period.

What do you guys think?



I'm greatfull for any suggestions of corrections about the information provided with the site and the whole project.

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7 hours ago, Al Kowsky said:

I think the reign of Alexander the Great, 336-323 BCE, deservers the spotlight & beginning of your project 😉.

Yeah it's true just that I started with the Antigonids but you're right he deserves his own section for sure.

Edited by Spargrodan
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