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What are the best and/or worst deals you’ve made?


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As the title says: coins you overpaid and coins you underpaid 🙂 

I’ll start:

Worst deal: My Constantius II bronze (also my very first ancient coin) paid 60€ in a shop in Rome in 2022:


I still like it though, as it was my very first coin and I consider the 60€ an ‘entry fee’ or the price of a valuable lesson. Plus, the portrait is quite pleasing!


Best deal: probably my latest coin, a nice Titus with anchor and dolphin reverse. It’s a quite desirable type with a very interesting story, and if we ignore the surface roughness, it’s very well preserved! I paid it 240€, I was prepared for a bloodbath but I just offered 20€ over the pre-bids during the live auction and I won it! Phew!



Bonus ‘great deal’: my Septimius Severus ‘mint state’ Neptune at 110€:



What about you? What are your worst and best deals?

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Worst probably has to be a slabbed Henry III I bought on Heritage for $550 all in… didn’t know what I was doing. Still tell myself it must be a rare one, only paid 5-7x what I should have if not.. oh well.

Best is tough to say, I hunt for dirty coins that I can clean and make a nice increase on. This Michael VII half follis, SB 1880A I believe, is not only great quality, but not a common follis 1878. Tough to say for certain but the 2 column loros is extremely rare and CNG has a slightly better die match piece they sold for 10x what I paid.


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This is perhaps the best bargain in my collection. I'm not talking flyspecking, such as "rare with this hairstyle" or similar. No. A genuine rarity. There are four other examples known: 1. Paris specimen cited by Cohen and Strack, 2. Naples specimen cited by Strack, 3. Yale University Art Gallery 2009.110.36 = Münzhandlung Basel (Auction 1), June 28, 1934, pl. 29, 1171, cited by Strack. 4. Specimen owned by collector captnCoin at Coin Talk. Here's a link to his post on my nearly five-year-old thread. Mine is the fifth known example.

It was overlooked by the condition cranks at auction and hammered for 45 GBP. Including shipping and all fees, it was less than $100.

Here is my specimen, ex-Bertolami.



Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman orichalcum dupondius, 16.19 g, 26.1 mm, 10 h.
Rome, 140-141 CE.
Obv: DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: CONSECRATIO S C, Funerary ustrinum in three stories, set on base, ornamented and garlanded, surmounted by Faustina in biga right.
Refs: RIC 1189; BMCRE p. 236 *; Cohen 187; RCV --; Strack 1238.
Notes: Bertolami E-Auction 61, lot 550, 9 September 2018.

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A not so great deal:

When I first started collecting ancient coins, I wanted to assemble a tri-metal set for the Chola Empire. While copper coins are common, their silver coins are actually rarer than gold ones. I only saw silver issues at auctions, often fetching hundreds of dollars, far beyond my budget. I had never encountered one in retail until I came across this worn silver coin. I decided to buy it, even though it wasn't cheap and also really decrepit. I ended up spending $100 usd, making it one of my pricier ancient coins at the time. At least to make it worth my money, I did some cleaning.





While I looks way better, I still wanted a better one,

so I got this upgrade. 


Uttama Chola
Silver Stater
970-985 AD
Coin of Uttama Chola portraying the subjugation of neighboring kingdoms of Chera, and Pandya, depicted as the royal emblems-Cholan tiger, flanked by the Pandyan twin fish to its right, and the Cheran bow behind the tiger, all under the single rule symbolized by the umbrella, also there are two lamps on the either end of the fish and the bow to denote auspiciousness. And the legends in Nagari states, Uttama Chola.
MCSI2 326, R
Mitchiner 713-725

On the other hand, I consider this to be one of my best deals and also one of my favourite coins in my collection: I saw this following coin covered in horn silver on eBay listed by a dealer from France for around 60 euros, seller's photo:


After receiving the coin I treated it with sodium thiosulphate, and here's the result:


AR Denarius (3.32 gm), Lugdunum mint.
circa 15-13 BC.
Obv.: AVGVSTVS DIVI•F, bare headright with chopmarks.
Rev.: IMP•X Bull butting to right.

Edited by JayAg47
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Worst purchase was probably when I first started out and had no idea what I was doing, a member from another forum reached out to "mentor" me and ended up selling me some near-cull LRBs at $10-20 each, telling me he was giving me a great deal. I eventually stopped licking my wounds on that one and put them all in a group lot to be rid of them.

Excluding lot finds, I still have a bunch of purchases I'm really proud of

This Lucius Caesar was about $150 from I think Ares in one of their first auctions - it was attributed as Augustus but I recognized the LEUKOIC KAICAR legend. It wasn't until I had the coin in hand that I started searching for the reference number and found out that I had purchased a discovery specimen! About a dozen more have surfaced, with lesser specimens usually bringing multiples of my purchase price.



