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Unlisted Ticinum issue - first of Constantine's sole rule


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Well, it's not pretty, but I was still very happy to acquire the top coin here, due to it being from an unlisted issue. The key here is the star in left field, which combines with the crescent in exergue to form the issue mark.


Exergue: SuT
Left field: *
Date: c.9-324 AD

I also have another coin from this unlisted issue, VOT XX for Constantine, below.


These two coin types combine to date this issue to the end of the VOT XX type and beginning of Constantine's sole rule following his final defeat of Licinius at the battle of Chrysopolis in 9-324 (where Licinius' army had retreated to, following Crispus' naval victory on the Hellespont). We know this issue is from the period of Constantine's sole rule, since that's when Fausta and Helena were elevated to Augustae and this SPES REIPVBLICAE type introduced. While the star effectively serves as part of the issue mark, it might also be regarded as a more pointed Constantinian solar reference similar to the star appearing on the campgates introduced at the same time.

My Fausta is the second known for her from this issue that I'm aware of, and there are now at least 6 coins known from this issue, from a variety of officinas, which seems enough to be confident that it is an official issue.

The known types/officinas from this issue are:

VOT XX : S(2) T(1) Q(1)

SPES : S(1) T(1)

Presumably Helena also exists in this issue, maybe also the caesars Crispus and Constantine II (VOT X). It's conceivable that Constantius II is included too (made caesar in 11-324, a couple of months after sole rule begins).

While RIC VII doesn't list this issue, there is a footnote on p.381 that refers to a coin from the Cologne hoard (CoH), aka St Maria hoard, of 1895, with a star in exergue rather than field (reported as "*PT" in exergue), but a picture of this coin (below - only reverse available) shows the mintmark to in fact be "* PT dot", and the coin appears likely unofficial and not related to the above issue.



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