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The day of very small coins


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Last month was pretty rich in acquisitions. Although I had a major target that slipped (you gotta love it when you're certain a coin is under the radar before the auction, and when it is live the bids just flow and the price raises 10 times in a few seconds). 

But what I am happy about is that my subcollection of Greek fractions has developed. 

I know that usually people prefer large coins, where engravers have enough space to show their skills, lots of details, artistry. I can't say I dislike tetradrachms, sestertii or, why not, decadrachms (well.... pictures of decadrachms). But there is something about small coins that I love, especially when there is action going on. And since the value was insignificant in the era (I am still curious what could a tetartemorion or a hemiobol buy), it is a wonder they survived. 

Here is a photo showing how small they actually are. The "base coin" has 20 mm diameter, so not at all a big one. 


First is a coin from Mylasa - this was actually a blooper - I knew I had another similar one, but for some reason I was convinced this is a different variety. Nevertheless, a good coin that was cheap. 


7,9 mm, 0,58 g.
Caria, Mylasa. AR hemiobol. Circa 450-400 BC.
Facing forepart of lion / Scorpion within incuse square.
SNG Aulock 7803; Klein KM 429 (Milet); SNG Kayhan 935; Rosen 403.



An animal that was missing from my collection (except the Juno coins) 


7,1 mm, 0,22 g.
Lesbos, Methymna. AR hemiobol. Circa 500/480-460 BC.
Female head right, with hair bound in sakkos / Cock standing right within pelleted square border; all within incuse square.
SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; Klein -; HGC 6, 893.

.... and now a tricky situation, for specialists. I bought a coin that's very similar to the previous one, but with the obverse character facing left. 


6,8 mm, 0,31 g.
Lesbos, Methymna or Troas, Dardanos. AR hemiobol. 500/480-460 BC.
Female head to left, hair bound in sakkos / Cockerel standing to right, crescent above; all in pelleted border within incuse square.
HGC 6, 892 (Lesbos); CNG 230, 2010, lot 79; Roma 44, lot 176; Leu Numismatik Web Auction 19, lot 1060; Leu Numismatik Web Auction 20, lot 1081.

When studying it, the initial research showed that it is also from Lesbos (and close catalogue entries). But I also found it attributed as Dardanos - uncertain - by 2 reputable houses, who were aware that it is catalogued as Lesbos. 




I would love to hear a specialist's opinion - was this thought to be Methymna but future research found it's Dardanos?!

Although for my tastes, a 13 mm hemidrachm is NOT a small coin, this also deserves a mention - a plintophoric hemidrachm with good details and visible magistrate's name. 


13,2 mm, 1,19 g.
Caria, Rhodes. Magistrate Menestheos. AR hemidrachm. Circa 125-88 BC.
Radiate head of Helios facing, slighty right / ΜΕΝΕΣΘΕΥΣ, P – O, Rose with bud to left, sun to right; all within incuse square.
Jenkins Group D; HGC 6, 1463.

A design that I wanted for a long time - I am still curious to find an explanation for this motif - janiform female heads (note - as far as I know, Janus is specific to Roman mythology and has no Greek counterpart)


9,9 mm, 0,73 g.
Mysia, Lampsakos. AR obol. Circa 500-450 BC.
Female janiform head / Helmeted head of Athena left within incuse square; wheel on bowl.
SNG BN 1128; SNG Copenhagen 186.

.... and my favorite. 

Collecting coins with celebrities is a good niche, but I wouldn't have expected to see the gymnast McKayla Maroney on an ancient coin. 



6,1 mm, 0,17 g.
Persia, Achaemenid Empire. AR tetartemorion. Uncertain mint in Cilicia. 400-300 BC.
Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger and bow; retrograde K below / Facing head of female or Apollo.
Hauck und Aufhäuser 20, 166; asiaminorcoins.com coin ID #6374.

This coin is one of my favorite puechases of the year and perhaps one of the most detailed small coins I have seen. 

Since I intend to stop purchasing for 2024, I think it is a good idea, if I am tempted, to ask this coin - "should I have a go in this week's auction?" - the facial expression should provide a good answer. 

Let's see your newly added small coins. 


Edited by ambr0zie
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Excellent haul, my man! That Maroney is my favorite as well. Plus it's hilarious. How many times a day does my wife give me that exact look while watching me trying to teach our sons the nuances if being a man? Countless. 

I also really like the beautifully detailed Lesbian cock of yours, isn't that an oxymoron?

I had an excellent tiny coin haul earlier this year from Astarte that I'll happily share again. 


CILICIA. Uncertain mint, probably Tarsos. Circa 370-334 BC. Obol (Silver, 11.58 mm, 0.57 g, 9 h). Obv. Bearded head of Zeus to left, wearing laurel wreath . Rev. Head of youthful Herakles to left, wearing lion skin headdress. SNG Levante 198. SNG von Aulock 5429 (this coin). Off centered. Very rare. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024


Greece, Asia Minor, Cilicia, Tarsos, Obol, (12MM, 0.57 gr)

Obverse: bust of facing Herakles 

Reverse: eagle standing left, on the head of a deer with large antlers

Obverse has two cuts and is off-centered. Toned. Good VF. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024


CILICIA, Mallos. Circa 440-390 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.82 g, 11h). Bearded janiform head / Swan standing left; lotus to left, monogram to right. Gökturk 30; SNG France –; SNG Levante 134. Good fine, toned, porosity. Very rare. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024


PISIDIA, Selge. Circa 250-190 BC. AR Obol (9.68mm, 0.87 g, 1h). Facing gorgoneion / Helmeted head of Athena right; astragalos to left, unknown symbol, possible die break. SNG BN 1948–54 var. (symbol); SNG Ashmolean 1546–50. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

Enjoy your new found weekend fun, but don't stop posting and checking in!

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Love those tinies. I heard people used to keep them in their mouth while shopping at the Agora, although I wonder about the logistics of making a change. 
Here are mine perched up on a chunky tuppence. I took this photo a long time ago, and yet I only have added a couple more ancient tinies to date. 

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