This Agrippa AE As was sold by Leu fairly recently, and I still have no clue how it only fetched $100


This Caesonia provincial (the actual Caesonia, not "Salus" from Carthago Nova) was slept on at Naville a couple years back - it hammered for £280 which is about 1/10 of the typical price



Same auction, £130 - I had been striking out on $500+ bids for Volusian Caesar for years (Volusian was Caesar for only a couple months under Hostilian)


This Maximus sestertius was an ebay find, only $35 shipped - the seller deleted their account after the auction was over 😞


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15 hours ago, AncientCoinnoisseur said:

As the title says: coins you overpaid and coins you underpaid 🙂 

I’ll start:

Worst deal: My Constantius II bronze (also my very first ancient coin) paid 60€ in a shop in Rome in 2022:



This coin has a couple odd characteristics. Typically the break in the reverse inscription is FELTEMPRE-PARATIO. Once in a rare while you find FELTEMPR-EPARATIO, as on your coin. But I've never seen an X in the left field. Is it an incomplete star? I don't have RIC handy at the moment, but maybe someone could look the coin up and see if it's listed. CONZ with an unusual legend break and X...

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1 hour ago, JAZ Numismatics said:

This coin has a couple odd characteristics. Typically the break in the reverse inscription is FELTEMPRE-PARATIO. Once in a rare while you find FELTEMPR-EPARATIO, as on your coin. But I've never seen an X in the left field. Is it an incomplete star? I don't have RIC handy at the moment, but maybe someone could look the coin up and see if it's listed. CONZ with an unusual legend break and X...

Thanks! I had initially asked on Reddit if it was an unlisted variety, but apparently that is not the case I think (link below). I’d love to be corrected though 🙂

EDIT: True, my coin has an unusual break, but Exonumist on Reddit opened RIC and confirmed that both variants of the legend are listed 🙂 Good eye though!


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46 minutes ago, AncientCoinnoisseur said:

Thanks! I had initially asked on Reddit if it was an unlisted variety, but apparently that is not the case I think (link below). I’d love to be corrected though 🙂

EDIT: True, my coin has an unusual break, but Exonumist on Reddit opened RIC and confirmed that both variants of the legend are listed 🙂 Good eye though!


Ok cool, but it isn't your everyday run-of-the mill falling horseman, so hopefully that takes some of the sting out of the price! 🙂

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In terms of my best bargainit probably would be this coin, though the attribution depends on whether you also see the BA to the right of the krater. It certainly looks like it to me. There is only one other example on ACSearch and the type is extremely rare. I paid 2 Euros because it was misidentified.


Praxippos of Lapethos
circa 330-312 BCE
Æ 15mm, 2,38g
Head of Apollo left; [ΠΡ behind] /
Krater; [BA] to right
Tziambazis 49; BMC pl. XX, 2; Sear 5749; Traité II 1364, pl. CXXXVI


Here's one that I didn't think was a bargain at the time, but is now looking better. I paid 200 euros at the time, which I felt was high but I really liked the crab. Since then, another copy that's either similar or mine's a bit better was listed at a major auction site for a starting bid of 600. (not linking because it's an active auction)


Islands off Caria. Kos
circa 400-300 BC.
Æ 13 mm, 1,68 g
Head of Herakles left, wearing lion’s skin. Rev. K Crab. shton, Beginning, n. 34 and pl. 4, 40. HGC 6, 1336 var.


Here's one case where I believe I paid too much. I went for this copy because I wanted the inscription, which is entirely visible on the reverse. However, the centering is off on both the reverse and obverse and there are many reverse dies that are better. I paid 600 pounds for this example and that was before I realized that auctions shill bid and thus I was pushed to my max. The coin is probably worth half that.


Kings of Paeonia, Patraos
AR Tetradrachm 12.46g, 24mm, 1h.
Uncertain Paeonian mint (Astibus or Damastion?) circa 335-315 BCE
Laureate head of Apollo to right / Warrior on horse rearing to right, spearing enemy who defends himself with raised shield; bukranion to left, ΠATPAOY (retrograde) around.
Paeonian Hoard I, 227 (same dies).

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Well, I guess my 'best' deal would be the c. 2000 bulk coins from Classical Cash.  One could get as-sized 1st/2nd century (mostly 2nd) imperial AE's and similar sized 2nd-3rd c. provincials for $1.50 each. Also small billon trachea.  They weren't any beauty queens, but were generally nice for the price.  Most of the imperials were stripped, but around a strong VG to Fine.  The provincials were slightly more natural but around the same grade.

I'm not sure about the worst.  I generally don't grossly overpay.

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I think I usually do a pretty good job at staying within the market. The most I ever overpaid for a coin was probably that Pompey the Great AE I posted not long ago in a different thread. The best deal might have been an R3-rated PONT denarius of Domitian - the 4th one known - for something like $25. The seller evidently hadn't done any research on the type - and to be fair, neither did I! I only found out about its rarity later in my research. I've since sold it, obviously for a nice profit but still at a very good price for a collector.

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